However, this is his last day at the Pridelands. I don't know everything Simba. I waited for a log and jumped on until I floated to the other side. What!" Simba called back. " He's now happily married to his wife, Queen Rani. This is my take on the alternate ending of Lion Guard's, "The Scorpion's Sting". Remind you of someone?" But what they said caused him to get mad at themand now they have to convince him to listen so they can apologize. Kion: If this is the way we need to go to get you guys back to the Pridelands, then this is the way we're going. Please consider turning it on! Ono never seems to question his leader and is alwaysFire from the Sky one step ahead. I already faced it once but again! But that wasn't going to be some until sometime. " Rani is leader of Legend has it that if a cheetah cries from a certain emotion like joy, sadness, pain, etc their tea Kion is accused of a crime he didn't commit. Although, as of the episode, The Trail to Udugu, Kion and Kiara seem to work together a lot more. It's your scar. "Kion! Simba let his tears fall to, his heart heavy with grief much like that fateful day of his cubhood. " After the Lion Guard returns from the Tree of Life, Kion sees that Kiara and Kovu are madly in love, just like himself and Queen Rani. Even offering him her support when the other animals lose their own faith in the cub after she accidentally blocks off the path to Mbali Fields by causing a minor stampede in excitement and promises to make the journey easier, not harder. Not without you. Although Kion expressed sadness and fear when he was scolded by his father in Return of the Roar, he will still do everything that's possible to serve his father and, like Beshte, he is also afraid of disappointing his father. (Runs off into the forest crying). Thank you, Nirmala. In Journey to the Pride Lands, Janja and Jasiri both run to the Tree to Life to inform the Lion Guard of Zira's return. I can only ensure only a few more minutes at most. Kion smiled as he looked into Simba eyes. Queen Janna: You'll find out for yourselves. Kion walked up to his father and walked back to the den, confusing everyone. Janja also offers Kion knowledge on how to beat Scar and assists the Pride Landers in the final battle with Scar. You can't tell me, no US, that Scar is in Kion!" As a result, Ushari has grown to hate the entire Guard and eventually turned on them. When Kion engages Vitani's Lion Guard, Kiara appears to break up the fight, followed by Kovu. Mufasa exiles him. Later, when Kion attemptsto escape, he hurts her while trying to do so, but she stops him before he can leave and later almost kills himuntil his friends come to his rescue and is later blasted away by Kion (now knowing he can use his roar against her) into what Zira calls their new home. Althoughthe two cubs appear to have sibling rivalry, they do still care deeply for each other. Nirmala: Yes, Your Majesty. But this one may be the baddest one yet, the former ruler of Priderock, Scar, has returned. You'll be blessed so keep on looking high! Kion realizes that Vitani has a right to win the competition after challenging him even without the Roar, dubbing Vitani the winner and the Pride Lands' true Fiercest. Kiara said lifting her head up, her face still damp but a half smile was there nonetheless. "What are you doing here Pridelander! The two got onto high ground that ever dwarfed the view from the top of Pride Rock. Also yes there will be more characters, and also there will be characters that i havent added or cant add. So I hope the rest of you enjoy this as well. But now the day was here and it was hard for Simba to sit idly by as he mate went to so much pain. Mufasa is never ever cross with his grandson and Kion is never afraid of him, not even when he confessedthat it was his fault Scar returned. Mufasa: (chuckles) I will Kion. Baliyo asked Kion to use the Roar on the bad guys, showing that from then onhe had begun to trustKion. Kion (The Lion King) Fuli (The Lion King) Bunga (The Lion King) Beshte (The Lion King) Ono (The Lion King) Azaad (The Lion King) Kiara (The Lion King) Kovu (The Lion King) Simba (The Lion King) Nala (The Lion King) Scar (The Lion King) Zira (The Lion King) Character Death Resurrection "Ushari, now!" Scar screamed. Kiara was in aww as a small cub reasted in Nala's paws, her face soft. A dim light came through the clouds as the winds down. YTP: The Lion Guard Season 3 Trailer - Kion is Evil - YouTube Queen Rani: I love you Kion. Rafiki's voice is heard and narrates the story as the paintings move . After they rescued a herd ofElandsfrom fire, they meet Kongwe and escortedher toPride Rockto figure out how to defeat Scar to save the Pride Lands. Kiara cheered " I want to yaaaa-" Kiara yet out a long yawn, unspersing on how late it was. " The rest of the Guard and Makini walked guiltlythrough the forest. Kion still treats Tano like he would do any member of the clan - with caution. The enemy army had advanced weapons and fighter jets, including the latest Russian SU-57, Su-30, and Mig-29 aircraft. Simba stepped over Kiara to meet his mother half way. " In "Battle for the Pridelands", before the Lion Guard departs from the Pridelands, Kion tells Kiara to keep Tiifu (and Zuri) out of trouble. The mjuzi suggested, as he put his hand on his mane, trying to think of a way to save Kion. That night, Kion talks with Kiara about Rani, explaining how he greatly misses her and the Night Pride. InBattle for the Pride Lands, Makuu is shown participating in the battle against Scar's army. It overlooked the Pride Lands, and it made the sky fell so close that you can practical touce the stars. Zito takes all his anger and frustration out on Kion. In "Triumph of the Roar", Bunga is overjoyed to see Kion's newly mastered Roar in action. Rafiki called from across the cave as he rushed back to the couple. " If, that's alright with you, Mother. He. In Season 3, when the Lion Guard sets off for the Tree of Life, to heal Kion's scar and Ono's blindness, Makini agrees to give Kion Tuliza blossoms whenever his scar's hurting, showing how much she cares for him. Taka looked on as Kion gazed up at the stars, but as the sun's colors spilled out Kion's face began to lose it childlike wonder. Kion has since seen Tamka as an enemy, engaging in battle with him when necessary. Two Long Years InBattle for the Pride Lands, Mtoto is seen, at the start, helping Kion and the Lion Guard battle Janja's clan. I'm sorry." He said with a fake smile. " Fuli: We should leave today. She's always full of energy". " When I was looking at my reflection in some water, Queen Rani came up to me and asked if I thought about what she said. Simba took one look at sleeping cub then at the sky. Suddenly, it went completely silent, not even a bird chirping filled the air. In the series finale, Beshte appears very happy that his friend becomes king of the Tree of Life. Rani: We need to get across the ravine to get to the Pridelands. Is he going to make it?!" Male Vulture always tries to attack a member of the guard or a Pride Lander. However, many trials will oppose and test the strength of their friendship and passion the two have for one another. Hapana!" However, Male Vulture fully reformed in Return to the Pride Lands, and though they may not be close friends, they work together as a plan to fight Zira, only to find out that she is deceased. ", " Ra-Rafik" Nala called out heer voice week. " They go to Pride Rock to join the Pride Lands. Fuli (and the rest of the Lion Guard) remind Kion thathe showed them how to be a team when they were infants. Just in case people still want to old version for some reason. That may be so, or that could mine nothing. Later, she is also worried about Kion when she sees his scar. If he succeeds there now doubt the length he will go to be king. And a King?! Mapigano feigns friendliness when Kion appears, not wishing to engage in a fight with a group he knows he'll lose against. Baliyo also taunts Kion and is accidentally blown away by Kion's Roar. Kion wasn't the only cub in the Pridelands that had the roar. Under her care, Kion learns a caring side of Jasiri, and discover hidden feelings because of it. And Kion was wearing a wetsuit that outlined his abs(which Fuli blushed heavily at) with swimmingshoes. Princess Rani of the Tree of Life. Can I help!?" tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Come along with him on his journey to the rise of being the king the pridelands! When Kion offers to talk to his father about welcoming Kovu and his prideto thePride Lands(unawarethat Kovu's family was banished), Kovu expresses excitment of the idea. 4. Well Simba dies, Scar blames Mufasa. So anyway have fun reading a new story, or revisiting something old. However, Mwoga fully reformed in Return to the Pride Lands, and though they may not be close friends, they work together as a plan to fight Zira, only to find out that she is deceased. Your never hungry, this isn't supposed to be my breakfast it your.". " However, Bunga tells his friend that he enjoyed it. I am your King and until you apologize to me, it's 'Your Majesty' to you Bunga. Kion walks back up the hill and runs up to the cliffside preparing to jump off. Ugggg. Now, he and Kion are on good terms and Makuu trusts the cub's judgment. He looked down at Kiara her eyes watery obviously being scared by Nala's birth giving noises. " At first Taka hated having Kion bug him during his alone time, even if he was the only animal who could see him. Simba: Congratulations, son. In "Never Roar Again", Kion opensup to Bunga, telling himthat is afraid to use the Roar of the Elders. ", Simba was all but satisfied with that answer. " A look at season 3 episode 10 from Bungas point of view. I've missed you. Sarabi gave him a reassuring nuzzle, before leaving to go tell the Pride. Your father told me that a spirit of a king long died could be put into Kion, stabilizing his heart.". " Kion and Ona are on good terms. In "Triumph of the Roar", Kion helps Makini (and the Night Pride) out of the Tree of Life. In "Return of the Pridelands", Zuri is a guest at Kion and Rani's wedding. The italics is are inner monologues, while bold are songs. He also helped the Night Pride fight Ora for a couple of times at the Tree of Life. When they pass into the Pridelands they meet Kion and the Lion Guard. Rafiki asked. The sun grew higher and higher as soon every star was gone, and the calm blue of night was replaced by a bright orange. When Kion and Baliyo first met, Baliyo attacked him after assuming that the Lion Guard was dangerous. She was the last member to be willing to join Kion's Lion Guard because she thought that Kion was arrogant. I seek out the Tree of Life because of this scar. Me: You and I make a great team, my love. While visiting the Pridelands Bunga has a very strange request for Muhimu. Fuli/Kion (The Lion King) - Works | Archive of Our Own My voice isn't what it used to be after all these years." When Kion is kidnapped by Zira and her family,several unexpected events come up that turn the Pridelands upside do Join Amana as she discovers a power deep inside her that she never knew she was capable of having. Bunga: Totally! But one particular Prince of the Pridelands intends to defy the sacred ritual in order to pursue the love of his life, whom happened to be his best friend since his childhood days. While protecting the Prideland, one of the Guard's members s A rouge cub comes across Zira's family and makes friends with them. Ono starts to question his value as the keenest of sight, but Kion tells him that he's always been on the team. Also yes there will be more characters, and also there will be characters that i havent added or cant add. I wouldn't have it any other way.". He was also happy that Jasiri was helping Janja follow the Circle of Life. Work Search: Beshte: We were so worried about Kion, that we allowed ourselves to hurt his feelings. When he landed the meal he was holding ploped in front of a sleeping lion. Kion was unaware just how deeply Ushari had been hurt until he revealed his allegiance with Scar in The Scorpion's Sting. It has to be one chosen by the Kings of the past themselves. "Taka!" Kion thanks the elephant for his help. He has since driven her away. A Spark of Light And Dark - Chapter 1 - Archive of Our Own She also despises hyenas and his Guard, which she calls pathetic for only having one lion and also hates Kion's kin greatly. The episode The Lake of Reflection reveals that Kion and Janja have to be enemies since they were infants. In this case it was a blessing, neither parent could bare the thought of Kiara hearing the news. Simba gasped for air as the green glared a little, but claimed himself down before his son could notice what's wrong. Is there away you can save my son!?" With a huge smile Kion looked up at the older lion, his tail swishing back and forth with excitement. " Beshte:Poa. However, Beshte understandsthat Kion did not mean to get him swept away. Kion talked to Mufasa for the first time in a long while, and realized that Mufasa was never angry with or ashamed of him; that he had only been worried that Kion had forgotten about him. Inside the Tree of Life, Nirmala healed Ono's eyesight with a leaf mask. Kion: (Confused) Nini kama Rafiki alisema? Kion yelled through the dark den, his mouth still holding on to the meat. Which would you prefer? The series centers around Kion, the son of Simba and Nala who is tasked with the daunting duty of leading the Lion Guard, a group tasked with the perseverance of the Pride Lands. Rani: Oh no, Father. Kion and Mwenzi as far as known ison good terms. Muhangus trusted Kion to get to the bottom of the situation, much like he and his mate do in Too Many Termites. Me: (shocked) How did you know I was gonna stay here with Rani? Zito is so annoyed over losing his home, that he doesn't appreciate Kion's attempts to find the elephants a temporary home, despite the cub's best efforts. Kion yelped leaving Taka's paws. (rolls his eyes and his expression turns angry and hurt) Well I'll tell you all something you'll be happy with for sure. Nala just smiled. " sanzubestboy, QueenKillTheKings, Z3r0n1us, and LordDavai Nala put her ear on Kion's chest, but quickly pulled due not being able to handle the situation. " I-I'm bring bad news. Simba is trained to kill Mufasa. Based on the premise of what if Kiara had accepted to leave to form her own pride with Kovu, unaware of the war raging on. Instead of being dead, Simba finds Scar. On top of everything, Kion had no idea how he had gotten there. Kion sung in his head. It's okay. Please? Their sibling rivalry seems to have diminished. Night." Kion hates Mama Binturong since he learned from Ono that she was pretending to be an animal in need as a plan for the predators to ambush the Tree of Life. Go to that canyon and train with Askari. Don't take this as a goodbye, though. You think I want that for my son! Ono: Nawaza. "Not like you to be caught offguard Tani, what's wrong?" Kion asks. At first, Uroho and the other baboons were scared of him at first since he was the son of the king. In Battle for the Pride Lands Kion simply becomes friends with Chunguafter he helps the guard defeat Scar. Even though the rescue causes Ono to be blind in both eyes, Kion recognizes that Ono is still useful and creates a new position on the Lion Guard, known as the smartest. The Lion King Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. But I am not only the king but my daughters father, and even if their is the slightest chance that Kion will become like Scar then-". " I don't know Kion. Kion and Pinguino are on good terms. In The Harmattan Makucha accidentally saves Kion from a rock that was about to fall on him. The cubs can also occasionally be a little snarky with one another, as seen at the start of Return of the Roar. But alright, how do i put Harley Quinn in the tags. But to other his name was Scar. Simba soon joined the pair on the rock. Ya ya. In "Long Live the Queen", Kion and Baliyo's have become closer to each other, after the death of Baliyo's grandmother, Queen Janna. She expressed immense pridein her son's Guard for defeating Janja's clan and saving Kiara in Return of the Roar. He also thanks Makuu for helping to train the Pridelanders to fight against Scar's army. Kion: Training with my ancestor, Askari and that's not all I can do. A four year old girl, named Arianna that goes to Hogwarts with her fa Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of one's time, for dreams are our realities in waitin LUST