Before you take it for a test drive, make sure to give your new mattress time to off-gas in a well-ventilated environment. DiNenno) Fourth Edition. Further decomposition occurred about 600C with the fragmentation of the yellow smoke, primarily into hydrogen cyanide and small quantities of acetonitrile, acrylonitrile and benzonitrile. Woolley WD, Fardell PJ, Buckland IG (1975) The Thermal Decomposition Products of Rigid Polyurethane. 8-80, addressing . Med Sci Law 21:60. Off-gassing is the unpleasant odor caused by volatile . At lower temperatures, decomposition differs, depending on the composition and physical properties of the polymer, although clear trends can be identified. Similarly, the polyether based foam produced 15.1mgg1 to 28.1mgg1. When polyurethane and polystyrene burn, they create a very smoky fire that . SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Bors, Hietaniemi J, Kallonen R, Mikkola E (1999) Burning characteristics of selected substances: Production of heat, smoke and chemical species. Additionally, the authors reported a yield of 1315mgg1 of CO, 1.41.5mgg1 of HCN, and 1012mgg1 of NO. The strain of two electronegative atoms (N and O) results in electron density being pulled away from the carbon atom, giving it a strong partial positive charge. Isocyanate derived functional groups that cross-link polyurethane chains i) biurets ii) allophanates. The effect of asphyxiants and deep lung irritants depend on the accumulated doses, i.e. The significant increased yields at 1000C and 1200C could also be attributed to pyrolysis of the nitrogenous combustion products into HCN due to the low air flow rate. Some methods have proved incapable of properlyreplicating the most toxic under-ventilated fire condition, where the yields of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide are greatest, while other methods have shown good correlation with large scale test data. In a compartment fire, the reactions of under-ventilated flaming occur in both the flame zone and in the hot upper layer. Their analysis indicated that, above 600C, the high temperature decomposition of MDI generated a large number of volatile fragments, including benzene, toluene, benzonitrile and toluonitrile. (1985) when a flexible polyurethane foam was first heated at a temperature below its auto-ignition temperature, followed by flaming combustion of the remaining char and residue at a higher temperature. DiNenno et al. However, once one of the groups forms a urethane or urea, the activating effect on the other isocyanate is reduced, as ureas and urethanes are weaker activating groups than isocyanates. Isocyanurate rings are the most thermally stable in an inert atmosphere and decompose between 270 and 300C. It is likely that the fire toxicity of fire retarded polyurethane materials is largely dependent on the specific fire retardant present. Fire Research Notes 951:p117. However, unlike a real fire, the heat flux remains constant, and so when the oxygen concentration falls, the flame may be extinguished. A "combustion modified high resilience" flexible polyurethane foam (CMHR-PUF) and a polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam were analysed a steady state tube furnace apparatus. Neviaser and Gann (2004) compiled the toxic potency data for a range of materials including a number of fire retarded and non-fire retarded polyurethane foams. In air, the resulting decomposition fragments can be oxidised into CO, CO2, H2O and nitrogen oxides at high temperatures. Common polyurethane functional groups i) urethane ii) urea iii) carbodiimide iv) uretdione v) isocyanurate. Equation In addition totheir flammability, polyurethanes form carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other toxic products on decomposition and combustion. Polyurethanes are a diverse family of synthetic polymers that were first synthesised in 1937 by Otto Bayer. Foams Under Laboratory Conditions, Fire Research Note, No 1039. Additionally, the self-addition of isocyanates to produce isocyanurates (v in Fig. Anderson RC, Croce PA, Feeley FG, Sakura JD (1983) Study to assess the feasibility of incorporating combustion toxicity requirements into building materials and furnishing codes of New York State: Final report, vol I, II, III, Arthur D. Little, Inc. Report, Reference 88712, May 1983. . This can be explained by the fragmentation of nitrogen containing organics in the flame and in the effluent, as suggested bystudies of the inert-atmosphere decomposition of polyurethane materials. The three-compartment test consisted of a burn room, a corridor and a target room where samples would be taken. The toxic product yields may be quantified from the gas concentrations and mass feed rate during the steady state burn period. For example, Levin and coworkers reported that melamine-treated flexible polyurethane foam generated 6 times more HCN than an equal amount of non-melamine treated foam. 1982), the authors exposed male Fisher 344 rats in a 200L exposure chamber to the fire effluent from the flaming and non-flaming combustion of both materials. This was enough to cause deaths both during and post-exposure. The authors noted that the yields of CO during the well-ventilated testing were higher than expected for both materials, and attributed this to the possible presence of gas phase free radical quenchers, such as halogens or phosphorous containing flame retardants, which would reduce the conversion of CO to CO2 (Schnipper & Smith-Hansen 1995). Fire and Polymers II: Materials and Tests for Hazard Prevention 599:p498517, Chun BH, Li X, Im EJ, Lee KH, Kim SH (2007) Comparison of Pyrolysis Kinetics between Rigid and Flexible Polyurethanes. The detection of the amino MDI derivative in the tar further supports the literature reports of a secondary decomposition mechanism where isocyanates trapped in the condensed phase are converted irreversibly into their amine derivatives. The controlled atmosphere cone calorimeter. The radiant heat flux in the ISO/TS 19700 apparatus has been measured (Stec et al. Syntheticpolymeric materials may be divided into thermoplastics and thermosets. Hietaniemi et al. But the amount & rate of release are affected . Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Various apparatus and protocols for quantifying fire effluent toxicity in different jurisdictions and industries have been critically reviewed (Hull & Paul 2007). Those with constant combustion conditions are more suited to producing data suitable for comparison and modelling: the steady state tube furnace (SSTF) (ISO/TS 19700 2013) has been specifically designed to achieve this. Polyurethane is widely used, with its two major applications, soft furnishings and insulation, having low thermal inertia, and hence enhanced flammability. In addition, asphyxiation can also occur as a result of lowered oxygen concentration, and is affected by the carbon dioxide concentration. In others, under reduced oxygen concentrations, the fuel lifts from the surface, but ignition does not occur (Christy et al. The authors asserted that fire retarding flexible polyurethane foam did not increase its acute or chronic toxicity when compared to non-fire retarded flexible foam. The yields of toxic products followed the expected trend of being higher in the under-ventilated conditions. Oxygen depletion can be lethal if the oxygen concentration falls below tenable levels (~6%). Using a smoke chamber set up for animal exposure experiments (as described in Levin et al. Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are non-flammable gases present in fire effluents. NIST performed the experimental burn tests 1 on 4-inch (10-cm) thick by 4 ft x 4 ft (1.2 m x 1.2 m) wide polyurethane foam slabs. Two mechanisms have been identified for the toxic effects of cyanide. Fire and Materials 6:p1315, Neviaser JL, Gann RG (2004) Evaluation of Toxic Potency values for Smoke from Products and Materials. Polyurethane. Animal studies provide most of what we know about the dangerous effects of toxic substances. Fire Science Reviews . This is due to the concentration of oxygen directly under a flame being close or equal to 0% (Schartel & Hull 2007). (2006) has supported the claim that polyether based polyurethanes are less stable than their polyester based counterparts when decomposed in air. Fire and Materials 23:p171185, Hull TR, Paul KT (2007) Bench-scale assessment of combustion toxicity-A critical analysis of current protocols. 1). By using infrared analysis, the authors were able to detect a range of compounds at each step, as summarised in Fig. . Michal (1982) reported a similar trend at a fixed air flow rate. Combustion Science and Technology 183(7):p627644, Saunders JH (1959) the Reactions of Isocyanates and Isocyanate Derivatives at Elevated Temperatures. ISO 13571 (2007) considers the four major hazards from fire which may prevent escape (toxic gases, irritant gases, heat and smoke obscuration). 23. Taking this into consideration, the reported yields of isocyanates, aminoisocyanates and amines are still relevant, as the results of Blomqvist et al. . The polyurethane market was estimated to be worth $33 billion in 2010 and is expected to continue to grow to over $55 billion by 2016. It is inexpensive and easy to install, however, it is a severe fire risk and requires a thermal barrier to make it safe. Journal of Fire Sciences 8:p6379, BS 6853 (1999) Code of practise for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains. Some fire models, such as the cone calorimeter, fire propagation apparatus and smoke density chamber use the temperature of the radiant heater to preselect the radiant heat flux, and then check this using a radiant heat flux meter. Taking this into consideration, the steady state tube furnace and the controlled atmosphere cone calorimeter both produced the highest yields of HCN in under-ventilated conditions. The two main families of polyols used are polyether polyols and polyester polyols (Fig. These VOCs come mainly from the polyurethane used in the mattress, but also from other chemicals used in flame retardants and plastics, the researchers said. Rigid polyurethanes primarily produced aromatic compounds in the condensed phase products of decomposition, whereas flexible polyurethanes produced aromatics, alcohols, aldehydes and heterocycles. It has been suggested that the reproducibility problems arise from the single point measurement (the tip of the probe may be in the centre of the plume, below it, or if mixing is more efficient, the upper layer may be recirculated through the flame), or the timing of the effluent sampling may cause instabilities (for example an initial proposal to sample after 8min was replaced by a proposal to sample when the smoke density reached its maximum). Analysis of the compound, trimethylol propane phosphate (TMPP), by Kimmerle (1976) found it to have a high acute toxicity when tested on rats. For any larger fire there will always be a significant yield of CO, HCN (from nitrogen containing materials), hydrocarbons and smoke. (2006) and also Garrido and Font (2015). The authors declare that they have no competing interests. (2013) further supported the presence of two separate decomposition mechanisms for flexible foams. eds. 2013). The reactivity of isocyanates with the various functional groups commonly present in the production of polyurethanes is dependent on both the steric and electronic factors of the R-group, and also the specific functional group the isocyanate is reacting with. clothing shops in santorini, greece,