And her family and all of her supporters that Darlie has convinced that each one is her girlfriend and boyfriend are foolish to allow themselves to buy her BS. He said there has been just a tiding-up of the evidence. Police tried hard to convince Darin that Darlie had committed the crime, and he was astonished at the claim. One other thing to keep in mind is that when Darlie made the statement, Someone who did it intentionally walked in here and did this, Darin, is that Officer David Waddell was inside the house at that time. We alle know the truth. Whenever they would point to a piece of evidence, he responded there was a simple explanation. And Darlie lied about seeing an innocent man in her house. The following list collects Darlie Routier murder controversy facts. And what about the sock, in the random alley, 2 blocks away? There was NO male DNA in 85-J. Darlie supporters are far less then non supporters. Many questions remain. Darlie said I know who it was! I saw him! Who cares what YOU say. There are lies in those letters. I didnt believe it but then a man told me to read the laundry ladys testimony and holy cow! That many people can keep a secret for this long and not slip up? She said she has been concerned about the case since about 2000, when she spotted a magazine with photos of Darlies injuries at a grocery store in Des Arc, Arkansas, her hometown. Brings new meaning to the phrase Sunday Funday. Drake Routier: 5 Things to Know Forensic Files Now Got locked up for eight months and was facing death penalty because the cops had tunnel vision and didnt look at anybody else. There is no way that she did it! I dont like being lied to. I have a great simpathy for americans and have a daughter with an american. THE ENTIRE FAMILY WAS IN A STATE OF shock as a media blitzkrieg descended, private photographs became public, and neighbors, friends, enemies and people who didnt even know Darlie and Darin were interviewed and their words published and broadcast across America. You have zero credibility and no journalistic integreity. She was wheeled past her boys and they were cleaning their bodies and she couldnt have cared less and that is according to the nurse who was pushing her in the wheelchair. What about Darlies notes about a tombstone? Media ruined and I mean completely ruined any chance of a FAIR trial, probably anywhere in any surrounding states, let alone the county in TEXAS where this occurred, Your email address will not be published. Let me also note that I am undecided as to whether she is guilty or not. Meanwhile, the defense team has asked that a federal public defender be appointed to aid with the Routier case if it ever makes it to the federal level. I told them everything. Police and prosecutors are just as convinced the real killer is locked up and under the death sentence. Why wasnt Dana in the show? While there has been a lot of activity in the past year concerning the Routier case, nothing has occurred concerning defense efforts to move the post conviction proceedings through the court system, Cooper said. Maybe they think if they ignore it it will go away. Without knowing exactly what Darin said to her that prompted that statement, its open to interpretation and may not necessarily mean anything at all. Its plausible that he could have set Darla up. But because of my close call and the fact that adults did not believe me at the time, I couldn't help but wonder if Darlie might being telling the truth. With all the reports in recent years regarding different types of evidence that were once thought irrefutable being questioned and reevaluated because there are no scientific studies or basis to support them, such as fingerprints, I find it very possible, in fact likely that many convictions based on this junk science has resulted in many innocent people spending years in prison for crimes they didnt commit. I heard there was a bloody fingerprint found on a table in the living room where the murders took place that either wasnt properly tested or did not match anyone living in the house. Body language experts, look at her body language. She acted strangely. All of you are. "On July 16, 1997, Darlie's sister Dana was arrested in Plano and charged with two counts of Assault/Family Violence in an incident that also involved Darin, Danelle, Darlie Kee, and baby Drake. Post it you just said there was no Facebook (or any other social media) back in 97 and the tide had turned against her by 99 so Im supposed to post something that never had a chance to be put on the internet? Why do you think her defense wont run it? A couple of months have passed since an ABC docu-series devoted four one-hour episodes in prime time to the case of Darlie Routier, the Rowlett homemaker accused in the stabbing deaths of her two young sons and sent to Death Row in February 1997 (Defending Darlie, June 6). Darin jumped into a pair of jeans, grabbed his glasses and thundered down the long spiral staircase, fearing that one of the boys had crashed through a glass table top. Media ruined and I mean completely ruined any chance of a FAIR trial, probably anywhere in any surrounding states, let alone the county in TEXAS where this occurred. Too many loose ends for a decent prosecutor to ever think about trying this woman. When he finally reached her in the ICU recovery area, she was still groggy but hysterical, heavily bandaged and wanting to see Drake. Regular, run-of-the-mill, non-activist people take this to heart and choose to not sit on their couch and [to] actually do something.. I have not seen one single fact or piece of evidence that points to anyone other than Darlie. Why not disclose all of the donations received? My next doctors visit will decide if I can make it because of my broken back. Organizers say they are coordinating with both the Dallas County Sheriffs Department and the Dallas Police Department on three consecutive days of marches outside the Frank Crowley Courts Building on North Riverfront Boulevard, across R.L. GTFOH with your bullshit. He wasnt much interested in food or anything else and had lost so much weight that his red, white and blue leather jacket hung loose about his shoulders. The family room contained a huge karoake setup, where Darlie would croon I Will Always Love You in a voice remarkably like that of Whitney Houston. I agree with Jade. If the probability of innocence is as glaring as the supporters claim it seems a Pro Bono firm wouldve picked it up by now due to the high profile of the case. She seemed so happy in the graveside interview. Darlie Kee August 30, 2018 at 1:41 pm Smith and a representative of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Lorie Davis, recently issued a status report on Routiers long-standing post conviction appeal that awaits a hearing in Dallas County. Kathy Cruz, the author of this article, can confirm that. On the day of the prayer service, Rowlett Police Det. Hang on keep your dignity like you have from day one. I saw him!. Where is the journalistic integrity? And what was Darin accusing her of on tne 911 call when she answered him back someone came in here and intentionally did it Darin!. Do you think Darlie killed her boys because of how you abused your children? She never would have called 911. However, the local police department had surveillance cameras set up at the cemetery that captured Routier crying during the graveside prayer service prior. People like you are the ones who truly disrespect the victims because youd rather let their real killer walk around free because you just dont like Darlie. Court records show that the Routiers owed more than the home was worth at the time. Darin threw dishes against the wall in frustration and soon went to a firing range to take out his anger on paper targets. Interesting no pro Darlie peeps care to address some basic facts when given the opportunity. America dont accept lies from these people in power who are in it for career. Waddells testimony was all about making Darlie look as bad as possible, so if Darin had actually accused her of the murders, its a safe bet we would have heard all about it in his statements and testimony. And I dont mind if you and not Mrs Kee answers my questions. RELATIONSHIPS Why Darin Believes Darlie - D Magazine When she said, I saw him this was months after her arrest. Ive seen enough television programs to know she didnt do it. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier (born January 4, 1970) is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her five-year-old son Damon in 1996. Actually, heres a better idea: Spring Darlie Routier from her cell, and everybody else mind your own business. The whole thing is with Darlie looks like a frame job to me and all the so called experts and there junk science have been discredited. Then one neighbor drove him to Baylor Hospital, where Damon and Devon and Darlie had been taken; another took care of Drake. In short, there was no reason they should wait. Darlie Routiers life isnt worth saving after what she did to those boys. But how could he know this? None of you ever publicly address the 2015 DNA results that were recently suspiciously sealed. Anyone with half of a functioning brain cell knows the Justice system is flawed and often corrupt but how often do you hear of a crime like this? Rowlett Weekend One Hundred Home Is Around the Corner From Bunch served 17 years in prison before the Indiana Court of Appeals ordered that she be given a new trial. Sounds like you need to worry about finishing your own education before you worry about someone elses. Another Theory: The Darlie Routier Case : 2 Decades After Being Convicted of Killing Her Son, Darlie Routier Insists She's Innocent, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Toby Shook and Greg Davis would not be known except for their pathological lying and changing facts. i got news for all you zealots on both sides of the fencethese people are not reading your comments and are not interested in what you have to say but by all means keep attacking each other im gonna go pop some popcorn, this is fun. Finally, on Jan. 19 the home was put on hold, meaning its temporarily off the market, North Texas Real Estate Information Services (NTREIS) records show. also pls explain why if she was running to the sink to get wet towels for the boys are her blood drops not smudged directly below the sink? Darlie and Darin get called out! For, you see, Darin loves Darlie. Nobody has the balls to truthfully answer that. The print with either be determined as useless and cannot be run by AFIS techs or it will come back as a match to Darlie. Of course she did it. 85j will match someone in the system, or it wont. The prosecution argued that the Routiers were overextended and owed $10,000 in back federal taxes, $12,000 in credit card debt, and payments for two mortgages on Eagle Drive, all totaling approximately $200,000. He could have had spinal injuries and moving him in any way (or HOLDING him) could have resulted in permanent paralysis if he had lived. No, Dana was planning to get married soon, and Darlie and Darin were going to renew their vows at the same time. Everybody knows what a lie is. The trial was so toxic and evil minded, plus I am shocked how women are fundamentally disrespect and prejugded her without mercy, no fair trial at all. There was a bloody sock found about a football field and half away from the home next to a storm drain in an alley way. I agree Darlie is innocent. How do you know how youre going to act?. You talk about babykillers but conveniently forget that you raised one, dont you? he was asked. Crime scene investigator James Cron testified at trial that the print could belong to a child presumably, one of the dead boys but Darlies appellate lawyers have argued otherwise. And dont tell me that Bill Gorsuchs testimony backs him up, either, because it doesnt. Theyre wrong, he said. Team Darlie agreed to put that print on hold until all the DNA testing is complete. They can walk around the world with their signs, not going to anything for Darlie. She did it. it does not make sence, at all. If you feel confident killing a person that might be innocent based on non proven facts, I think you are just as ethically and morally bankrupt as any murderer. The point here is none of us are perfect. Kee periodically returns to Altoona to visit her father Darlies grandfather who is in his 90s. Hey Kathy Cruz and Darlie Kee, $7000 is chump change to have a print ran in order to exonerate a loved one from death row. You and your killer daughter arent worth a squirt of piss on a bonfi. My husband has a sock like that. Any sign of glitz was banished, but he got a new tattoo, of the slain boys. Im sorry but I think people just demand too much of her memory from that night, the number one most traumatic night of her life. harder to sell a home where a violent death has taken place, Fort Worth-Based Agents Bring Small-Town Approach to Their Games,, This Preston Hollow New Traditional Strikes All The Right Notes, Its Gonna be May: Three Things to Know About Whether Good News is Coming This Month, UCR Development to Repurpose Miramar Hotel For Permanent Supportive Housing for Homeless, Violent Crime is Low in East Dallas District 9, But Residents Remain Concerned About Public Safety, Discover Durango, the Southwests Best-Kept Secret with Realtor Eric Roark. Ask her to explain why she cleaned up bloody prints from the floor and the couch to. Damon died because his lungs filled up with blood; he literally drowned on his own blood, and this took 8 to 9 minutes. She then tried to change her story to fit the evidence. Is lying by saying those letters dont have lies in them. But his strength was tempered with gentleness. So are you ever going to explain why you refused Dr. Phils offer to go on his show and bring world wide attention to your daughters case? Lol, its an article by Cruz, you dont think she reads the comments? However, she did not face any charges for the murder of her other son, despite both boys being stabbed with the same knife. Rina Way is nothing but a hairdresser who thought she could solve a crime LOL. They also found Routier to be inconsistent with what exactly happened, as her story kept changing regarding the events that took place. Previous shows were single episodes, and most encompassed one hour, commercials included. Since 1994, Fort Worth Weekly has provided a vibrant alternative to North Texas often-timid mainstream media outlets by offering incisive, irreverent reportage that keeps readers well informed and the powers-that-be worried. 750 North St.Paul St. She will be vindicated one day but look at all the time she has lost and events she has missed because of it. Darlie Routier I agree with you and believe she didnt get a fair trial. The only way Darlie is leaving TDOC is wth a toe tag. They dont even know facts of their wounds ( Devon wounds did not come out his back) they cant remember their names and I have the complete paperwork on the loan Darin tried to get for me and so you will never hear that lie again. That seems logical majority of false insurance claims typically have homeowners slitting their own throats. To Jade: I didnt even know it was possible for one to shut their reply off, I have no idea how to do that and frankly I wouldnt bother. The Friday march will be from noon until 6 p.m. and the weekend demonstrations from noon until 3 p.m. October was chosen so that participants would not have to endure the Texas summer heat. We dont live in tne Middle East. Wow, noticing a pattern here, all the non-supporters are so angry! The video showing her with the silly string at the grave was edited. During the trial, the defense brought attention to a bloody fingerprint discovered on a table in the Routier home. Btw, you telling me to lay off the Kush just shows what a dinasour you are, You know what would be epic Cruz? Critical Cruz! *I know Darlie better than anyone. I know many have suggested that Darlie could have planted the sock before she cut herself. People need to look up the Riley Fox case in Wilmington Illinois sometimes it just aint what it looks like, Holy crap I just looked that up, its scary similar and happened on the same date eight year later! If there were an intruder it must have been a UFO as it left zero evidence. Theyre in here. Asked if he felt betrayed by police, Darin answered, Yes, sir. He got through the days with supportive hugs from the many women in his family.