The world around you may be threatening, manipulative and self-serving, but this combination reminds you of the strength of your inner voice. Consider incorporating meditation into your daily routine . You may need to spend more time with your friends and family. When there are many cards from the suit of Pentacles in your reading, this indicates that your hunches about a good way to make money are right on. Natal Placement Meaning for Venus in the Sixth House. Answer (1 of 9): It is difficult to answer that question without knowing the spread the cards were pulled in. She doesnt know what time is nor is she depended on it. When the Magician appears with the Three of Swords Witches Tarot, it means that you have more control over the current situation than you think. You can do this with all cards! However, it is also a time to trust your intuition and go with your gut feeling. The High Priestess is a woman who knows how to keep the confidants transmitted to him. She has ancient scrolls and when the Fool asks for them she quietly and without words gives him the information. The 'Queen of Wands' Tarot card signifies an attractive personality. Bookkeeper. Subscribe our newsletter to stay updated. Click here to take the quiz and find out who is your guardian angel. Often, people in prison find this card here to remind them that their cruelty to another person in the past is inextricably linked to their present incarceration. The Three of Swords belongs in the Tarots Minor Arcana and is subordinate to the two cards in the Major Arcana which carry the number three: The Empress (Tarot card #3) and Death (Tarot card #13). In a spread related to relationships, the Three of Swords isnt a very pleasant card. Her twin flame inside of her burns eternally and you can never truly possess her. She is wise, patient to the point of indecision and stagnation, and discreet to the point of being secretive and even deceptive. Im positive if we meditation with the High Priestess, she will tell us the answer. These pomegranates represent the high priestess divine female energy, the fertility of life itself, and a ying harmony. She needs time alone to meditate on the secrets to the universe. Yep, the Queen of Wands has a lot of positive qualities. I would do this over and over again. High Priestess Wheel of Fortune. To me they look the same. Exomida initially appears surrounded by an invulnerable barrier and Taken reinforcements. By remaining passive, calm and seemingly still, I allowed the water and waves to become one with my body. And if you surrender to your subconscious tides, you will be more connected to the conscious of them all. Instinct and intuition have been guiding forces throughout your life, more often than otherwise leading you in the right direction. Setup: The 2 card Yes or No is where you place two cards face up side by side, whilst asking your deck a yes or no question. Finance: Queen of Swords. When your heart is broken, you will feel nothing but the pain of an open wound. In the language of flowers, blue mink means discontinuing. There will come a time when you need some help to get better at your job, and then dont hesitate to ask. High Priestess Hanged Man. We cannot force things to go our way or demand that someone cares about us if they dont want to. This card, more than any other, describes the pain and loss that the querent is experiencing at the moment. In the workplace, your colleagues or your boss confide in you and let you in on some secrets. This is a gift of the High Priestess because without my ability to merge the colors around me, I wouldnt have been able to start reading energy. Visit the Water Symbolism in Tarot page for more on this Tarot symbol. High Priestess Death. Today's Moon Phase The High Priestess and Three of Swords Tarot Cards Together Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards The High Priestess and Three of Swords together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. . Continue reading. Reveal which numbers show up in YOUR Numerology Chart. When Tarot cards are read in combination, their collective meanings combine to provide a deeper insight into the past, present, and future. Finances: The High Priestess Tarot card suggests that you need to be careful with your finances. Her stillness denotes patience and meditation. Sweet Water Podcast is Home! When you receive this reversed card, you may have resolved the suffering and sadness that you are facing. If you want to uncover what has been encoded in your destiny when you were born, theres a free, personalized numerology report you can grab here. However, this pairing suggests that you are acting on your feelings in the absence of trustworthy information. March 23 at 11:28 PM. When The Magician appears with the Three of Swords, it means that you have more control over your situation than you realize. Numbered Two in the Tarot Deck, discover the connection The High Priestess shares with the other cards numbered two in the Tarot deck. The High Priestess Upright Desirability Read the fine print when taking out loans and signing contracts. On a mundane level, the High Priestess as an obstacle can literally be telling you that a man is blocking you. Three of Swords 2nd decan of Libra (October 3-12) Four of Swords 3rd decan of Libra (October 13-22) Scorpio Tarot Cards Death (XII) Knight of Cups 1st and 2nd decan King of Wands 3rd decan Five of Cups 1st decan of Scorpio (October 23-November 1) Six of Cups 2nd decan of Scorpio (November 2-12) All of this takes place with a backdrop of a cloudy gray sky; sleet streaks from the clouds with nowhere to land. Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards The High Priestess and Three of Swords together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. There are secrets. Your world is suddenly turned upside down. In general, the reversed Three of Swords is a harbinger of disappointment. I am all that has been, that is, and that will be. If that is the case, dont just keep your pain to yourself and grieve for too long. A dispute or wrong rules the day. Free shipping for many products! Read the meaning each of Tarot card in a pair to understand the full interpretation. This is a time where you may be tempted to listen to others and follow blindly in their footsteps. The image on the Three of Swords depicts a sudden pain. You open your heart to give love, but that is one-way love. Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards Three of Swords and The High Priestess together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. Continue reading. The tides lie behind her and the space between the veil are part of the astral world. It may also mean that a woman is expecting a child to her surprise, or that an unexpected and happy event is soon to occur. This idea of her related to Neptune is from my own imagination. The benefit of this is you get a stronger yes or no compared to a single card draw. You are subject to mood swings and bouts of irritability. A symbolic red heart floats before us. This will be their fourth meeting in Impact with Grace undefeated in the previous three. You may find you often get a mix of yes or no, and this is fine. Dont make any type of financial commitment without getting a second opinion. Try to keep in mind that your life is not just (nor should) be all about what you understand and do well. Everything is a blurry mess and the further I look the more blurred things are. It is time to speak your truth and let yourself be set free. It asks you to have no fear as this will only hinder you. The present position is a somber place for this card to land. This is the High Priestess. Be prudent someone may not be telling you everything. Things may seem to be going to plan at the moment, but you are to stay vigilant. Engraved on the pillars of the Smith-Rider-Waite's High Priestess card are the letters B and J, a biblical reference to Boaz and Jachin. 2023 Free Tarot Reading. Look at the situation without flinching and think about what needs to be done step by step. Three of Swords > Two of Swords: Quarrels or upsets leads to a standoff, no one prepared to make a move. The Death card represents the finality of complete transformations that are impossible to fight against. The High Priestess is never swayed by these situations. I would telepathically speak to the water and let it know that I acknowledged that we were really the same and then I would let go. Meaning of the Three of Swords Witches Tarot, III. The High Priestess and The 3 of Swords can represent a time of heartbreak or loss in a relationship. There is no reason to expend this menstruation every month. The Moon at her feet represents a foundation of the unconscious as the primary influence and the pomegranates and palms on the tapestry represent the fertility of the imagination unrestrained by logic and consequence. Answer honestly if your behavior is affecting others in negative ways and apologize for it. The High Priestess is ultimately a card of finding and manifesting an inner peace as a response to the outside world. There is a feeling of aloneness and a feeling that you would rather be alone, but not lonely. The High Priestess Reversed may cause your heart to break. Allow yourself to feel and experience whatever results come your way and keep moving forward, no matter how painful. Take medical advice seriously, but dont hesitate to ask questions and push for further explanations your health problems are complex and warrant a second opinion. The Empress represents love and the power that desire has to control us even as it comforts us. Occultists claim that the suit represents the Second Estate (The . First, look at the meanings of the 2 cards, and see how they might relate either as your situation or challenge. You may find yourself developing new and meaningful relationships and friendships this week that could . I would acknowledge what my uncle told me about my body being 75% water. The Triple Goddess is a deity archetype, illustrating 3 distinct stages of a woman's life, the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. I was building the gift of understand the world and its connectedness. The High Priestess and Five of Swords The Tarot is a powerful tool for divination and spiritual guidance, and each card carries a unique meaning and energy. Delay your response to any form of subtle aggression the best strategy is to find your inner peace and anticipate their next move. However, only you can decide how long it is.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tarotx_net-box-4','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tarotx_net-box-4-0'); When the Magician appears with the Three of Swords Witches Tarot, it means that you have more control over the current situation than you think. Therefore, it is neither a yes or no from this card. Game of Thrones Collectible Swords, Game of Thrones Trading Cards, Game of Thrones Horror Trading Cards; Additional site navigation . (For a more detailed description of the High Priestess visit the High Priestess card interpretation page.). Patience is needed at this time. Psychic. In our current society, females are not allowed to be a priest. The High Priestess means The simplest way to think about the High Priestess is that it indicates: Intuition, higher power, mystery and feminine divinity Summary meaning of the High Priestess: A time to search one's inner self. From a more person-to-person perspective, you may be interested in moving into the realm of the occult or becoming a professional tarot reader, psychic or medium. This intermediate-level reading resembles one of Cupid's arrows. Boaz is roughly translated as completion and Jachin is begin. The High Priestess sits between the end and the beginning, intuitively understanding that change is a constant with or without ones involvement or influence. Overall, The High Priestess and Three of Swords Tarot card combination represents a time of deep emotional pain and difficulty, but also reminds the individual of the power of introspection, meditation, and allowing oneself to feel fully in order to heal. Health: The 3 of Swords can indicate health issues associated with the heart, such as heartbreak, divorce, or loss. The "B" and "J" on the columns are a. Unauthorized reproduction, duplication or offsite use of content is prohibited by law. Denying pain does not make it go away. Our site has a wide many of different free online card readings, oracles and simple games that aim to give you instant insight and answer questions about your various life spheres. In terms of finance, the Three of Swords Witches Tarot can be an unfortunate message. When the suit of Swords is near The High Priestess card, observe angry words all around and understand that the silence offered by this card will be your greatest weapon. Their last meeting was for Grace's then-Knockouts title in a last woman standing match at November 2022's Over Drive. You may also be suffering from gastrointestinal issues. This card can represent a psychic connection between people, a psychic person, or someone who is a complete mystery to you. I see the world the way it is, with everything ultimately connected. Good fortune and luck for those who are patient. The Virgin Mary is actually archetype of Isis, the creator mother who resurrected her brother to create a new life (we also see the culmination of this union in the Judgement Tarot card. The Yang, or masculine energies is represented in the palm trees. Boaz is roughly translated as strength, and Jachin as stability. These are the pillars at the entrance to King Solomons Temple. Do you have a hunch that your life or relationship could be better than it is at present? The Moon at her feet represents a . The three maidens are holding their cups up in the air in a joyful manner, symbolising celebration and joy. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'tarotx_net-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tarotx_net-medrectangle-3-0'); Blue mink flowers are falling in the windy sky. Yes, I am 18 or older. All rights reserved. The sky and the sea meet one another and on some level you cannot tell them apart. Its important in this instance that you understand you may never get the closure youre looking for. A simple 3-card tarot spread for near-term relationship insight. Intuition can at times, be more powerful than logic. It is a warning that hard times are afoot within your love life, but dont be discouraged. Unlike the Christian cross with its longer vertical beam representing tension and psychological angst, this cross is associated with psychological equilibrium, peace and well-being. Free Personalized Numerology Reading By Clicking Here! A woman in a blue robe stares straight ahead. Be careful and tread lightly. High Priestess Sun. You can work to ensure that nobody is capable of delivering heartbreak to you. It looks like if folded at the base of the cross it would fit perfectly into the circle, which is another cycle, or perhaps the flower of life or another Celtic cross. It is esoteric knowledge. I would realize that I was the same as water. The best-case scenario of this card appearing in the future position is that your reading serves as a wake up call to analyze your relationships. Air is a male energy. Details. She is your intuition and guide. It is also possible that you have been blind to the warning signs that a personal relationship is soon meeting its end. It indicates new and happy beginnings. She relates to the Hermit through his activity, and talks directly with the Queen of Cups. Menstruation contains massive amounts of energy. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Follow your hunches if a friend or co-worker attempts to get you involved in conspiring against someone, even an enemy. He's worked his fields, met his soulmate, found his financial freedom and he looks out the window at his manifested dream. Locked. If you want to uncover what has been encoded in your destiny when you were born, theres a free, personalized numerology report you can grab here. This card is one that knows without knowing use that ability to better your future. That being said, trust your instincts if you feel that youre being fed a lie. Passivity in the face of lifes problems makes you powerless. It is a very bad time to take on any new financial responsibilities, so instead make sure that youve handled the ones you already have. Do not dwell on what could be the end, and instead focus on the what the best course of action is for the future of your relationship. Nothing has to be done in this period, but a withdrawal into your own world. It's important in this instance that you understand you may never get the closure you're looking for. Patience is illustrated. 3 of Swords is saying, you need to experience this. #COLLECTIVE. 3 Cups/High Priestess and all other cards near it are cups or pentacles this foretells work in occult-mystic areas and a high . She urges you to trust your gut the world is full of lies and manipulation, making the ability to see through deceit a most valuable skill to nurture. It is a reminder that sadness and guilt can have a strong hold over our lives, and can still affect us long after the event has happened. I was asked if I wanted to do laser eye surgery to correct my vision. She is the push and the pull. Even though she seems passive inside her she moves, cyclically to the moon. Laurel wreaths The laurel wreaths on the women's heads symbolise victory, status, recognition, and glory. The Three of Swords is generally not the news you were looking for in regards to your health. For a relationship to last and blossom, both partners need to be willing to act, talk, and think about the relationship. The High Priestess as an obstacle is telling you that your intuition is blocked. The icons that converge at the border below the picture are in front of Isis's veil and thus, have made their appearance. When you receive the Empress after the Three of Swords, or in outcome/future position, it is a clear sign that you are healing your heart,.I. The best course of action at this time is to focus on taking care of yourself, and look at the positives in your life in order to lift yourself up. She may have a drug or alcohol problem, sexual addictions and obsessions. This is an excellent tarot spread for love & relationships. I can see into their thoughts about you, immediatly! I learned to read people and their aura. If you look closely youll see her trident. All rights reserved. When your Tarot cards are laid out for your reader to see, the cards that are nearby each other harmonize and subtly alter each others meanings. Especially when it comes to love and relationships, the High Priestess can be quite a hard and confusing nut to crack. But if you are not sure what the card is specifically referring to, then it is a valuable warning. I'm passionate about spirituality and divination, and I love sharing insights supporting your journey. Her headdress curves out from her head and carries a large sphere in its center. She has to be reunited with herself. The meaning of the Three of Swords depends on the position in which it appears in your spread. Serious Print Journalist. Men must fear women tremendously. Accept The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More The High Priestess tarot card is the second trump or Major Arcana card of the tarot deck. Our tarot experts drew this card for today! The High Priestess tarot card from the amazing Modern Witch Tarot Deck (find it here!). top of page. It is said that the Mona Lisa by Leonardo DaVinci took over 4 years to paint and that she bears a superficial resemblance to the posed and poised High Priestess. Remember Swords are also about communication in addition to conflict, so getting to the heart of the matter follows along the communication angle of the suit. If the card represents a woman, which it normally does, she is a jealous woman whose intuitive abilities are used like swords to hurt you. I started with the Moon, so I could reclaim my natal Moon.). This card reminds us that the world isnt always what it seems, and urges us to remain aware of our surroundings. The 2 card cross (otherwise known as The Fools Journey). She represents the Virgin or an unattainable mother or woman. This too shall pass, but only if you allow it to. I replied, There is nothing wrong with my vision. Things are falling into place without you realizing what is happening. If you get this card, you probably already know what it is about. This king just exudes it, and he welcomes you into his private study for a heartfelt conversation and a few anecdotal lessons of life. And then, of course, I would repeat. Get your forecast of Money and Luck with Tarot cards now! The Three of Swords when paired with the High Priestess is a sign that the person responsible for the negativity of your current situation will find a way to discharge. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Use your foresight to guide you to the best outcome. The most important thing to remember in this instance is that doing your job, and doing it well, is the reason you are there. User our contact form to introduce yourself.And please read our ESG statement too. The benefit of this spread is that it can give clarity when youre feeling uncertain or anxious. Mood: Three of Swords. a. The High Priestess represents all dualities and shows us that it is all the same because one cannot exist without the other. The High Priestess (II) tarot card personifies secret knowledge and immobility. iFate uses the most generally accepted Yes or No interpretations, but different systems exist which may conflict with this one. Complete oblivion to your conscious mind. Likewise, The Tower card indicates that innocent bystanders may suffer more than the parties directly involved in this absence of love. I cannot tell the difference between the where the sea meets the sky. iFate Insight Blog. Career: The High Priestess. Setbacks, difficulties, and betrayals make us stronger. If you are in a relationship, you dont always express your feelings. When a woman stops her flow, her hormones go back to the normal level. If you are in a relationship, you do not see trouble on the horizon. Justice upright AND Devil upright. . Make sure you select correct rotation - upright / reversed or even general type . Once you have accepted suffering and experienced sadness, then and only then can you move on. Your subconscious never forgets. Of course, the best thing is to catch up with difficulties before they happen.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tarotx_net-banner-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tarotx_net-banner-1-0'); In the traditional Tarot deck, the Three of Swords Witches Tarot is depicted as a heart pierced by three swords. Medium. Nun. I always had poor vision even as a child, it was only when I realized that I couldnt read a chalk board that I was told to get glasses.
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high priestess and 3 of swords 2023