emotional triggers like excitement and depression. My wife, smoker, died miserably of lung cancer in 2017. In 2011, after more than 30 years, I bought an EGO-T just out of interest. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. She said all her life she wanted to try smoking and never did. It so cool that you almost dont want to wake up because you want to see how it ends! My wife dropped a bomb on me and told me out of guilt she started smoking ecigs (former smoker 9 yrs ago), and has been using "alot" for about 6 months. My wife, smoker, died miserably of lung cancer in 2017. She was curious so she kept at it long enough that she started to enjoy it then stopped for a while. A forum community dedicated to married life between you and your spouse. We are both non-smokers and she is very anti-smoking and has nagged her father to quit for years. In the bathroom, I spritz some lavender body spray and walk through the mist. Cookie Notice Good girl/bad girl. This works for me, no idea why but I can go weeks without one, no problem. Box warnings look different here where we live. However, she is concerned that her efforts are not enough after finding out her husband fantasizes about other women who also smoke. It felt great! They also suffer additional effects such as the following: According to research at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Reproductive Health in Edinburgh, UK, a chemical in cigarettes known as cotinine can cause ectopic or tubal pregnancy in a woman. So, the other day she bought pack out of fun because she was sort of craving it. He always had a smoking fetish as a child and was helplessly addicted to it. i myself got up every am. She finally got the nerve to smoke one in front of me on the long drive. I smoke four packs a day, and have for a long time. Well, many adult women simply enjoy smoking they like the 120s and there cute cigarette cases and fancy lighters.. my wife has smoked since her mom let her when she was 15. Does she complain about the size of your penis, the way you're going bald? She never smoked before or drank. You need to address why she is smoking and what she thinks it's doing for her. She is not depressed (its what she tells me) and I believe it as Ive witnessed her depression years ago and no similar signs were appearing before this started. What happens if she put on weight? Your big nose? As Andy Hoskinson puts it, Nope, dont do it you will be back up to a pack a day within a week. Andy started smoking heavily from 1985 to 2001 and had a few failed attempts at quitting. As others suggested, Wellbutrin is an anti depressant that also helps with quitting smoking. . I was with a guy who liked smoking girls. A woman shares that her husband was already a smoker before they even got married. In 2011, after more than 30 years, I bought an EGO-T just out of interest. My rule is only 7, 120s a day or 10, 109s. So what I started to do was every time I lit up, and I made sure she wasn't smoking at the time, I lit one for her too, so she of . I told my son to punch the bully that has been bothering him, Yesterday I finally left my abusive husband. I found out she was sneaking them during the day. Shes probably hiding the box somewhere at work and grabbing a pack every week or so. That's a weird one, but that is kinda what fetishes are about. We are both non-smokers and she is very anti-smoking and has nagged her father to quit for years. Not nightmares, more like a movie going on in your head. Anyway, so once I found out I said I'd quit straight up as I don't want her doing it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. She said she could finish a pack every three days. Then weaning myself off. my partner started smoking. It could also increase her risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, stroke, breast cancer, and all-cause mortality. A lot of support from good friends is important. I had her smoking 2 packs a day and she loved it. Women who smoke and suffer from HPV are also more at risk of cervical cancer, as it weakens the immune systems ability to fight HPV infections. It was in the 70s & 80s. My wife, smoker, died miserably of lung cancer in 2017. Archived post. When both smoked when we started dating. He was a pretty distant dad. Smoking is a big problem for me but I think its workable. I actually liked the other guy better but he was a non-smoker and I continued to hide it from him. Toothpicks (cinnamon or mint) helped. She also has an office at her company, but she tends to work from home. Giving her an ultimatum won't work unless she does really want to quit. 3 years later- still never wanted to light up. It is the most disgusting habit ever, she . As a result, the smoker finds smoking less enjoyable and withdrawal symptoms become more tolerable. It took around 3.5 years for me to fully recover from the smoking addiction. The cost is way too much $50 per packet of 50 every 3 days, added to this is the drinking of wine a bottle per night every night for 15 years. He was disappointed but also accepting since I wasn't an everyday smoker. Sleeping in the nude - a cultural question. In this article, we'll discuss some of the reasons behind your wife's cigarette habit, how it can affect your relationship, and how you as her husband can help her quit for good. I smoke cigars like cigaretts phille titans there long draw so easy to fill my lungs, Itow love to big cigaas 3 at a once so much smoke and my wife a quad do sexy all that smok e, I 2 love smoking cigars pipes cigs hooka i just love smoking so much. Cathy started smoking cigarettes years ago for her smoker husband named Paul. I smoked five packs of Kools a day in Viet Nam. I think the late starting smokers spouses are hoping to cash in on a life insurance policy. Her breath stinks, clothes stink, the . Would that be OK as a part of your fantasy? Stay at Home Mum is the ultimate guide for real mums, the perfect, the imperfect, the facts and just a little cheeky! He likes to smoke now too. Why has she started smoking? This vape pens are cool. So liberating. Her breath stinks, clothes stink, the inside of our new car stinks, and i don't want to subject my kids to that. The smoke causes my heart to beat faster and I love how relaxed I feel..our lovemaking has increased which is not a bad thing. She smokes a lot, maybe 1.5 packs a day. I have a fiery determination and indefinite patience to remain free from smoking. Cigarettes will start to taste terrible and after a couple of weeks, you really do lose all desire to smoke. I feel really sexy smoking and it makes me horny while doing so. Beside each item, list down what actionable steps you must take to avoid the particular trigger. Leaving your wife knowing she has postpartum depression all because she smokes ciggerettes just shows how selfish you are, shes not doing drugs, she found a stress reliever that is very common especially for mothers suffering from post partum. I don't think you need to regret anything! Yuck, I know, but of all the things I ever did (drinking, blow, etc), smoking was by far the most addictive, difficult thing to quit. She had the pack in her purse. They are also more at risk of becoming infertile. I quit when I found out I was pregnant but just because I was pregnant didnt lesson the cravings any at all. What is 120s? i used to chain smoke dunhill international and davidoff gold. For the first time, I liked the taste of a cigarette and the feeling I got. Offer to help her quit and if she doesn't want to I would be thinking about separating. Drug therapy has been used by many people to quit smoking. Cold turkey If she starts messing with pills she could go even more kookoo. Hopefully she makes up for all this stuff with some other good qualities eg: great housekeeper/ cook, great in bed, good listener/ supportive. Tldr; I think my wife has picked up smoking recently and probably lying about how much she smokes, despite all my efforts to talk about it. To be clear in this, it is my opinion that the point of telling your W your fetish/fantasy should have no bearing on whether she chooses to actually smoke or not. I tried to quit several times cold turkey and can remember jonesing so hard Id smoke a nasty butt from an ashtray. Copyright 20052023 ConfessionPost.com. YOur wife is acting extremely selfish, she does not care about your innocent childrens health, your marriage and quite frankly you she is subjecting them to deadly diseases. People do weird things when they want to get out of a relationship without actually verbalising it lol. "Love is responsibility of an I for a You: in this consists what cannot consist in any feeling - the equality of all lovers." It stinks, but it makes her happy and she's lost weight from it so I'm ok with it. She needs to quit. - Lighters everywhere. In the early seventies, when I was still in high school, I became pregnant, much to my family's chagrin. My wife started smoking and it driving a huge wedge between us. I love the smell of cigarette smoke in her hair as I cuddle her. That's great, but in the process I brought myself up to smoking a little over four packs a day, (one every ten minutes or so. I want to make the COFFEE DATE SLICE listed on this website but there is no method! If your husband doesnt want to join the bandwagon, thats okay. So first from her perspective..i know my dad doesn't like her smoking but I think it's part of the unconditional love thing. Kicking snow over my ashes, I head inside, washing my hands at the kitchen sink. But you're also cracking this up to be on the level of an affair or something. My wife however started to join me with the night ciggies and now she's started smoking at work. Unfortunately, they do not realize how much harm it can bring to their health until theyve become addicted to it. pray, meditate & the nicotine patch.. 2 1/2 years smoke free after 30 years of smoking. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Its helped me relax a bit and its improved our sex life as well.I just find her so sexy when she smokes. So, I ended up not smoking for 5 days, then I just rode that train. The study further explains that a woman may find it more difficult to quit smoking due to a female sex hormone called progesterone. Now, she puffs away 2 packs a day. About two hours into the wedding most of the "direct" family had left and I found my wife at the bar smashing back drinks with her cousin's wife. Eventually the light headed feeling I get after a nice long run replaced the nicotine buzz and I feel like a whole new person. Smoking has killed some of my relatives, and Jeremy knows it. Never in house. Couldnt care less, so happy to be a non smoker. Although they have both quit smoking 15 years into the marriage, she recalls feeling glad about her decision to smoke back then. It was not the nicotine that hooked her and she certainly did not have an addictive personality - she didn't even care for coffee - it was the pure feeling that smoking gave her. Ive been there. Even I'm up to 2 packs a day now. This keeps a sperm cell from meeting an egg cell. I took my kids and just, My husband and I won 2.3 million on lotto last year , and. She is suffering frompost-natal depression and she started smoking cigarettes and Im at the end with them. Ive been smoke free for almost 8 years. Once she got her first job out of college, she quit and hadnt smoked in years. I stopped and said i was to tierd and its wasn't going to happen. Find out why she has started and if it's stress help her to find something to replace the smokes with! I must admit, we are really into it and maybe smoke twice a week. You just have to make the choice and stick to it. By checking this checkbox, I hereby indicate that I have read and understood and agree to be bound by The Dirty Gossip's Terms of Service. Ive been hurt by this. I know so many people who quit for a long time, then started again. Meet Amanda B. Amanda started smoking in 5th grade, and by the time she was 13 years old, she smoked every day. coworker,if she remember where she 'hid her cigarettes and lighter on. And quite honestly it did. Im in my mid 30s and secretly love smoking. They tested his whole crew and they all had elevated lead levels but others werent to poisoning stage. My wife had been a pretty steady 15-16 cig a day smoker, but I wanted her to smoke more. But every day he keeps begging me to start up again. I am a runner and still in pretty good shape although I smoke! I checked it and it only had few cigarettes left (meaning she smokes 2-4 cigarettes a day). I would just explain to her that you've had this fetish for a long time and you finally feel comfortable sharing it with her as you are more confident about your sexualityetcmake sure you don't sound like you are pressuring her and make her feel as if this will strengthen the bond between you too You should just tell her straight up to start smoking while you're having sex if that's what you're into. This could lead to the premature aging of a womans eggs and an early transition to menopause. By the time hes ready, he will definitely seek your help. 25 years of smoking and Im finally free hope this woman finds a way out before its too late. My mums wofkmate decided in her 50s to start smoking crystal meth. She blames me for this, fair enough I suppose. Do you find that satisfying the regular cravings to your addiction to nicotine to be very pleasurable? Sure enough he had it. Good for her! If your husband refuses to support your decision to quit smoking, it can definitely affect your relationship. It took a little getting use to her breath when kissing, but I dont mind it now, she actually looks sexier now smoking and wearing high heels all the time. She was surprised I did not make a big fuss. Employers choose who they choose ! Unfortunately, smoking and its byproducts may deplete the quantity and reduce the quality of ovarian follicles. A perfect example of this is the story of Carry Aguillard, who is a former high school teacher and coach. She also said those cigarettes are old and her friend left it the car. You indicated you would like to quit smoking.
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wife started smoking cigarettes 2023