What does this show about the contrast between the two men? What is wrong with reporter Susan Raff's arm on WFSB news? -The hope of a better future and better things coming. Walter, on the other hand, lacks this singular dedication to his family. April 30, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 In A Raisin in the Sun, explain George's reference to Prometheus. What does the following statement by Beneatha reveal about her character? Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Historical Context Essay: A Raisin in the Sun on the Brink of the 1960s, Literary Context Essay: Hansberry, Langston Hughes, & the Harlem Renaissance. Ruth, however, has reached a point of despair. Why would Hansberry include these? Feminism had not fully emerged into the American cultural landscape when Hansberry wrote A Raisin in the Sun, and Beneatha seems a prototype for the more enthusiastic feminism of the 1960s and 1970s. How does Asagai tease Beneatha about her hair? Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Ruth calls the doctor she, which arouses Mamas suspicion because their family doctor is a man. Ruth feels ill and anxious about her pregnancy. Mama tries to help her relax. Asagai visits Beneatha, and they spend some time together by themselves. He brings her some Nigerian clothing and music as gifts. Mama then recites Beneathas views on Africa and African people as best she can. (object of a preposition). Work with a partner to research a female scientist from the Scientific Revolution. A1S2 What is "assimilationism"? Tendremos que salir a las seis de la maana, lo que A1S1 Describe the setting of the story. -Asagai is more compatible. Mama comes into the room, and Beneatha introduces her to Asagai. Note the way she responds:HALLELUJAH! Walter and Ruth continue to argue about their unhappy lives, a dialogue that Ruth cuts short by telling her husband, Eat your eggs, they gonna be cold.. Ruth gets up first and after some noticeable difficulty, rouses Travis and Walter as she makes breakfast. Hansberry includes these in order to give the characters a sense of roundness. Walter, however, wants more for himself and his family. When Mama announces that she has bought a house in A Raisin in the Sun, Ruth reacts joyfully, and expresses happiness over her pregnancy for the first time because Mamas news means that Ruth's old worries and stresses are now a thing of the past. This shows Mama's ignorance of their African heritage and its significance to Beneatha. -Mama is very religious. Similarly, it is difficult for her to care for her family as much as she wants and to have her family members grow as much as she wants. creating and saving your own notes as you read. -Walter comes in drunk and starts to sing and dance (being really rude and loud). The check represents an outside force that enters into their lives and changes everything, for better or for worse. During the 1950s, abortion was illegal, but Ruth has valid reasons for not wanting her pregnancy. Ruth comes into the room just as Travis goes downstairs to get the mail. Beneatha and Mama are busy doing weekend housecleaning when Ruth comes in, announcing sadly that she is pregnant. How do you form that impression? A dresser, in contrast, is a short piece of bedroom furniture that has drawer space, a large mirror, and a small stool or chair where one might sit in order to put on makeup. These phone calls serve parallel functions for those who receive them and demonstrate what is important to both of the characters: Walter is waiting to move quickly on the investment, while Beneatha cannot wait to see Asagai and introduce him to her family. Why would Hansberry include this small exchange in the play when it does not seem to develop any of the themes? Central Idea Essay: Why Does Mama Want to Own Property? After he leaves, A3S1 Why does Walter call Mr. Lindner? Sometimes it can end up there. Mama, however, ignores Walter in the same way that Walter earlier ignored Ruth's attempts to tell him about her pregnancy. Accessed 1 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Similarly, they are befuddled by her dislike of the pretty, rich George Murchison. Para saber lo que dijo el crtico de espectculos, escribe las oraciones en el condicional. -Asa makes a better argument and just wants Bennie to be who she really is. Walter returns home and wants to talk about his liquor store plans. Instant PDF downloads. Mamas reaction to the check shows the negative consequences of money, as the question of its use weighs heavily on Mama, as well as the fact that this money was earned through the death of her husband, and as such cant possibly be worth what it cost to get it. This scene emphasizes the clash of cultures between the American-born black and the African. Why do the Youngers decide to go through with the move? Do you believe it was the right decision? By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Asagai, on the other hand, represents Black Pride and African heritage. -Blending in with white culture A+ Student Essay: The Role of Money in the Play, Lorraine Hansberry and A Raisin in the Sun Background. -She will most likely take his offer because she's not happy with where e life is now and this would be a good change. WebWhile waiting for Travis, Mama asks Ruth about her visit to the doctor, and Ruths use of the pronoun she to refer to the doctor makes Mama immediately suspicious. Travis For once, Ruth seems to be on Walters side. There is an issue that needs to be discussedRuth's pregnancybut Walter does not know that there is an issue. Mama also imagines a garden that she can tend along with her dream house. Beneatha refers to the "ghetto" in which they live as though it brings with it a disease that she calls "ghetto-iris.". -By giving him more responsibility and trusting him more -Others says it looks like she should be in the fields. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! he ringing of the doorbell signifies that the check has finally arrived. Although Asagai is not offensively sexist, perhaps due to his Western education and worldly sophistication, still his views are traditionally African, circa 1959, and, therefore, somewhat chauvinistic. Please wait while we process your payment. Mr. Asagai, I am looking for my identity Asagai repeats Beneatha's words to her, poking fun at her desperation to connect with her African heritage. This is a biblical allusion to John 4:6, in which Jesus is sitting at Jacob's well and talks with a Samaritan woman who has come to fill her water bucket (kettle). -Now worthy to be head of the family She repeated her experiment to focus on this area using a method called fiber photometry, which let her team monitor neural chatter in living rats. How does Ruth behave when she learns The interaction between Beneatha and Asagai reveals how serious Beneatha is about finding her identity. LitCharts Teacher Editions. What does the following statement by Beneatha's foreshadow? Beneatha struggles against any reference to being subservient, which is often the cause of her conflict with the rest of the family. For Ruth, the news that Mama has bought a house for them all comes as a godsend. Why? He is described as silent and sullen. He walks slowly across the room to his bedroom, and before turning around speaks measuredly to Mama. -Mama chose it because it was the cheapest house she could find. What is the significance of the discussion between Mama and Beneatha about Africa? Ace your assignments with our guide to A Raisin in the Sun! She expresses sympathy for her grandson, Travis, while she questions Ruths ability to care for him properly. She thinks that if Mama gives him some of the money he might regain his happiness and confidence, which are two things Ruth feels she can no longer provide for Walter. Discount, Discount Code Walters statements show how racial discrimination regarding job opportunities curbed many African Americans dreams for social advancement, and locked them into the role, essentially, of servants. A2S2 What does Mama tell Walter to do with the money? In her eyes, the present is so intolerable and the future so bleak that she would rather destroy the next generation than bring a child into a life of poverty and hopelessness. It foreshadows two things: first, that she will allow her hair to return to its natural state, and second, that Beneatha will get together with Asagai and possibly go to Africa with him. How is that money beginning to cause conflict within the family? A2S1 How does Travis get into trouble? Why do you think he says these things? Meanwhile Ruth, who is usually quieter, laughs out loud. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. The conflicts of Ruth's pregnancy and Beneatha's assimilation would have arisen without the introduction of the check. Why does she lie to Travis? What do we learn about each from this incident? -surface: been married a long time and are struggling to be happy together. Read more about Mamas plant as a symbol. All of the characters in A Raisin in the Sun have unfulfilled dreams. After hanging up, Beneatha explains to Mama that the man she has spoken to on the phone is Joseph Asagai, an African intellectual whom Beneatha has met at school. -They get very upset and ask him to leave. You'll also receive an email with the link. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Why do you think Hansberry selected the name "Beneatha" for this character? Owning a house had always been a dream she had shared with her husband, and now that he is gone she nurtures this dream even more powerfully. What is the significance of the last exchange between Ruth, Walter, and Mama about the abortion? He finds it hard to act as a man in the way his mother wants when she does not treat him as a man in the same way she treated his father. The family will have room for another, and therefore she can finally recognize and await the new life she is creating with joy. A3S1 How does Asagai answer Beneatha? When the voiced th sound arise, include a final e. List examples of each of these rules in poems. If a white person boarded the bus and a black person was seated in the front, the black person knew, almost instinctively, that he had to get up in deference to the white person who needed that seat. Read more about the value and purpose of dreams as a theme. A1S1 Why does Mama slap Beneatha? Contact us Removing #book# creating and saving your own notes as you read. A1S1 When family members argue, the reasons may be more complex than they at first appear. Her dream of a house and a better life for her family remains tenuous because it is so hard for her to see beyond her familys present situation. What does the interaction show you about each of them? However, Walter is unable to rise to the challenge, dejected as he is by Mamas refusal to support his dreams. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Furthermore, seeing themselves as Americans, some African Americans questioned why it was necessary to have extensive knowledge of Africa. -$6500 gone. -Business partner with Walter and Willy How does Hansberry use it in this scene? Mama's can of kitchen cleanser is always empty because she must at least keep her home very clean, since she cannot keep it looking new. Does she trust Walter with the money? Already a member? 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Masterplots II: Juvenile & Young Adult Literature Series A Raisin in the Sun Analysis, Masterpieces of Womens Literature A Raisin in the Sun Analysis, Critical Context (Masterplots II: African American Literature), Critical Context (Masterplots II: Juvenile & Young Adult Literature Series), Critical Context (Comprehensive Guide to Drama), https://www.enotes.com/topics/raisin-in-the-sun. Why does Lindner try to convince the Younger family not to move? Beneatha claims that she is trying to express herself, an idea at which Ruth and Mama have a laugh. for a group? What time does normal church end on Sunday? - There is a mix of happy, excited, and curious to see what's next. Does Ruth agree? Cite examples. -To tell him why she wants to be a doctor (something she once cared about). Why do Asagai and Beneatha argue about assimilationism? What is the connection between Langston Hughes's "Harlem (A Dream Deferred)" and the central theme of Lorraine Hansberry's play A Raisin in the Sun? Why does Lindner try to convince the Younger family not to move? Why does Walter get so upset with Ruth and Mama? A2S2 What is Walter's dream for the future? Will he try to stop Ruth? While the play takes place entirely within the Youngers apartment, Hansberry takes care to introduce external influences. What is Hansberry saying by including the subsequent stage direction? Read more about Walters perception of who the antagonists are in the play. The insurance check prompts intra-family conflict, as arguments about money quickly become larger struggles concerning personal identity, personal dreams, and family dynamics. The news of this house gives her hope and a future for both her family and for the unborn baby inside of her. A1S2 Why does Mama mention Tarzan to Asagai? TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. You can view our. Historical Context Essay: A Raisin in the Sun on the Brink of the 1960s, Literary Context Essay: Hansberry, Langston Hughes, & the Harlem Renaissance. The four major groups are the Hausa and Falani people in the north, the Yoruba people in the southwest, and the Ibo people in the southeast. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Walter explains that his work as a white mans chauffeur is emasculating and limits his hopes for a better future. Hansberry's stage direction may also reflect something of her own beliefs. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Dont have an account? A2S3 Who is Mr. Lindner? WebTravis is chasing the rat with his friends, which is symbolic of the myriad of forces that are "chasing" and seeking to "trap" children of color in America. Ruths pregnancy is immediately coupled with economic concerns. Ruth does not want to have an abortion, but she considers it because she sees it as the only way to keep the family together. The fact that Ruth considers an abortion, an illegal practice at the time, shows the lengths to which she would go to protect her family from further financial strain. - He finally has made a good decision for his family (not just for himself) Her reaction that Asagais love is not enough is an expression of her desire not just for love but for a partner dedicated to her equality and freedom as well. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. -Based on where there are in life now, that will most likely never happen. The insurance check is all Walter needs to pursue the venture. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Beneatha wants to know everything about Africa and is more than pleased when Asagai gives her authentic Nigerian robes, along with some recordings of African music. -That she comes to Africa with him when he goes back He felt entitled to the money for his dream and now feels that he will never have a chance at it. Ruth and Walter? Mamas recitation shows that she, while perhaps not as interested in her African heritage as Beneatha, is willing to make an effort in order to make her guest feel at home. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Rather, they live in a world in which being middle class is also a dream. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. He brings her some Nigerian clothing and music as gifts. To those of Mama's generation, it should have been enough that Walter Lee's generation can ride at the front of a bus. Continue to start your free trial. Finally, Mama tells him that Ruth is pregnant and that she fears that Ruth is considering having an abortion. As Beneatha tries on one of the robes, Asagai asks about her straightened hair. Latest answer posted December 17, 2020 at 11:09:16 AM. 16. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. How does the mood of the play change when the postman rings the doorbell? -Mama likes her plant so much because it makes their tiny apartment homier. She asks Ruth what she would do with the money, which amounts to $10,000. -Going sledding down steep stairs when it snowed and one time a kid splitting his face open From his perspective, he enters the apartment excited about the money, and is dismissed and treated like a child. Walter, who usually has a lot to say, is suddenly quiet. What does Asagai's use of a different name imply and foreshadow? -insurance money from her husband's death. An interesting aspect of this particular "Jim Crow" law was that a black person might be permitted to sit in the front of the bus if there were no white person on the bus who needed that seat. Beneatha's anger is definitely covering a feeling of sadness toward even this small assimilation into white American life. Summary and Analysis How does Walter feel about her plans? Travis sleeps on the couch in the living room. Beneatha argues that the money belongs to Mama and that Mama has the right to decide how it is spent. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Read more about what Walter plans to do with the insurance money. In contrast, Walter is quiet and visibly disappointed because the news means he no longer has a chance to achieve his dream. The other conflicts, such as the special treatment that Beneatha receives from Mama, Walter's resentment at not being head of the house, etc., might not have come to the foreground without the arrival of the check. Why does Beneatha want to become a doctor? Why does he say that the money Walter gave away wasn't hers? A1S2 What goes on during house cleaning at the Youngers? For Mama, the next generation their hope. Describe Walter's relationship with Ruth in A Raisin in the Sun. What does the plant represent in the play A Raisin in the Sun? Normally, kids would be disgusted and frightened by rats, especially one that is bleeding and dying; the fact that it intrigues Travis shows that he is inured to the effects of poverty: what Beneatha will refer to later on as "acute ghetto-itis." A2S1 What does George mean when he calls Walter "Prometheus"? When Asagai calls her Alaiyo, he is supporting her notion of her independence and her desire to do more with her life than remain beneath the rest of the world. and any corresponding bookmarks? What is the significance of the fact that Walter does not know where Ruth is? Hansberry may have selected the name Beneatha to represent the oppression of African-American women, drawing on the word 'beneath.' Why does Mama buy a house in an all-white neighborhood? What will be his punishment? Yet while she wants to break free of conforming to the white ideal, she still wants to acclimate herself to an educated American life. A1S2 Why has everyone been waiting for the mailman's arrival? A1S1 What is Beneatha like? The stage directions indicate that the furniture, though apparently once chosen with care, is now very worn and faded. The Youngers also seem to want to live this dream, though their struggle to attain any semblance of it is dramatically different from the struggle a similar suburban family might encounter, because the Youngers are not a stereotypical middle-class family. Mama implores Walter to honor his fathers memory and take pride in his own manhood by convincing Ruth to not have an abortion. Finally, while she seems to understand Ruth's despair, she does not condone her action. How does this fit Walter's character? The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Why does he react this way? A2S3 What do you think Mama would have said and done if she had been at home when Mr. Lindner visited? Wed love to have you back! Mama enters and goes directly to a small plant that she keeps just outside the kitchen window. Still, no matter how much Mama works, the plant remains feeble, because there is so little light. Discount, Discount Code -His bosses wife calls asking where he has been What are the surface reasons for the arguments between Walter and Ruth? WebMama, however, can see into Ruth's mind and heart and knows what she intends. Usa tu imaginacin y expresa lo que ellos dijeron. -She buys curtains -Ruth still wants them to move What is her "dream"? -It is an all white area Do you think she is being fair? Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. In contrast, Walters body language embodies his disappointment. Beneatha recants and leaves for school, and Mama goes to the window to tend her plant. To honor her African identity, Beneatha realizes that she must allow her hair to display its natural, unassimilated form. Mama's generation worked hard so that their children could have a "better life," which, to her, meant a life without segregation. -Having many offices, a nice house, gardener, nice cars, lots of money -He doesn't support her dreams/ideas and just uses her as a sort of trophy. Beneathas spraying of the apartment seems symbolic of her dissatisfaction with her surroundings. Purchasing The fact that Beneatha is placed between these two men shows that, as an African American, she is ambivalently stuck between being an assimilationist and being proud of her African heritage. Mama tries to help her relax. She is at the center of her familys life, and she controls many of the interactions of the members of her household. Joseph Asagai brings Beneatha a gift of African records and some Nigerian robes. What decisions does she need to make? Despite her cramped living situation and the lifetime of hard work that she has endured, she maintains her focus on her dream, which helps her to persevere. Walter and Beneatha have never know the problems Mama and her husband faced, but they are aware of the social and financial inequalities that still exist, and which that they would like to eradicate. A3S1 What does Asagai propose that Beneatha do? She is, to Asagai, a person for whom "bread food is not enough.". The next day, Saturday, the Youngers are cleaning their apartment and waiting for the insurance check to arrive. Mama, a traditionalist, senses from the fact that Ruth saw a woman doctor that Ruth may be thinking of doing something that perhaps a male, traditional doctor would not supportget an abortion. When the unvoiced th sound arise at the end of a word, spell it with the letters th. Why? I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR UGLY FACE AGAIN! After Asagai leaves, Beneatha tries on her new identity. Read an essay about how A Raisin in the Sun debuted at the start of the volatile 1960s. What does the allusion "this here can is empty as Jacob's kettle" mean? In his opinion, her hair should look as it does naturally: she should stop straightening it to look like white hair and instead wear an afro. The issue of abortion, which Ruth considers and Mama implicitly rejects, highlights the generational differences between the women. Many Black intellectuals and writers, especially in the 1960s, faced this dilemma; Beneathas character thus seems somewhat ahead of her time. But neither Ruth nor Mama treats him like a grown man. on 50-99 accounts. Latest answer posted June 28, 2020 at 11:07:39 AM. When the play opened in 1959, all that most people knew about Africa was via the broadcasts from the various colonial rulers and/or the Hollywood messages contained in Tarzan movies. Latest answer posted August 25, 2021 at 3:18:50 AM. The Youngers Saturday morning ritual of cleaning the apartment shows the pride that the family takes in maintaining its home. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Later, Beneatha will put these robes on and become a "Nigerian Princess," symbolizing her acceptance of her heritage. Her relentless care for the plant represents her protection of her dream. But now, all of a sudden all of those concerns are obsolete. What does it reveal about each of the characters? After Asagai gives her this nickname, however, the name Beneatha could also point to the character's spiritual, "Alaiyo" nature, which dwells beneath the physical exterior. Beneathas hair is also tied to her identity as a woman and traditional i.e., white notions of feminine beauty. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Ruth and Mama? In this conversation, Mama represents a colonial/imperialist view of Africans as savages who need to be "saved" and "civilized." -Mama joking why they would know anything about Africa Mama has acted as the head of the household, which has slighted Walter as the eldest male of his family. Ruth feels ill and anxious about her pregnancy. This important part of the play comes at the end of Act Two Scene 1 and we can clearly see the various hopes of dreams of the characters involved. His character is meant to represent a kind of broken masculinity that society perceived among Black men of the 1950s, men who were shut out of the American dream by racism and poverty. She sees herself as a non-conformist, but Asagai makes her face the fact that she is not living up to her own ideal. She even indicates to Ruth and Mama that she might not get married, a possibility that astonishes them because it runs counter to their expectations of a womans role. -Comes to tell Walter that Willy took all their money SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. What might Beneatha represent? Hansberry uses these two men to show the issues with which Beneatha is struggling. Act One, Scene 2. Completa la siguiente frase de una manera original. The issue of the check serves only to exacerbate the conflicts that already exist. Then write the number that describes how the pronoun is used in the Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! They need more salvation from the British and the French Beneatha says this to Mama as she attempts to "educate" her mother to what Beneatha feels are political realities. Walter scans the front page of the newspaper and reads that another bomb was set off, and Ruth responds with indifference. -By asking her if the money was hers Second, she lost a child herself and knows the never-ending pain that can accompany the experience. He does not appreciate the depth of Ruth's despair, and cannot imagine her choosing not to have their baby. Once again, we see how protective Mama is of her family. Asagai is also more serious about their relationship than Beneatha is and appears not to fully understand or accept Beneatha's "liberated college woman's attitude." A1S1 How do you feel as the curtain closes? The fact that he explains the issue softly and gently shows his gentle, yet strong nature. Asagai sees Beneatha's haircut as an example of assimilationisman acceptance of white oppression and a rejection of her African heritage. Just bought a rat sentence 1 (subject of a question): 2 (subject of a subordinate clause): 3 (direct object of a verb); 4 -Lots of emotions at once. Beneatha takes pride in her African nickname and its ability to accurately represent her dedication to her dreams. -Walter says he's depressed. Kind of like a rainbow after the rain." Note what he says to Mama in his anger: What you need me to say you done right for? What are the physical traits of Lena, Walter, Beneatha, Ruth, George, and Joseph? Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice. -Bennie is going on about she doesn't believe in God. This scene focuses on the fierce Younger pride that Mama is constantly trying to instill in her children. Indeed, her seeking of her roots in Africa to forge her identity (even though her family has been in America for five generations) precedes the New African movement of the 1960s. A2S3 How do you know that Ruth and Walter have been getting along better for the past day or two? Mama tries so hard to impress Beneatha's Nigerian friend that her remarks are almost comical, clearly not her intent. Mama sits down with Walter who is upset byand ashamed ofhis poverty, his job as a chauffeur, and his lack of upward mobility. Latest answer posted March 15, 2021 at 10:48:00 AM. Ruth and Mama get along the best Ruth is a strong , independent woman who wants to steer away form what is Although they are poor, still their house is clean; although the furniture is old, there is still the ritualistic weekly polishing. Ruth and Beneatha? She explains that she is looking for more than storybook love. Subscribe now. Cuando te sacan fotos, qu ropa te gusta llevar? Also, Mama is asking Walter to save his unborn child from a death inflicted by poverty, but Walters obsession with material wealth prevents him from taking such a stand because the baby will only make that poverty worse and make his dreams even less achievable.
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how does ruth behave when she learns about the rat? 2023