This is your own choice and free will. The supreme possibility of self-realisation is active for Cancer and Leo ascendants, a very big advantage. In accordance to Virgo ascendant, in the event that Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter have a conjunction or are stro0ngly placed or have a strong bond shared between them then the probabilities of their love relationship turning into something meaningful and finally marriage are high. Sun is not good for Cancer ascendant he rules the 2nd house. Highly self-involved. eg If you want to make your marriage work, you have to give your own personal time, physical strength, mental energy, spiritual strength etc. Aquarius is unbridled with Leo rising and can excel to great heights. (SBI!). The spouse is does not openly resent the superior attitude that the Leo shows towards him/her. Whatever he takes up he does so with full focus and commitment. Planetary combinations for marriage, love marriage, and delays in You may find yourself supporting the rebellious causes, which might even be somewhat violent. Which means that your Third House in Libra, Seventh House in Aquarius and Eleventh House in Gemini. His attitude, perceptions and outlook are stable, individualistic but regal, capable of appreciating the higher things. In your birth chart, if the 2nd, 7th and 11th house lords are connected to each other, the marriage of a native will be successful. You take your time in creating your career and profession. It is an aspect of love and arranged marriage and astrologers will first check these indicators of Love marriage. Marriage is very important in our life and we must judge our Horoscope in depth to understand about it. Welcome to channel @ASTROLOGY MADE EASY. Simply click here and get to know your ascendant right away and then go ahead and check out if your love will turn into marriage or not! He can be a loyal ally but can abruptly abandon his friends mid-stream and not look back. They do not match his personality. Leo never changes his behaviour. You will get along with your siblings and family members. Simply say, while Rahu affects different astrology houses differently, with Venus, one's sexual desires are to rise. i have done so much fr others in this life, tht karma is done with.. but yes i write this blog in the spirit of teaching in case it helps others look at all this stuff frm another perspective. If you get involved with other humans, spouse or business, you are sending your personal energy out to others. Love & Marriage Compatibility: Find out best match for Libra Your free will, your choice and your own repercussions. Very private, he will not show his emotions to others, alone in his private joy and grief. And finally he is unpredictable, (a Leo guy once told me, even I dont know what I will be doing next!), he can abandon his interest as suddenly as he took it up. Leo Ascendant Love, Marriage and Relationships And equally important is what will feed you energy? If the lord of the ascendant is placed in the 9th house, and the lord of 9th house is in the 10th house with the 10th houses lord, an arranged marriage will take place. The most frequently asked question to almost all the astrologers around the globe and the hottest trending topic of all time is whether will my love relationship materialize into marriage or not? well, astrology can definitely address to this common concern of the people and has a positive answer for all the curious soul out there who have been dying to know the answer for the same. According to Capricorn, Saturn, Venus, and Moon just in case have a conjunction or are strongly placed or have a strong connection with each other then prospects of love turning into marriage are brighter. He can create new karma or choose to dissolve the root of karma itself. Moon in your Kundli showsa love marriage with a beautiful person who is superior to you in every way. He is earthy, bound by karma, hard-working, dour, resistant to change, servant class, very serious, the divine spark is dimmed to the lowest denominator here. Jupiter and Moon own the 8th and 12th signs, but these are not their Mool-trikon signs which makes them not so bad, but they cannot be relied upon, do examine their roles. This was your approach towards various areas of life as per your Ascendant Astrology. When ignored, it's possible for him to just look for praising into someone else's arms. Whatever path he commits to now, cannot be revisited in future as it will be powered by the irreversible Saturn+Capricorn power. Astrology Prediction, Career and Money Astrology Prediction Report, Career, Money and Wealth Vedic Astrology Prediction, Educational Path for your kid Vedic Astrology Prediction, How wealthy will you be? Your free will, your choice and your own repercussions. Kundli is the basis of Vedic Astrology and acts as the astrological chart to calculate the future of an individual. Leo. People with a Leo rising sign have a warm and loving heart, which makes them considerate and loyal lovers. Now the weirdest. In case of Gemini ascendant, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus have a conjunction or a strong placement or have a strong placement or have a good relationship between each other (all the three planets) in the natal chart then the native is said to have high chances of materializing his or her love affair into marriage. For Love Marriage, it is important to study- 7th house, 8th house, 5th house and 11th house. The planets Rahu, Moon, Mars, Venus, and Mercury are responsible for influencing love marriages. If Leo is occupied, then this planet will exert its influence on the personality. At present, Saturn has returned to his own Capricorn after 30yrs, will next move to his Aquarius. Families can be a great life-time study samples. 5 Ways to Know Love Marriage in Kundli - Marriage Astrology You may be prone to spending at your whim, which could get you into trouble. Male natives are having more of the feminine blend in behavior, activities, day to day business . Moon here is not so good, there is deep internal loneliness, may waste energy as projects fail. This behaviour can be viewed as ingratitude by others but is inherent, natural to him. But Leo ascendent is generally not unfaithful, sex is not very attractive to him, so he wont have affairs outside marriage. So analyse the 1st/ 7th axis to know about the entire personality. But Leo ascendent is generally not unfaithful, sex is not very attractive to him, so he wont have affairs outside marriage. If the spouse stops being subservient, the marriage collapses. Astrology is a lot more than your Sun Sign. When the birth chart or Kundali has a Rahu-Moon combination or when Moon combines with Mercury then it is a suggestion of Romance. Next we need to focus on the planet Venus which signifies love and romance. On the spiritual front, he is always lonely and hides his loneliness well. Arranged marriage and Love marriage have been part of Indian society for thousands of years. At present, Saturn has returned to his own Capricorn after 30yrs, will next move to his Aquarius. The 7th house is evening dusk, twilight, things are being obscured. If this combination has anything to do with lagna or 10th house then he may lose his social status or reputation by this act. Because they seldom lose confidence in their marriage, this couple may be . Your marriage will work if you stay detached from your partner and control your wish to dominate. This love is warm, passionate and inspiring, and they will have a chance to create, perform and have fun together for as long as they feel this way. She really knows how to control her energy and can turn the situation in her favor. Cancer. Leo and Sagittarius are a very good fiery combination of signs, and when two people with these Sun signs come together, they inevitably fall in love. Marriage in LEO Ascendant in astrology - With astrology - YouTube These total 5 years are going to be very crucial for Cancer and Leo ascendants. As per the Leo ascendant, Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn have a conjunction or are strongly placed or have a strong relationship between each other (all the three planets) then the odds of love affairs materializing into marriage are brighter for them. Leo is the natural 5th sign of the zodiac, a Kona/angle sign. The 7th Aquarius is owned by Saturn. Then the wife dies and leaves you with a small differently-abled child. The astrologers keep a close watch on the transit of the Sun because it illuminates the related significations of the house of its placement. (Mooltrikon is an important concept when interpreting planets and their own signs.). Saturn signifies a strict, serious, and just nature. 7th house is an important indicator for partnerships, including love marriage, arranged marriage, coupling and romance partners. If you do not know your Ascendant or Rising Sign, find it for free by filling your Birth Details here. Having your Ascendant Sign in Leo, you have First House in Leo, Fifth House in Sagittarius and Ninth House in Aries. You might be insincere, but can get away with your smooth talking. (But when you study charts, you learn to appreciate different mindsets and each very typical.). Aries Sun-Moon: Taurus Sun-Moon: Gemini Sun-Moon: Cancer Sun-Moon: Leo Sun-Moon If Aquarius is occupied, then the person will generally get married with its typical issues. Planets placed in the 5th House also play a vital role in love marriages. His convenience is paramount to him. Effect Of Conjuction Of Sun And Venus In Each House - Astrotalk The Mool Trikon Rashi, (primary sign) of Venus falls in the third house making Venus a malefic planet for Leo. Malefics in the 7th house or a badly placed 7th house owner will grant material pain, it is guaranteed. Do you know? Or a marriage of convenience, both doing their own thing, not unfaithful per se. Leo and Capricorn compatibility can lead to a tremendously practical and productive partnership, with a good standard of living and . Your keep on jumping from one life dream to another. And finally he is unpredictable, (a Leo guy once told me, even I dont know what I will be doing next!), he can abandon his interest as suddenly as he took it up. According to Libra ascendant, Venus, Saturn, and Mars in the case have a conjunction or are strong placed or share a strong relationship amongst one another, then the chances of love affair turning into marriage are extremely high. Can be egoistic, selfish, self-centred, has secrets, likes company, spends time with his friend circle. With long-term commitment and marriage compatibility, Leo women find a great "power couple" partner in Aries, but often feel more stable with Libra, whose contrasting personality acts as a . Find out what kind of a woman, a man desires according to his Horoscope Reading. He is completely involved in whatever has his attention at the moment, he will ignore the other aspects of life. A self-disciplinary at work is what Sixth House in Capricorn makes you. First House in Leo gives you a persona of regality. Whatever he takes up he does so with full focus and commitment. Navamsa chart is used along with the Birth Chart to find solutions to problems as well as conclude about love marriage. The Kudali or Horoscope based on the date of birth is the most accurate way to predict ones personality traits and how their future would pan out. Jupiter is a benefic planet and Mars is a malefic planet. Leo Ascendant Woman: The Bold Opportunist - First is that a regressive Venus is not considered positive for Love and Romance. The zodiacs of Scorpio, Gemini, and Pisces also reveal a lot into this process. Summary. On the spiritual front, he is always lonely and hides his loneliness well. The Sun stays in a sign for one month, and then it moves to the next sign. Answer (1 of 2): You have requested two answers . house so passion, emotion and mentality will not come on the surface nor interfere overtly with his decisions. . Mostly positive, but when situations become difficult, you cannot handle them. People with this rising sign often have a strong connection to their emotions and they can be very intuitive. Leo Sun Leo Rising Person - The Most Powerful Leo - In Nadi astrology, an important part of Vedic astrology, Mars shows the Husband in the female chart. You are the one who wants drama and if it is not there, you create it, knowingly or unknowingly. This post is a study on Leo ascendant, a bit less challenging than Cancer, but it too has its moments. Leo Ascendant First Impression, Personality, Creativity and Spiritual Side It is based on the prediction of the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), the Fifth House (House of Love), and the Seventh House (House of Marriage) and their Lords only of the various zodiac sign or ascendant. Ketu is a shadowy planet and is the South node in Astrology. With Leo Ascendant, you have your family house in Scorpio, intimacy house in Pisces and intuition house in Cancer. Sudden decisions or life-time decisions will not give favourable results. You know how you want to spend your money and keep track of every single penny. Saturn and Aquarius change both him and his spouse after marriage. The key to their compatibility lies in the fact that Cancer supports the dominating side of Leo. Want to grow in your career? Will not have many friends, no enjoyment in life. If the moon is placed in 5th, 7th or 12th house then it means that you will marry a person by your own choice. If the lord of 7th house is placed in Gadant or in Mrityu Bhaga, a delay in marriage occurs, whereas if the sun afflicting the 7th house or Leo sign also cause marriage delay. If you use this personal energy to power your own spiritual practice (again a topic controlled by the 7th), you are sending your 1st house energy into your higher self, it is not being wasted on others but used for your deepest growth. Health is generally good, but there is a propensity for heat related disease, pitta unbalances, blood diseases, fevers, piles, etc. Everyone is curious to know whether he/she will get married and whether they will have an arranged marriage or a love marriage. Just in case they have conjunction in any house or have a strong placement then chances of love materializing into marriage are decently higher than usual. Rahu arises sensual desires in a person and wishes for a wholesome experience of life. Interest in medicine, mental issues possible, fearful, experiences lots of self-delusions, idealistic, loyal, devoted, manic episodes. Only you can help yourself, this post is just to get you thinking. The route to the one-one relationship with the Higher Self is invisible in the radiant glare of the Individual Self. All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2015 - 2022 Artistic professions appeal to you and you would do well in fields related to beauty, luxuries, finance, comforts and such. Spiritual practices cannot be sustained for long, he loses interest. Divorce or death of spouse is also possible if there are other combinations. He has an unyielding nature, brusque, abrupt, not deeply involved in others including his own family. Some might commit suicide or take morally wrong paths or self destructive paths like alcohol/drugs to drown the pain. Affairs and long term girlfriends/ boyfriends are less, as is not emotional by nature. A distant marriage. With a strong work ethic between them, this can be a high achieving relationship, and they do admire one another's skills. In astrology Rahu and Venus combination also symbolize Love marriage, inter religion or Intercaste marriage. As per Vedic astrology, the accurate percentage of total chance of your love relationship of reaching its final destination of marriage can be figured out. But your are not very attached to them. If there is no interest towards romance and people are serious about career and other choices in life then having a love match is difficult. Venus gives very bad results here, as both are manipulative towards each other. Moon in the 7th house Virgo Ascendant . For the Scorpio ascendant, if Mars, Jupiter, and Venus have conjunctions or are strongly placed or have good and strong bonds between one another (all the three planets) then the plausibility of love affair converting into marriage are higher than your expectations. These turn the soul more intensely into the spiritual if the horoscope grants the strength to bear this anguish. If they can surrender to the fact that spiritual growth is the only possible goal and instead of trying out the material and the subsequent anguish, it would be overall better. There are numerous other factors that color the Sun sign, like the Ascendant and the other personal planets and bodies. Venus and Ketu combine in 12th House can give indebtedness, though of manageable nature. The degrees and position of the Sun and Venus with respect to each other . horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . Leo ascendent internally knows that he will Integrate his flame into the infinite fires of Reality. Leo ascendants do not enjoy a happy married life as internally there is no affection no mutual respect no compatibility nor companionship nor empathy nor shared interests between the two. Always remember that the goal of all life and living is to rebalance karma and attain self-realization. Your Ascendant: Leo. Leo is the natural 5th sign of the zodiac, a Kona/angle sign. When you marry someone you take on the attributes of his/ her 7th house. Half in the dark half in the light. It is wasted. on our WhatsApp number mentioned above. The 1st house (Dharma trikon) and the 7th are opposite each other, together yet diametrically opposite. But Yogkarak Mars supports, so personal courage, determination to conquer, pioneering spirit, to fight, power to control pran, wake the kundalini, attain Moksh etc all is possible. This material may not be used in any way whatsoever, sold, incorporated in any sort of documents or products, or used for promotional purposes without the express permission of the author, Tejaswini Arvind Patil. Humorous, superficial, expressive, attractive, numerous love affairs, the comedian, needs more sleep. Leo Ascendant Emotions, Family, Intimacy, Passion They also share high chances of having a happy, successful and prosperous love-marriage. As per Aries ascendants, Mars, Sun, and Venus play an important role. Leo is a fiery sign, very intense. Likes using luxury items, generally materialistic by nature, sometimes interested in spiritual stuff and likes a comfortable life. Lagna Lord or Ascendant Lord in Seventh House - Vedicknowledge Rising Sign Compatibility for Each Zodiac Sign - Review42 The Leo will not pay attention to the spouse, no movies, no dinner out, no intimacy. If you are aware that your chart is spiritually oriented and you choose to immerse yourself in Dhyan, you are feeding yourself more power. If he wants real happiness, he will have to stop his pre-occupation with his individuality. You are very down-to-earth and need . All one-one relationships are a source of dissatisfaction to him. So there is discomfort, but not as traumatic as what is faced by the Cancer ascendant. Sun will. This is because thoughts of romance and desires for love are created in our mind. Similarly if there are planets conjoint/ aspecting the birth Sun they will also exert significant effect on the entire personality. But becomes more crucial for the spiritual. The 7th is the shadow part of the 1st. But if the Saturn is still immature,should be careful. This was your Identity, First Impression, Personality, Creativity as defined in your Birth Chart. Body, mind and soul all will be affected. Website designed & developed by Future Point Pvt. Which of your free will choices are going to boost you? What Do Natal Sun Jupiter Connections Signify? You do not like anyone to know how emotional you are. The career horoscope 2023 would help you to know about your career prospects in the coming year. He may be materially well-off but wants more, information, knowledge, intelligence. You may come across as fun, independent and detached. . You have a strong yearning for attention and may feel taken for granted by your loved ones. 10 Realistic Effects of Venus Moon Conjunction in Horoscope Hi there Get your Personalized Saturn Transit 2020 Report. They prefer to fall in love and spend time with each other and understand nature and if they can get along for the rest of their lives. He is not made for equal one-one partnerships. Always in need of companionship, you have Eleventh House in Gemini. Jupiter here is mixed, can grant health and knowledge but also sudden disruptive changes. It signifies growth, learning, expansion, and benevolence. Saturn is the worst malefic for Leo ascendant. When things go wrong, you still keep going forward. If the houses are connected with the Sun or moon, the marriage is likely to be arranged by the parents. In this case analyse this other planet too in depth. It changes every two hours in a day and hence becomes a more accurate descriptor of us and our life. It is very important for the woman with the Ascendant in Leo to meet her soulmate and to build a family with him. The combination of Mercury-Venus, in signs of Gemini or Scorpio, positively shows Love Marriage in the Prediction. They are also big boned and although they may be of average height, they may have broad . Since, fortunes would make them wealthy. ), house when I am supposed to be analysing the ascendant sign. Eg. Virgo as Second House makes you very particular in financial matters. If Aquarius is vacant, then there is a real possibility that marriage will not occur. One can know everything about their marital life after analyzing this house. It's what we don't necessarily see, so it's more important for the longevity of the relationship than if you're the same on the outside. The planets Rahu, Moon, Mars, Venus, and Mercury are responsible for influencing love marriages. If you use this personal energy to power your own spiritual practice (again a topic controlled by the 7. house energy into your higher self, it is not being wasted on others but used for your deepest growth. You love to plan and even put them into execution. They have a very direct effect on your own personal energy. If these two planets are impacted by superlative planets, it indicates the failure of a relationship. Leo Ascendant Man: The Attention Seeker - Leo Ascendant Career, Finances, Workplace and Health As we mentioned above, the 7th house is the house of marital issues. Then the wife dies and leaves you with a small differently-abled child. So a regressive or weak Jupiter also helps in Love Marriage. So the demands for service/suffering increase after marriage/ partnerships. One such situation is when the 5th Lord placed in 7th House or 7th Lord is placed in 5th house in a Water Zodiac Sign. Worried about your career prospects? This has implications on the material/ emotional/ vitality parts. Leo basically wants a servant-spouse (Similar to Cancer, it is more intense for Cancer as emotions as well as personality/ environment are affected). Analytical process, communication skills, ability to think logically, mental stability is high, observant, alert. Venus and Rahu Conjunction in Astrology- Effect In Each House - Astrotalk Energetic and excited about life, the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius woman can attract you easily. You have artistic talent of communicating and self-expression. If you have Leo ascendants around you and their marriage seems to work, observe. On the business/ profession front, I have seen he generally does better in service, possibly government service or politics. The energies of these two planets together make a person a little obsessed with comfort, money and love. With the combination of Saturn and Ketu in 1st house, the person bears the persona of a recluse. Ketu is a karmic planet and gives valuable insights into the past life of the native. Obviously, we wish to know what the year 2023 will bring us. So, you have Leo as your Ascendant Sign. If your rising sign is Leo, people tend to see you as confident, charismatic, caring, and a little self-centered as well. It is only when you are comfortable, that you show how sensitive you are. You will enjoy good relation with your friends. You take a healthy pride in yourself. They are highly in control of their outer self and appearance. You have a lot of friends, which you need for talking, gossiping and share your views. Read here more about your Vedic Sun Sign! . Here your personal connection to the divine spark (Sahasrara chakra), your individual soul, your self-ego, confidence, self-creativity, genius, final knowledge (anand-mai-kosh), love affairs, children, etc are seen. Enter your email address to follow. Mars can give both extremes, a good marriage or divorce. Saturn is not good here, after marriage there is depression, disillusionment and sorrow. It is the second important planet love marriage indicator after Venus. Now theBhavat bhavam concept. Meditate on this and arrive at your own conclusions. The 1st house is the bhavat bhavam for the 7th house and only for the 7th. He and the spouse, both are uncomfortable, often frustrated and alone. According to the Vedic astrology, the Seventh House is analyzed to know the level of chemistry and commitment shared by the couple on the basis of which one can decide as to what level of commitment to these two shares as a couple. The route to the one-one relationship with the Higher Self is invisible in the radiant glare of the Individual Self. Please verify that 6 digit code below to continue. If Saturn is aspecting Venus, a delay in marriage will take place. They are looking for a partner to elevate their lifestyle, bring more . The Eleventh House lets us known the quality of relationship shared between two people and how will it be in the future. Just in case you have any trouble or worries about which zodiac sign is your Ascendant then Indastro will help you crack it! Health is generally good, but there is a propensity for heat related. As far as Cancer ascendants go, Moon, Mars, and Saturn have a conjunction or are strongly placed or have a strong relationship between each other then chances are good. He does not trust anyone in any case. Scorpio. Venus here will give him material gain from females, but can also make him selfish. 1) Leo - Aries. Leo never changes his behaviour. Submit details and our representative will get back to you shortly. His/her dress sense will be like a servant, shabby, drab, personal grooming is not on a priority etc. Navamsa chart prediction for marriage - Vedicknowledge His attitude, perceptions and outlook are stable, individualistic but regal, capable of appreciating the higher things. One can know about his future marriage or love life through Kundali Matching by date of birth, Kundali matching, Janam kundali. Which of your free will choices are going to boost you? For Cancer, the lord of the 7th and 8th, now himself in the 7th house (later will shift to the 8th house). Love or Arranged Marriage? How Astrology Decides Which is Best for you? You understand kids easily and know how to handle them. He is different from the rest of the. How do you use it? This was your attitude towards Career, Success, Money, Health as defined in your Birth Chart Astrology. Leo women are also highly compatible with the air signs Libra and Gemini because of their good social skills, which they find very attractive. Spouse is hard working, dour, not shining, dull, methodical. The most important boost is spiritual practice, thus the 7th house governs spiritual practice and your relationship with your higher self. If the 7th house' lord is making a connection with these planets, there is a possibility for love marriage. Mars connects to Male energy while its presence in the birth chart of a woman shows a Boyfriend. Ascendant Sign plays an equally important role, if not more, as your Sun Sign. One of the most important signs in our Birth Chart, our Ascendant, also known as the Rising Sign, determines the position of all the twelve houses in our chart that define our Education, Career, Love Life, Family Life, Wealth , income and all other aspects. Dasha and Time are key indicators in a Kundali. Anything that provides you stability and pleasure, would be preferable by you. And equally important is what will feed you energy? Rahu/ Ketu axis here can grant spiritual gifts on the material planes they cause suffering physical, mental both. Can astrology suggest the time period when you will have health issues? Aquarius and Libra natives are very much conscious about their marriage and relationships.