The personalities of subordinate commanders are also important: A bold commander may be a good choice for a pursuit mission. Is DOD assistance available to provide patient transport/ground transport capability support, including at-risk populations? What is the status of Federal health and medical facilities in the affected area? COMMANDER'S CRITICAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS. B-67. Processing includes filtering, fusing, formatting, organizing, collating, correlating, plotting, translating, categorizing, and arranging. What damage has occurred in the affected area (including injuries/fatalities)? Analysts can shift focus for a short period to shift their attention to specific mission priorities without completely dropping sight of the overarching campaign. Applicable only to the commander who specifies them. Radiation Laboratory Response Network (RadLRN) CDC Radionuclide Assay Lab and Health Physicists, Home | Contact Us | Accessibility | Privacy Policies | Disclaimer | HHS Viewers & Players| HHS Plain Language| Vulnerability Disclosure Policy, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), 200 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20201, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services || Obstacles. B-48. Product includes:- Choice board activity (9 boxes, 3 custom Newsela text sets, descriptions of the Six Essential Elements)- Rubric (Printable on one page or half-sheet)Word document allows you to customize directions and boxes to your students' levels. What activities are Donovia conducting within the AOR which affect US interests, access, or influence? You want readers to know what they're looking at right away by including a descriptive title and subheads, like the ones . Capabilities can refer to the ability of local authorities-those of the host nation, aggressor nation, or some other body-to provide a populace with key functions or services, such as, public administration, public safety, emergency services, and food. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF FRIENDLY INFORMATION. collection by Area of Intelligence Responsibility (AOIR), processing, exploitation and dissemination (PED), analysis, and intelligence synchronization. When will DHS/FEMA provide all non-medical logistical support to deploying federal partner personnel/teams? Is DOD assistance available to providemedical surge capability support? Individually or collectively, people can affect a military operation positively, negatively, or neutrally. This understanding allows subordinates to identify and recognize information needed to answer CCIR. Still, many of the teachers I spoke to said this simple change is vital. What assistance have state officials requested from FDA, e.g., inspectional assistance, technical expertise, product sampling, and laboratory analysis? B-72. Commanders carefully weigh the expected military benefits against costs to the community that will have to be addressed in the future. If not, develop detailed list of what needed, how much, by when? Enemies react to every friendly move. Weather and climate have direct and indirect effects on tactical operations. PIR focus on "how I (the commander) see the enemy." B-50. Two factors can make terrain key: how the friendly commander wants to use it, and whether the enemy can use it to defeat a friendly COA. What is the status of environmental assessments (i.e., air and water quality, etc.)? Percentage of students that have medical necessities provided by school nurses. From this, commanders can determine how organizations and military forces can work together toward common goals when necessary. Here are 6 essential elements to include when creating your very own branded infographic: 1. The activities of a force-or individual members of a force-can have far-reaching effects on the legitimacy of all military operations-offense, defense, stability, or support. B-16. They generally have a hierarchical structure, defined goals, established operations, fixed facilities or meeting places, and a means of financial or logistic support. [i] U.S. Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 5-0 The Operations Process (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office [GPO], 17 May 1012) 1-6. Depending on who you ask, there may be five or six elements to a computer-based information system. If yes, what are the gaps to be filled by federal resources? Close or broken terrain, heavy woods, built-up areas, and abrupt changes in elevation hinder heavy forces but provide cover and concealment for light forces. Technology must display RI about enemy forces and significant aspects of the environment within the same digital frame of reference as friendly force information. Commanders do this through designating CCIR. Staffs review IRs frequently to ensure they are still relevant and to identify new IRs to support the commander's decisionmaking. In stability operations and support operations, Army forces work closely with civilians of all types. A JSTARS is flying in support and will provide queuing for the Shadow to transition it between the two battle positions depending on the size of the formation identified by the GMTI tracks. B-78. The commander's analysis of observation and fields of fire considers many factors, including the location and effect of dead space. Complete information on terrain is more than data on features, slope and elevation, soil conditions, and vegetation; it also includes their impact on vehicle and human movement rates, maintenance, tempo, trafficability, and maneuverability by various types of forces. What local partners and NGOs are operational in affected areas with the capacity to deliver critical health/safety information to affected individuals/areas, including the at-risk population? Commanders analyze their missions and decisions in terms of the higher commander's intent, mission, and concept of operations. Commanders apply their judgment to information from the COP and running estimates to achieve situational understanding. During planning, CCIR focus on information needed to determine which COA to choose. Column 1, EEI Number - The reference number assigned to each EEI to be collected. What is the status of deploying personnel physical and mental health screening and availability of crisis counseling, vaccinations, immunizations, and other drug preventatives that may be needed? Which results in the Brigade commander executing the decision to commit the reinforcing element to 1-24INs position. The Forgotten Histories of the Codification of International Humanitarian Law in Nineteenth-Century Latin America, Crafting Strategy for Irregular Warfare: A Framework for Analysis and Action (2nd Edition), South Africas organised crime climbs to Italys levels, racing past Mexico, Somalia and Libya, Opinion | The Foreign Policies of the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG Part V: Europes Supercoke & on- the-Horizon Issues and the Middle East, Opinion | The Foreign Policies of the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG Part IV: Europes Cocaine & Meth Markets, Airstrikes, Civilian Casualties, and the Role of JAGs in the Targeting Process, Opinion | The Foreign Policies of the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG Part III: Africa, The cartels flexed their power in Tijuana and now the battle for influence is on, Organized Crime in Mexico and the Evolving Government Response, Armies are re-learning how to fight in cities. Each BOS develops its own IRs to answer CCIR and perform its functional responsibilities. Have rates of psychiatric illness been restored to pre-event levels? These include supplies and support available from joint, multinational, and interagency forces. The commander and staff must address exceptional information before the operation can continue. As the name implies this is the information that indicates what the analyst is looking for is actually taking place. Because processing involves rote application of procedures, machines can process many types of data more quickly and efficiently than people. The staff allocates resources first to answer CCIR, then to PIRs and FFIR, and only then to the remaining IRs. January 5, 2017. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen), plants, animals, and microorganisms all require a range of elements in inorganic forms in varying . B-61. Copyright 2023 | Site by 3C Web Services, The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the, Most Military Intelligence Brigades, Theater [MIB (T)] have an Analytical Control Element (ACE) and Collection Battalion supporting the Army Service Component Command (ASCC). Examples of good PIR include: Where will the Donovian commander commit his breaching force? How will the Donovians use chemical weapons? Most non-intelligence soldiers only ever see this part of the equation. 2. However, it is important to realize that they exist. When analyzing people, commanders consider historical, cultural, ethnic, political, economic, and humanitarian factors. Safety and Security of Human Drugs, Biologics, Medical Devices, and Veterinary Drugs. Relevant information is also placed into four categories based on how it is used: B-56. Use Audience Segmentation Wrap Up Why Send an Introduction Email? Using the indicators reported by the Shadow and JSTARS the analyst has determined that EEIs 1,2, and 3 have been answered. They must be specific and measurable.They should also help highlight recovery issues and barriers to recovery.. A specific set of EEIs are used by collectors to develop a collection plan to find the answers to the questions in the EEIs. (2014). Based on their situational understanding and recommendations from the running estimates, commanders make decisions and revise the CCIR as needed to fill gaps in information needed to make future decisions. What is the NDMS bed availability? Commanders also consider the consequences of using it. Relevant information is all information of importance to the commander and staff in the exercise of command and control (FM 3-0). TTPs include battle drills and tactical actions that lend themselves to standardized execution, such as refuel-on-the-move site operations. Staffs base their running estimates on the COP. It adds meaning to data as it processes it into information, organizing it in terms of METT-TC and creating the COP. They can anticipate the consequences of both their own force's actions and the enemy's. The C2 system collects data from various sources to answer IRs. Commanders decide what IRs are critical IRs based on their individual cognitive abilities and commander's visualization. Possible sites for the temporary settlement of dislocated civilians or other civil functions. A PIR, along with Friendly Force Information Requirements (FFIR) and Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI), is one of the three components of a Commanders Critical Information Requirement which is outlined in ADRP 5-0 as, an intelligence requirement, stated as a priority for intelligence support, that the commander and staff need to understand the adversary or the operational environment (JP 2-0). "Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operations", "Michigan EEI Template, Healthcare response worksheet", "The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) and the Intelligence Apparatus",, "what is the current location of the adversary SA-20 battery?". The fourth factor of METT-TC is the number, type, capabilities, and condition of available friendly troops and support. Column 2, Essential Element of Information The category/functional element of data to be collected. Execution information takes many forms: including, orders, plans, directives, memorandums, and regulations. Other knowledge products may be presented separately from, but in conjunction with, the COP. Number of health care/social services/child care facilities closed due to power outages, damage, utility issues, etc. Some organizations may be indigenous to the area. These teams regularly update terrain information to reflect the effects of combat, as well as of nature. When analyzing a mission, commanders consider possible subsequent missions, focusing their planning resources on the most probable. Are there any plans for evacuation?
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