e. Wings and Sabers pins will be worn centered horizontally directly above the right pocket flap or ribbon holder. Coordination of the investigation and services to the vulnerable adult will be made with the Adult Protective Services Unit of the Nebraska Health and Human Services (NDHHS). 1. a. A. Crime Map. Shotguns will be checked at the beginning of each shift to make certain it is properly loaded, the safety is on, and that a round is not chambered. 5. c. If the officer(s) is unsure if the driver will test over or under .08, dependent upon the results, follow the procedures above. Collectors and retired officers are responsible for making payment directly to the vendor at the time that an order is placed. For blood tests, the Sworn Report must be filed with the State within ten calendar days from the date the blood test is received. Employees will wear official OPD uniforms or Business Dress attire. F. Upon a return of service for a search warrant on a computer or cell phone, the investigating officer can record the device's physical identification (model, serial number, etc.) The captain will forward voided citations and the Inter-Office Memorandum to the Records Unit for processing. 4. It is the policy of the OPD to act quickly to protect the victim, conduct both an administrative and a criminal investigation, and arrest the perpetrator if appropriate. The property and/or vehicle owner or renter should be listed as the victim. (2) If the reporting caller is the victim, TRS may complete the report if the victim prefers to make the report with TRS rather than the Mayors Hotline. a. The Previous OPD General Order is #16-08. After hours by appointment only. The command officer who made the decision to suspend accident investigations will send an email to OPD Overnights documenting the effective date, effective time, and the determining factors. Diplomatic and Consular Immunity: Guidance for Law Enforcement and Judicial Authorities (3rd ed.). The PIO command officer will designate an OPD officer as the OCSC. The officers attention must be on the entire surrounding area and not focused on the canine and the suspect. 8. The Training Unit will maintain a list of approved AR-15 rifle manufacturers. EVIDENCE - SEXUAL ASSAULT EVIDENCE COLLECTION KITS RESCINDED/REMOVED. III. Command approval may be obtained after the fact if necessary to meet timelines. immediately to the right of the utility belt buckle for right handed shooters and immediately to the left of the utility belt buckle for left handed shooters. NOTE: If it is a warrant arrest, retrieve the RB Number, Victims Name, and Victims Contact Information from the original Incident Report. That is, what the witness saw, heard, touched, tasted, or smelled. The personal property bag will be placed into the DCDC property pass through bin which is located below the booking window. 1. 1. Officers will request subjects produce a drivers license or other government issued photo identification when issuing a Super Citation. b. Mandatory Notification: Consular notification procedures that apply when you arrest or detain a Foreign National from any of the countries that have agreed to special rules with the United States. Optional Motorcycle Patrol Uniform items must be approved by the Traffic Unit commander. 1. b. If at all possible, allow the family every opportunity to visit the officer before death occurs. Omaha Police issue statement on missing juvenile rumors - KMTV In general, use of any cellular device that may cause any employee to be neglectful or inattentive to duty is prohibited. C. Sworn employees will return the vest to the Police Supply Unit when they enter an assignment which does not require the use of a traffic vest. When an employee is summoned to court and the court appearance time lasts beyond the ordinary lunch hour, it will be assumed that the employee had one hour free time for the meal period. Officers who seek permission to fly armed will complete the following steps: a. Officers employing agency will transmit a properly formatted message, via NLETS, to ORI VAFAM0199. If bond information is not on the original warrant, the Data Center Unit will call the Douglas County Corrections Department for the bond information and send the bond information in a NLETS message. C. Identification of the suspect will include, but will not be limited to: D. Officers will provide the victim with the RB number of the report. Collective bargaining agreement(s) may require that the cost of obtaining and maintaining optional firearms (i.e., cost of firearm and appropriate magazines, all ammunition, except street ammunition, and cost of upkeep) be borne solely by the officer or by the Department. All of this information must be documented in the Incident Report or supplemental reports. C. In cases of suspected child abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse, NO ONE will contact the childs parents unless the investigating officer specifically requests they do so. Mandatory Issued Mounted Patrol Uniform Items. 2. Locate and identify any witnesses and question them immediately if they must leave the scene. Note any programs or windows that appear to be open and running. 3. XI. b. Tested drugs returned from the testing lab will be sealed by the testing lab or by the EPU upon their return prior to storage at CPHQ. 3. Sworn employees being promoted will be in the uniform of the promoted rank. Officers will advise CIB detectives of witnesses and their statements. All arrestees (to include citations in lieu of arrest) will be positively identified. All traffic accidents involving police vehicles will be reviewed by the Traffic Prosecutor, where formal filing of charges against the person at fault will be made. B. Mandatory Issued Air Support Duty Uniform Items. "I was able to locate the boyfriend and conduct a lengthy interview with him at police headquarters.". 1. The owner or the owners representative will be permitted inside the structure. 2. The Homicide Unit detectives will dictate a report describing the crime scene. 4. A. We strive to maintain the trust and confidence of our citizens while working to improve the quality of life. 1. C. Aggravating Circumstances may include the following: 1. b. Prevent communications between suspects and victims or witnesses. The City Prosecutors Office will review the case at arraignment and decide whether to prosecute as a DUI or change the charge to a lesser-included offense. Officers will collect the evidence and transport it to the Evidence and Property Unit, complete the appropriate Tracker entries and place the evidence in the appropriate locker. The OPD uses the Tracker Evidence System (Tracker). b. 2. 1. B. B. c. The Standard Duty Uniform sweater will be worn either tucked into the trouser or bloused and not extending below the top of the belt. This requirement does not apply to taxicabs, mopeds, motorcycles and any other motor vehicle designated by the manufacturer as a 1963 or earlier model which is not equipped with an occupant protection system. NOTE: When booking on a Protection Order (DV or non-DV), a copy of the Protection Order must be included in the Felony packets for the County Attorney. In all motor vehicle accidents involving OPD vehicles, no charges for moving violations or accident causing violations will be filed by the investigating officer at the scene, by either the issuance of a citation, or arrest and booking, except in the following situations: 2. 1 (800) 362-2178, (402) 595-1326 c. Forward the original report to the OPD Records Unit. They did a great job at showing us the difference between sympathy and empathy. It is the policy of the Omaha Police Department (OPD) to respect the special provisions accredited to Diplomats and Consular Officials, members of their family, and their staff by the United States DOS and to comply with the mandatory notification agreements between the United States and specific foreign countries when Foreign Nationals of those countries are arrested or detained. D. All officers at the scene will complete a Supplementary Report (OPD Form 200) to document their activities. The Super Citation narrative should state See Incident Report.. 6. The reporting officer will fax a copy of any Recovered/Impounded Vehicle Reports to the Vehicle Impound Lot (see Appendix A for the fax number). 3. (2) If worn, they will be worn at an angle, with the bottom points of the chevrons touching the stitching and at an angle such that the diagonal cut on the bottom of the chevron is in line with the point of the collar. until 0400 est. Nordby is a graduate of Midland University in Fremont, Nebraska. All evidence and property will be logged into the Tracker Evidence System (Tracker) as soon as practical. 4. The only badge other than the Authorized Police Badge authorized for wear in plainclothes is the Optional Detective Badge. On rare occasions, CIB detectives and UPB officers may encounter serious crimes against person or property cases where no crime scene can be found or where no evidence can be collected. The mandatory Line Inspection for sworn employees is the Lieutenants Inspections. If the property is not picked up within 30 days, the EPU will notify the owner in writing. a. E. If an officer determines that their initial response to a given situation may have been inappropriate, the officer is to explain thoroughly the reason for the interaction. Officers are authorized to take into custody and further detain a subject who refuses to sign a Super Citation issued for a criminal offense. 1. Payment must be received within fifteen (15) days of the violation. A. 2. It is the back-up officers responsibility to cover the Canine Handler during a search of this nature. Code 3 - Trauma Center Candidate accidents (including hit and run accidents). C. OPD officers will be the conveying officer in the event an arrest has been made by: 1. 11. 5. 2. She is described as/having: White; Female The Background/Inspections Unit will be responsible for maintaining medical documentation of the sworn employees need to wear a beard. A. g. Rank and insignia will be worn as proscribed by the Honor Guard Unit Manual. City-owned cellular telephones will not be used for the purpose of creating personal financial gain. 2. D. The suspect in these situations will be physically arrested and taken to Douglas County Corrections. 5. B. 4. Position of vehicles, debris, skid marks, etc. 5. b. A. This process does not always involve a voluntary committal, and it is an alternative to committal at a mental hospital when a person is not an active danger to themselves or to another but is mentally impaired to the point where they cannot care for themselves. EPU employees will make the proper citations in the Tracker system documenting to whom the property was released. Chief Warrant Officer 5 Eric Nordby pauses for a photo, in his office, at the 85th (1) Officers may upgrade or purchase any plain black boot or shoe. c. When requesting the Canine Team for use in searching a vehicle that is suspected to contain illicit drugs, officers will follow the procedures for Canine Vehicle Searches as described in this policy. The following procedure will be followed: a. Officers will report to their immediate supervisor any use of prescription drugs or other medication they reasonably believe would impair their ability or judgment to use a firearm. A. Previous OPD General Orders include #7-93 and 60-14. D. If a survivor cannot be located, officers will leave a message at their residence and/or place of business to request that they contact the appropriate on-duty UPB lieutenant as soon as possible. Officers will document the FIRST and LAST names legibly on all blood draw paperwork. (1) Officers who opt to carry the mounted tactical light in the optional holster and who have other unserviceable holsters will be allowed to pay the difference between the costs of the optional holster and the unserviceable holster. The OPD will retain the following data pursuant to NRS 20-504: 2. Hair may be styled and worn in a prudent manner that does not obstruct, restrict, or interfere with vision. Canine Building Searches. Interviewing Witnesses, Suspects, and Officers. b. Used for routine traffic violations, or whenever aggravating circumstances are present. (c) The degree of the violation was very slight. Officers will never: 1. A. Law enforcement agencies must enter missing-persons cases into a national database hours after they receive a credible report, Bang said. The Douglas County 911 Communications Director will establish the guidelines for recording alarm information and dispatchers will be responsible for recording the information in the CAD system. 1. A Crime Lab Technician will be called to the scene of the accident. Metal Sergeant rank insignia is not authorized for wear on outerwear. Photographs or recordings made by officers in execution of official duties, especially those obtained in the course of criminal investigations, may be considered evidence, are OPD property, and should be treated as such. Courtesy Citations that are issued as a Warning DO NOT require a signature. G. Officers will follow all safety procedures and precautions while handling, loading, and unloading firearms. These circumstances exist when only one driver is reporting the event. If child-care is needed and the survivor does not have family members or friends with whom they are comfortable leaving their child, officers will contact the Child/Victim Sexual Assault Squad (CVSA) to arrange for child- care. Deliver the Felony Warrant Folder to the Fugitive Squad mail tray located on the 4th floor next to the CIB console. d. Permits must remain in the condition they were issued. b. This information will NOT be placed in the Vehicle Number 2 Section of the accident report. It is extremely important that the area to be searched is not disturbed. A. OPD: Missing man actually homicide victim - KETV International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Drug Evaluation and Classification Program (DECP). On occasion, individuals who have been arrested for a felony charge, brought to a preliminary hearing, and Bound Over to the District Court are later arrested on another criminal charge. Operating a Motor Vehicle to Avoid Arrest. B. Employees will log all property items into Tracker and turn items over to the EPU, a designated EPU storage area, or the OPD Crime Lab, as appropriate, prior to the end of their shift. Unit and Certification/Qualification Pins. All non-city vehicle property damage accidents. H. Procedures for using the Small Business Assistant voice mailboxes are as follows: 1. Additional qualification will be at the officers own expense. This does not include parking charges where the driver of the vehicle is identified and present. 4. The permittee will be advised to retain the permit after processing. C. The officer/employee who turns in evidence/property will be responsible for properly packaging, weighing the item (if necessary), and placing a label on the envelope or tag. I. Volunteer Handicap Patrol members will document the license number of the vehicle and other required information on the citation. All witnesses will be completely identified for later contact. Examples include: speed measuring devices (Radar/Lidar), portable radios, shotguns, vehicles (motorcycles, marked and unmarked cars). Officers will wear a handcuff case on their utility belt. However, the Special Operations Section Captain may authorize a prisoner transport beyond this limit for high-grade misdemeanors and offenses to include: Child Abuse/Neglect, CCW, Flight to Avoid Arrest, Protection Order Violation, Stalking, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Domestic Violence, DUI, and Reckless Driving. a. Document any physical evidence and, when necessary, contact the Crime Lab for photographs. 1. Investigate and gather facts that help establish probable cause and justify a finding that a building is either unsafe, unfit for human occupancy or a nuisance. A couple who were brutally murdered years ago but whose bodies never were located. Officers will articulate the reasons they feel the driver is impaired by a drug(s) other than alcohol in all applicable reports. D. If an officer does not enforce a Protection Order for any reason (i.e. A. A. g. The probation/parole status of suspects. F. When the driver of a motor vehicle involved in an accident refuses to give information to the investigating officer, the appropriate enforcement action will be taken. The detention should be only long enough to accomplish the physical GSR testing and incidental questioning. B. The supervisor will verify that the packet is complete. B. 4. When evidence of this nature is encountered, specific procedures designed to safeguard stored information must be followed. Upon arrival at the scene of the accident, the officer will: a. The officers supervisor will then notify the Consulate. The below-listed procedures will be followed for maximum effectiveness and safety during narcotics detection or evidence searches by police canines. Miranda warning post-arrest questioning. Private Investigator Omaha - Palladin Consulting Group If an investigative conflict is discovered, the inquiring employee will contact the listed investigator or agency to discuss the conflict. Employees who have achieved professional education, rank and/or levels of service may wear an authorized ribbon. In instances where the originating officer is obtaining the misdemeanor warrant, the origination officer will generate a Supplemental Report, titled in bold letters, Uniform Follow-Up Investigation.. AMBER Alert | Nebraska State Patrol Hair must be worn outside the uniform shirt and must not extend below the yoke line.. A. A. Employees should call the Small Business Assistant voicemail (the number is listed in the PPM Appendix A). A. Seek assistance for the family from other organizations as needed (for example, Concerns of Police Survivors). C. If the result of the Evidentiary Breath Test is less than 0.08, the officer will still complete the DUI reports. 7. 2. The Police Supply Unit will maintain an up-to-date list of equipment costs. b. B. 3. Iowa: b. PBT procedure if the Primary Officer is not certified. The Records Unit/Data Center will send a copy of all graffiti reports to the Gang Unit. Previous OPD General Orders include the following: #21-91. b. B. 7. The on-scene supervisor will assume command and will make certain the crime scene is secure and that all evidence is thoroughly collected, including photographs. Equipment required for the employees new obligations and position will then be issued. Previous OPD General Orders include #19-06, 23-12, and 33-14. 1. Photograph all items in their present position. Notification of family members will always be prompt and will always be made in person. B. The address listed on the Protection Order is NOT the only address where the order applies and does NOT restrict the officer from arresting the suspect if the suspect is violating any of the restrictions listed on the Protection Order. D. Officers are required to verbally advise the motorist of the automatic revocation as printed on the ALR form by reading the Verbal Notice of Revocation on the ALR form (provided by the State of Nebraska DMV). Omaha Police looking for man missing since March - WOWT Officers should consider weather and other environmental factors before requesting the Canine Team. b. c. Foul Weather Gear: Only foul weather gear issued by the OPD will be worn by Bicycle Patrol Officers. In all cases, regardless of notification by school, hospital, or daycare center staff, the investigating officer is responsible for notifying a parent regarding a child's interview or child placement in protective custody. Ribbons will not be worn on the Standard Duty Uniform. D. The DCSO Crime Lab will send a report with the blood test results to the Primary Officers precinct, the OPD Records Unit and the City Prosecutors Office. Officers will present the form to DCDC staff at the booking window. Only paper bags and envelopes, cardboard boxes, and antistatic containers should be used for packaging digital evidence. f. Back-up officers in the area of a canine apprehension are very vulnerable. G. Off-duty uniformed privately employed officers may issue citations for violations that occur in their presence, e.g., vehicles parked illegally in handicapped zones on the business property for which the officer is employed in an off-duty capacity. Due to ATF and IRS regulations concerning the purchase of firearms and ammunition, ammunition and firearms for personal ownership or use are not authorized for purchase through the OPD Police Supply Unit. Check four (4) boxes and/or write in three (3) charges in the other boxes for different offenses. Cause the death of an unborn child (Class IV felony - NRS 28-394). 2. b. Anyone has the power to be someone who makes our community a safe place for all children. 3. 1. Statements of drivers/witnesses agree. The officers Deputy Chief will appoint a liaison officer to serve as a facilitator between the family and the OPD. B. Primary Firearms will be black, silver or have a traditional brushed or matte metallic finish. A. 4. C. Active military personnel assigned to duty in Nebraska are exempt from registering their vehicles in Nebraska if their primary residence is in another state. G. Knives and/or other weapons/instruments at a crime scene should not be moved unless necessary. Officers will document the names of all inhabitants and/or occupants present at the time of the shooting in an OPD Continuation/Supplementary Report (OPD Form 200A). Minors Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs. C. Unit and Area Sergeants will be responsible to make certain that two bears are kept in each vehicle and that replacement bears are kept in a secured area. 4. BICYCLE PATROL UNIFORM SPECIFICATIONS (RESCINDED). All evidence is accessible to the officers for court or other investigative procedures. A. Drivers of authorized emergency vehicles when operating such emergency vehicles pursuant to their employment. Officers will then contact the Information Channel Operator to confirm that the property is in compliance with closed property registration requirements. 2. 10. F. For each call of possible abuse/neglect, the above procedures will be followed. PREAMBLE: When developing procedures for dress, hair, jewelry and grooming standards, the Omaha Police Department strives to attain uniformity of appearance, esprit de corps, and implement policies and procedures which will not have an adverse impact on police discipline and/or cause great public dissatisfaction. b. A. Possible courses of action include: (1) Attempting to locate the true offender to issue them the citation. I. When making an arrest or detention, officers will determine the nationality of Foreign Nationals. 2. 5. Current metered parking on the inner perimeter around both facilities will be limited to passenger vehicles only. Officers will book a suspect for all charges when any one charge requires booking. b. If the complainant desires prosecution, the OPD officer will complete an Incident Report and advise the complainant of the misdemeanor warrant procedures to obtain a warrant for the owner of the animal. 1. E. If a person dies outside the presence of medical personnel, no suspicious circumstances exist, and a family member cannot be reached immediately, or if family members are uncertain as to disposition, the Coroner should be contacted immediately. While the DRE is en route, the arresting officer will complete OPD Form 189 (Incident Report) and OPD Form 26 (DUI Supplementary Report). Officers may purchase a Secondary Firearm to carry while in their plainclothes capacity. Disruptive or Violent Intoxicated Persons. This NRS states that any person who operates or has in his/her actual physical control a motor vehicle in the state of Nebraska will be deemed to have given their consent to submit to a chemical test or tests of their blood, breath, or urine. 2. Any employee who receives a subpoena to bring OPD records to a court hearing will advise the person that they are not the custodian of the records and cannot present them. Book the violator for "Refusal to Sign a Citation," per NRS 60-684 and the original traffic violation(s). Her aunt was very realistic, explained Nordby. What the suspect did not know is Nordby had O'Grady's phone records. will be submitted with all other reports. a. A. 2. Anyone who is unable to produce authorization is in violation and may be issued a criminal citation for violation of Ordinance 20-156.01. A. When approved, these additional ribbons will be added to the list of authorized pins located in Appendix B. Following review by the precinct/section commander, the packets will be forwarded to the Executive Services Bureau (ESB). Each case file will be assigned a case number. A. Time-Sensitive tips regarding gun possession are routed expeditiously. Make certain the suspect is transported to the hospital for treatment, regardless of their wishes. Previous OPD General Orders include #4-85, #123-88 and #123-88 Supplement #1, #49-92 and #6-11. c. If a Supplementary Report is recorded for transcription, the officer will attach a note to the County Attorneys arrest packets advising of the taped report. 1. Control of a prisoner or travelling on a round trip ticket returning from travelling to escort a prisoner. Advise that Captain of the problem with the report. Personal long distance calls will be made from a regular telephone and charged to the individual or on the employees personal cell phone. 1. 2. b. Relevant CALEA Accreditation standards include the following: 1.3.9, 1.3.10 and 41.3.4. 2. 3. Paper Courtesy Citations: The Information Services Squad will be responsible for the record-keeping of the paper Courtesy Citations, and will retain the original Courtesy Citation white copy. Nebraska law requires drivers to make certain that all children who are six years of age or older and less than eighteen years of age use an occupant protection system. Most court orders are issued only after a hearing where both the Plaintiff and the Respondent have an opportunity to be heard, however, Protection Orders are often issued ex parte. Officers who do not re-qualify will not be authorized to carry the rifle on duty beginning January 1 of the next year. Previous OPD General Orders include the following: #34-70, 20-71, 49-73, 91-74, 12-86, 45-90, 21-92, 26-12, 36-13 and 60-14. E. Business Casual Dress attire will consist of a combination of the following: 1. III. In all other cases of citizen's arrest for theft by unlawful taking. Uniform Patrol Bureau (UPB) officers generally conduct the Preliminary Investigation while CIB detectives or specialists generally conduct the Follow-up Investigation. NOTE: In order to enforce handicapped parking regulations, the designated space/ zone must be identified by a handicapped parking sign that conforms to applicable state and federal regulations (as described in NRS 18-1737).