The Best Hoax of All: What Happened To Paul McCartney - Musicoholics Their only questions relate to whyMI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5)arranged for his removal. Your link from Beatles Monthly shows the Paul is Dead stuff began (at least) in February 1967 plenty of time to use Pepper, MMT and the White Album to fuel the rumor. The only problem was that he couldnt get along with John, at all.. He described many of the clues pointing towards the story being true, and the story rapidly became an international phenomenon. The Beatles' albumsin order complete list! Conspiracy theory is not just simplistic, as official dismissals would have it. The following day he interviewed Ringo Starr, Derek Taylor, Neil Aspinall, photographer Iain Macmillan, McCartneys tailor and barber, and members of Apple group White Trash. This technolgy is at the finger tips of all who have a computer. Pepper" (Get back to where you once belonged!). (Source:MI5). Pepper: HE DIE; Magical MysteryTour: I WAS) + lyrics (Glass Onion: HERES ANOTHER CLUE FOR YOU ALL: THE WALRUS WAS PAUL)?? In the eight months leading to the completion of their masterpiece Sgt. He is even playing Glastonbury in 2020. Mr. Starr alleges that the group did send out a lot of hidden messages through the years to prepare the population for the truth. The Beatles were no longer propagating nave love anthems, giving voice to teenage female angst, deriving inspiration from early '60s girl groups like the Shirelles and the Ronettes and making it more musically sophisticated. A pat explanation for the overwhelming number of clues is that the Beatles were just having fun once the rumors started (the rumors first aired in early 1967 in Britain following news of Paul being involved in a car crash), as a way to increase sales. So cut the crap about anything goes here. Mr Brown is said to have got the story from a musician who had heard it on the Californian west coast, and that he also read the story in an underground newspaper. According to the theory or rumour, McCartney died in a car crash, and to spare the public from grief, the surviving Beatles, aided by Britain's MI5, replaced him with a McCartney look-alike, subsequently communicating this secret through subtle details of their albums. Ill let you judge who he is condemning though. The upper leg of the antihelix is straight and toward the rear of the ear, in Sir Paul, whereas it is forward and rounded, and front of the midline (plumbline at the middle) of the ear in Paul. These quintessentially American intrusions froze the Beatles contribution to the counterculture at the level of unending gothic death, where mass psychology remains today, unable to reckon with capitalisms worst onslaughts. That the real Paul McCartney left the world scene on November 9th of 1966 is an absolute certainty for those initiated into this particular line of inquiry and investigation. Visit the Beatles history section. This page was last edited on Tuesday, 1 Sep 2020 at 15:11 UTC. He concluded the interview by saying that The Beatles had no plans to reconvene in the near future, having recently completed an album and film, and that he may not return to London until 1970. The heavily customised car was highly recognisable, so rumours began circulating that McCartney had been killed in the incident. The license plate of the Volkswagen Beetle reads 28IF (meaning Paul would be 28 if alive). Conspiracy theory, to counter elite science, always enacts pseudo-science in a populist vein; its methods are technological, its procedures deductive, its empiricism its only saving grace just like the official sciences of empire. However, when one is familiar with the case (and has seen forever the difference, not in some haphazard way though some people really are only seeing it that way), one looks at Asher and the post-Epstein death differently. Although the Beatles were a key musical influence on me when I was growing up, I never encountered the Paul-Is-Dead (PID) theory until recently; or perhaps I did and let it glide over because it wasnt important for me to know it. William Shears Campbell | Fictspedia Wiki | Fandom Ringo Starr has apparently come cleanabout the infamous conspiracy that Paul McCartney died in the 60s, saying that the burden of the secret has become too much for him to bare. The Walrus Was Paul: Mk-Ultra and the Beatles The artwork was based on the Abbey Road cover photograph; instead of the 28IF number plate, a car shows 51 IS instead. A British version of the rumour is believed to have existed prior to the American one, with fewer details. Precisely at the moment PID took off on American campuses and radio, the Beatles had in fact ceased to exist, for all practical purposes, though the world didnt know it yet. If you've learned something new about the band and wish to show your appreciation, why not make a small donation via PayPal? Talk:William Shears Campbell - Wikipedia The real ear cartilage is an exact proof, however, even if you dont see a difference in the men. So, who the heck was Billy Shears?? | Steve Hoffman Music Forums People do not understand just how crucial the Beatles were to the economy of Britain at the time. A drawing now being made more well known, by John, shows severe head injuries (including an eggshell flat-top, ju-ju wonky dissociated eyeballs, much gore and brain matter, a side-to-side split as well, no mouth injuries as a walrus image might conjure but the drawing gets sympathetic below the 2 upper head injuries so mouth damage may be normalized, not shown, and a set of GUMBOOTS, dissheveled, possibly ready to fall off). The albums from "Sgt. In a droll lecture, Nick Kollerstrom focuses on MI5s investment in protecting the British national interest. Possibly the most gorgeous and sexy and cute thing ever invented, better than The Beatles and Darius put together. One can read the second half of the Beatles oeuvre, and indeed their solo careers, as a natural evolution from their origins as pranksters with roots in the British popular comedic tradition. 2. A little over 50 years ago, on Nov. 9, 1966 (9/11 in British usage), Paul McCartney was decapitated in a, In the annals of college newspaper writing, surely Fred LaBours, ranks among the very top. Somewhat improbably, McCartney was said to have been replaced by a lookalike, called variously William Shears Campbell or William Sheppard. How could we do it? All rights reserved. One can decipher innumerable clues, such as Lennons gibberish at the end of Im So Tired, playing backwards as Paul is a dead man! In fact, they continue up to the Love album recently, but more obviously were on Anthology 5. 21, Copyright 2023 NEWSPUNCH, LLC. '", "A History of the Cat in Nine Chapters or Less". It is interesting to me that it never occurs to any of you conspirecy nuts that the simple explanation for different ear lobes is the result of modern technology. ," laid out many of the details that became the cornerstone of PID. But its picking around, not playing seriously and its brief. Shortly after the issue went on sale the rumours started to decline. Billy turned out to be a pretty good musician and he was able to perform almost better than Paul. Pepper album. The story goes that at 5am on Wednesday 9 November 1966, McCartney stormed out of a session for the Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album, got in to his Austin Healey car, and subsequently crashed and died. Rather, they had started constructing a social utopia ("Sgt. On the other hand, I could also argue that the Beatles offered such a dynamic alternative to modes of seeing and feeling in their latter career that their offer could not be taken up by the culture at large it was too much, too soon. Paul McCartney travelled to his Scottish farm on 22 October, and Peter Brown called him to ask for a statement that could be given to the press. For instance, the disclaimer (or disclaimer) in Feb. 1967 mentions car crash, Paul, death (and some wrong and deflective info). Miss Him! Steven D. Stark explains this well in ", (2010) is fascinating reading on this score, but the easy way around the financial labyrinth, so inconsistent with the Beatles public image, is to give a heroic death to Paul, and substitute him with an even greater talent, as though to make musical ability beside the point, and thereby shift the narrative back to the audience, whose main task then becomes to decipher secret codes rather than confront the spiritually threatening challenge of the music. If the first mention of PID wasnt until 1969: WHY were so-called Clues being planted in/on albums BEFORE 1969 (Sgt. At some point, it was too much for John and he decided to leave the band.. The Memoirs of Billy Shears brings astonishing facts to light that have been hidden for decades. The Walrus and Paul are directly linked, and the disclaimer of Walrus and John (who was in the mask) started on liner notes for MMTour albums I am the Walrus listing, by having No, youre not, said little Nicola scrawled under it. Official history has much to say about this. And by Whom? The One-and-Only Billy Shears: An Interview with William Campbell on He cited many clues which further escalated the story. As the reigning cultural deities of that decade, the Beatles died for us and went to heaven (or archival immortality). Neither Paul McCartney nor anyone from his entourage have commented on Ringo Starrs declaration yet, but the interview has already provoked a lot of reactions around the world. first of allif there was any question about his death being real and this hoax did take place, they would of dug up the body and did dna on it..remember we live in the 21st century and have numerouse technology ways and means. Miss Him!. Indeed, one of the reasons the Beatles stopped touring was because their final American tour was extremely fractious, marked by violence and record-burning in the South, after John claimed that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus; PID started soon after this confrontation. The Beatles had disappeared from sight (Life magazine reporters traced Paul to his primitive Scottish farm, once major American media started going wild with rumors), and the music that came out after the break was a radical departure from not just their own oeuvre but from the history of rock music to that point. On the other hand (pun intended), he lightly plays in India left-handed, maybe. ------------------------------------------, With a Little Help from My Friends: The Making of Sgt. 5. However, a couple of relevant incidents did take place. In a radio interview from 1970 about the Beatles breakup, J talks briefly ostensibly about Epsteins death, then says the album they made after the trauma (& lowers his voice and Yoko laughs) was Sergeant Peppers, oh Im not sure: joke for no-one but Yoko, or revelation going by so fast its almost unnoticeable by mixing stories? Rumours of the death did get out and have persisted. Sorry, I really cant be bothered. Both worshippers and deities together made the Beatles' breakup, and all thats followed in the half-century since then, tinged with a deadly romanticism that was rapidly leaking out in the late 1960s. Miss Him!. Conspiracy theory literalizes, at the accessible, human and concrete level, social transformations of which they are the outward symbol. In 1966, James Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash and replaced with a double; a session musician by the name William Shears Campbell. Fifty years on from 1967 and the Summer of Love, 'Shears' is a squeaky-clean Anglican chaplain, nursing memories of a lost and secret love. The Reason Some Are Convinced Paul McCartney Is A Clone PID is of different provenance, dealing as it does with popular culture, but at its roots it reveals a similar sociopolitical calculus. A one-minute extract from Chris Drakes interview was broadcast on BBC Radio 4s The World This Weekend on 26 October from 1pm. Actually, no. So begins a new novel, Whatever Happened to Billy Shears? There are FOUR provably planted clues in the simple sense including the disclaimer (or fake-disclaiming) above. For he was compelled to leave behind his real identity for the rest of his life in the interest of the greater good for all of humankind.