Khurshid an angel of the sun, associated with light. Fravashis guardian angels, an aspect of one's higher self. He is, like Tishtrya, depicted as a white horse battling the demon Apaosha (shown as a black horse). Vayu (Vayu-Vatu, Vata) god of the wind who lived between worlds, in the interface between the good of Ahura Mazda and the evil of Angra Mainyu and so could be a powerful force for either side. The regal period, 753-509 bc Web. They can also appear as rats, shooting stars, or in other forms. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. At the end of the bridge, the angel Rashnu would judge the soul based on its deeds in life and assign it a fitting home in the afterlife, either the House of Song (paradise) or the House of Lies (hell). Only Rustum was able to ride Rakhsh as Rustum's superior strength and power would have killed any other horse, although Rakhsh would not allow any other rider through devotion to Rustum. Ahura Mazda had created human beings with free will to choose which course they would follow and, if one chose rightly, one would live well and find paradise in the afterlife, if poorly, one lived a life of confusion and strife and was dropped into the torment of hell after death. Vayu was considered a yazata (spirit worth worshipping) or a daeva (evil spirit) depending on how he sided at a given time. Their name means immortal spirits. He has taught history, writing, literature, and philosophy at the college level. Jamshid ([dmid]) (Persian: , Jamshd; Middle-and New Persian: , Jam) also known as Yima (Avestan: Yima; Pashto/Dari: Yama) is the fourth Shah of the mythological Pishdadian dynasty of Iran according to Shahnameh.. Other information on pre-Zoroastrian religion comes from later works known as the Bundahisn and the Denkard and, to a lesser extent, the Vendidad. Gaymart | Zoroastrianism | Britannica Mark, Joshua J.. "Twelve Ancient Persian Mythological Creatures." Tishtrya is represented as a white horse with golden ears, ornamented with gold trim, who battles the demons Apaosha (drought) and Duzhyairya (bad harvest), rising from the Vourukasha Sea, the source of all waters, to fly across the sky or dive into the waters to defeat his enemies. He is only finally killed through deceit but still is victorious in maintaining order against chaos. Mark has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt. Dogs would welcome a justified soul and reject those who had been condemned. Chamrosh a giant bird with a dog's body and the head and wings of an eagle. He was adopted by Simurgh, the dog-bird, and raised as one of her own children, acquiring great strength and wisdom. Hushedar the first of three saviors to appear before the end of the world. One of the central values of ancient Persian culture was storytelling, and through their rich mythology, they created some of the most memorable characters and tales in world history which have fascinated audiences ever since. The greatest Persian hero is Rustum (also given as Rostom and Rustam) who is the grandson of the hero Sam and son of the equally heroic Zal. With your support millions of people learn about history entirely for free, every month. Interpreting this as an evil omen, Sam abandons the newborn in the Alburz Mountains and leaves him to die. Jinn were thought to inhabit lonely places outside of established communities and were especially to be feared when crossing the desert and in stops at oases. Haurvatat goddess of wholeness, completeness, perfection and so associated with prosperity, wealth, and health. The latter process, in particular, requires the presence of writing in order that . One branch of these Aryans settled in and around the region now known as Iran (originally known as Ariana the land of the Aryans) prior to the 3rd millennium BCE and are referred to as Indo-Iranians; another branch settled in the Indus Valley and are known as Indo-Aryans. Zahak was a prince who was corrupted by the lies of Angra Mainyu, killed his father, and took the throne. Retrieved from Neriosang an angel, messenger of the gods. The snake, like in many other mythologies, was a symbol of evil, but many other animals and birds appear in Iranian mythology, and, especially, the birds were signs of good omens. Shabrang Behzad the mighty black horse of the hero Siyavash. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Gavaevodata was so beautiful, it attracted the attention of Angra Mainyu who killed it and, afterwards, it was transported to the moon and purified; from its purified seed came all animals who would feed on, and fertilize, the earth's vegetation. From the shadows of a global pandemic has emerged an economic hangover. Like all other animals, the dog owed its existence to the life-giving energies of one of the first of Ahura Mazda's creations, the Primordial Bull. They were later elevated to benevolent spirits by the Muslim Arabs and served the same purpose as angels in bringing messages from the divine. He is given power by the gods as a reward for his selfless devotion and uses it wisely: when the world becomes overpopulated, he simply enlarges it, providing more space and resources for humans, animals, and vegetation to live together peacefully. The Amesha Spentas are yazatas, as are angels and a number of other deities. Thus, in the first three centuries, a number of ideas from the ancient Middle East, from Hellenistic and especially from Jewish and Christian traditions . The gods tell Yima that a hard winter is coming and he should gather a man, woman, the seeds of all kinds of vegetation, and two of each kind of animal in a large three-tiered barn. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Sassanian-style Plate with Simurghakhenatenator (Public Domain). Haoma god of the harvest, health, strength, and vitality; personification of the haoma plant whose juices brought enlightenment and of which Gaokerena was the greatest and largest. God splits heaven from earth, darkness and light, night and day, evening and morning, water and sky, sets of . Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Originally confined to ideas of social and . This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. About a thousand years later, a religion known as Zoroastrianism (pronounced zor-oh-AS-tree-uhn-iz-m) emerged in the region. The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: An A-Z Guide to the Myths and Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Rashnu an angel; the righteous judge of the dead, Verethragna the warrior god who fights against evil, Vayu god of the wind who chases away evil spirits, Atar god of the divine element of fire; personification of fire, Haoma god of the harvest, health, strength, vitality; personification of the plant of the same name whose juices brought enlightenment. Defining history is hardly easier than defining myth, but a historical approach necessarily involves both establishing a chronological framework for events and comparing and contrasting rival traditions in order to produce a coherent account. Then Ahura Mazd created Gaymart . World History Encyclopedia. Gavaevodata is the Primordial Bull (also known as the Uniquely Created Bull, Primordial Bovine, Primordial Ox) who was among the earliest creations of Ahura Mazda. She is also associated with causing women's menstrual cycle but, as this is also said to have been instituted by Ahura Mazda and a natural occurrence, it is more likely she causes painful or difficult periods. Ardashir I & Ahura MazdaLutf 'Ali Khan (Copyright). They are thought to be spirits imprisoned to atone for past sins but are neither immortal nor human souls. Afterwards, justified souls went on to paradise where they were reunited with those who had gone before; evil souls were dropped into a dark hell of torment. Once animals and plant life were in place, Ahura Mazda created the first man, Gayomartan (also given as Gayomard, Kiyumars) who is beautiful and bright as the sun and so attracts the attention of Angra Mainyu who kills him. Traditional legends and stories originally told by ancient Persians and other Iranian peoples, For example, those regions and peoples in the, Indogermanisches etymologisches Wrterbuch, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of articles related to Persian mythology, Dialect, Culture, and Society in Eastern Arabia: Glossary, Ferdowsi millennial celebration in Berlin,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from September 2021, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing Avestan-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Fereydun (Feridun) another name for the great Persian hero-king Thraetaona, who defeats the evil dragon Azhi Dahaka, liberates the people from Zahak (the dragon's embodiment), and was father of the princes who wage the Iranian-Tauranian War in the Shahnameh. He is one of the Amesha Spentas and a powerful opponent against the forces of evil. The following are all drawn from the sources listed below in the bibliography. The central vision of ancient Persian religion was of a universal struggle between the forces of good and evil, order and chaos. He is also known as Ahriman, especially in later texts on Zorvanism, where he is referenced as Ahura Mazda's twin brother. Apam-Napat a water god whose name means child of the waters. He is depicted with a helmet, shield, and spear and is associated with metal and metallurgy, especially with molten brass, thus linking him with transformation. Agas demon of illness, especially of the eyes. Sohrab the tragic hero and son of Rustum and the princess Tahmineh in the Shahmaneh. Persian Hero RustumMaksim (Public Domain). Also associated with the demon Nasu who contaminates dead bodies, flying from the north (location of hell) when it hears someone has died. African religions - Mythology | Britannica Now a days the nuber of known followers range from 150- 200,000. Cista - an early goddess of health and well-being who presided over one's path in life and also one's spiritual walk of faith. Aka Manah daeva (evil spirit) of sensuality and desire; tempter of the prophet Zoroaster who tried to seduce him away from devotion to Ahura Mazda. Khrafstra evil demons who manifest themselves physically in the form of frogs, lizards, wasps, annoying insects such as stinging ants, and beasts of prey. They were allegedly imprisoned in their fairy-form until they had atoned for a past sin but were neither human souls nor immortal entities. Genesis Myths, Mesopotamian Mythology - CAIS @ SOAS When a human encountered a jinn, the entity might grant the person's wishes or trick them at the last moment. Gather a variety of cultures' creation myths and create a jigsaw activity where each student reads one and then shares key points about it with a small group. The god Mithra might still be invoked and his battle with the dragon Azhi Dahaka still be told, but it was understood that Mithra was now simply Ahura Mazda fighting the forces of evil. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Pairaka (Pairi) shapeshifting female demons (daeva) who appear as beautiful women to seduce and corrupt men in the night. The dog was considered the best protection against these demons and also warded off cats. Daena the Holy Maiden who appears to the newly deceased on the Chinvat Bridge and comforts them as they cross. World History Encyclopedia, 10 Dec 2019. The Zoroastrian Story of Creation || Ancient Persian Mythology || Afro Jinn were thought to especially favor lonely places such as desert plains and oases so amulets were carried by merchants and travelers for protection from their influences. Gaymart, Avestan Gay Maretan ("Mortal Life"), in later Zoroastrian creation literature, the first man, and the progenitor of mankind. The force equated with fortune or destiny which defined a person's role in life. Help us and translate this definition into another language! He was later replaced by Mithra. Ancient Persian Mythology is the term now referencing ancient Iranian Zorvanism (also given as Zuvanism, Zurvanism) was a sect of the Shadows in the Desert: Ancient Persia at War, The Persians: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Iran. Zam-Armatay Mother Nature, the goddess of deified earth, the earth-energy which makes all things live and grow. His second flood creates the Vourukasha Sea, source of all waters. In some passages, he is the twin brother of Angra Mainyu. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. He inspires the hero Fereydun to lead the revolt. The evil demons known as khrafstra tried to kill it, taking on the form of a frog and a lizard to eat it, but the plant was protected by the Kara fish who swam around it and kept them away as well as by the Righteous Ass, a pure-white donkey with a single golden horn on his forehead, three legs, nine mouths, and six eyes. Cite This Work Ahura Mazda thereby sets the paradigm, repeated in many other instances, of turning Angra Mainyu's efforts at destruction to positive ends. Guardian of the summer solstice. Hushedar-mar the second of three saviors to appear before the end of the world. Twelve Ancient Persian Mythological Creatures Shahrazad (Scheherazade) heroine of the One Thousand Nights and a Night who is married to the king Shahriyar. Simurgh was an enormous bird with the head of a dog, body of a peacock, and claws of a lion, large enough to lift an elephant with ease, who lived in cycles of 1,700 years before plunging into a fire of its own making to die and be reborn (precursor to the later myth of the Phoenix). The most feared among them were the Al (Hal) who preyed on newborns and their mothers. Mithra's heroic qualities formed the basis for the central figure of the Roman mystery religion known as the Cult of Mithras, but the two deities are not the same. In early myths, she is known as Saena, the Great Falcon, who sits in the upper branches of the Tree of All Seeds and, by fluttering her wings, sends seeds flying to the ground and across the world to find their way into the earth. Gavaevodata the Primordial Bull (also known as the Uniquely Created Bull, Primordial Bovine, Primordial Ox), the first unique creature made by Ahura Mazda after the creation of sky, water, earth, and vegetation. Peri a small, beautiful, winged female spirit better known as a faerie. Indra the demon of apostasy who encouraged the abandonment of religious practice and true faith. Ancient Persian Mythology - World History Encyclopedia The stories which form the basis of Persian mythology come from early Persian religious belief. The Oxford Companion to World Mythology identifies a number of traditional narratives as "Islamic myths". The manticore could kill anything except for elephants and especially enjoyed human beings, devouring them whole and leaving no trace except, sometimes, stray spatters of blood. Long before their conflict begins, the first great hero is King Yima (also given as Yama), who rules over the known world with justice and devotion, banishing death and disease and elevating the lives of the people throughout his realm. The creation pericope of Genesis 1-2:4a, is taken from the liturgy of the Babylonian or Persian New Year festival. Khshathra Vairya god of the desirable dominion (Kingdom of Heaven, paradise) who enables people to resist the lies of Angra Mainyu and fight against evil. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. New Year's Image, PersepolisGinolerhino (CC BY). The stories of these creatures, gods, and spirits as well as the heroes who contended with them were passed down in a long oral tradition until they were included in parts of the Avesta and, more fully, in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi written between 977-1010 CE. The prophet Zoroaster revised this earlier vision so that Ahura Mazda became the one true god while the most significant of the other deities became emanations and manifestations of his eternal goodness. Jinn were supernatural entities who, like the Peri, were neither immortal nor human souls. When someone in the community went missing, and there was no clue as to what happened to them, it was judged to be the work of a manticore. Shahriyar adopts a policy of marrying a virgin, spending a night with her, and executing her the next morning. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. He was associated with Anahita, the goddess of water and of fertility. The sun purifies Gayomartan's seed in the ground, and 40 years later, a rhubarb plant comes from it and grows into the first mortal couple Mashya and Mashyanag into whom Ahura Mazda breathes the spirit of life which becomes their souls. Suroosh symbolized protection and Daena one's own conscience. Dragon-serpents ( azhi) frequently appear in Persian mythology as the embodiment of evil and disorder, and Azhi Dahaka was the most fearsome of them all.