left on for too long), Too few feeders and drinkers, or Moulting is a natural annual process where your chicken replaces its entire compliment of feathers over a few weeks. You can mix ginger powder up with their game feed, and it helps boost their circulation and spread vitamins and nutrients throughout their body. What type of feed do you give them? Clare, I have four chickens and one is losing her feathers and stays to herself. However, Im aware that others have successfully used DE for this I have diatomaceous earth that I sprinkle around their coop, and where they take dirt baths. I keep water in several areas throughout the yard as they free range during the day. Ideas? We have 4 hens and one of them (Hazel) has a patch on her neck with no feathers. I dont see lice, but you can see her wing underneath where she is losing feathers. In fact, industrial-grade farmers used this common technique to force their chickens to molt and improve the quality of eggs they laid. Very helpful article. Theyve got a run of 24 sq meters so i hope its not lack of space. At my house there is a chicken named Ginger, and her feathers are twigs. How do I know if its a parasite or mounting or stress? We dont have males and I know she is not Brody because I saw her out and about at least three times today..i cleaned today the coop and I guess Ill check tomorrow for lice. If you think bullying might be to blame for a loss of feathers on one or more of your birds, but you arent one hundred percent sure, its pretty easy to figure out whether thats the case. This natural powder has sharp edges that cut the exoskeletons of insects like mites, killing them almost immediately. My youngest chick, (about a year and a half old), has been losing her feathers on her wings and around her neck. Really enjoy reading all your helpful tips. If youre reading this article, you probably want to know where on their bodies your birds might begin to lose feathers. Inspect your chickens by pushing apart the feathers to look for the cause of the loss. Bully? One supplement we do give our chickens is ginger powder, and weve written about this extensively here. Hi, Hi Amanda, Prevent it by keeping the coop clean and giving your birds proper food and water. shock. In addition to molting, the only other occasion when feather loss can be flock-wide is when your chickens have a disease or are infected with parasites. I have 2 chickens out of 20 chickens with their feathers all gone on their vent area. I only have two hens no rooster, and the bared rock is dominant, and occasionally pecks at the other hens neck, not her chest. (Figure 1). Parasites can cause your hens to lose their feathers and also stop laying eggs. Still eating laying pellets plus corn and sorghum. She has been super quiet and generally depressed lately, and Im wondering if its because of the lack of a flock? Im worried, since shed been bullied a lot from the second eldest chicken, (Pip), that she might get hurt again. I have read comments that people are experiencing some of their chickens molting in February. Even if you dont see mites or lice on your chickens, they can cause serious problems. Pasty butt. One of my hens is losing her tail feathers and has one left. Is it just the one chicken that has lost its feather or all of your flock? Claire. Thanks. Your birds will begin to drop feathers to put on new winter plumage. It can be a frightening sight, walking out towards your chicken coop and seeing feathers scattered everywhere. If sohow many chickens per square foot? If your chickens have lost their feathers for over 12 weeks and there is no obvious sign as to why make sure you visit your vet to double-check they are ok. Just one of the diseases that might cause your chicken to lose feathers is vent gleet. She is still a homeless little girl. have dusted cleaned house several times please help. In which case you can use the tree pruning sealer as discussed in the article to find the bully! Molting is when chickens lose old feathers and then will grow new feathers to replace the old ones. I do not know how old she is. I have 9 hens and 1 rooster, and only the 2 have no feathers on their backs. Since they have been moved to their new home, about 1 month now, I do not see any changes no worse and none better. Only giving snacks and treats in moderation. Hi Linda, Sometimes chickens will pull their own feathers when they become broody. I read you can mix some Apple Cider Vinegar to there water but what is the best ration? They are unaware of the chicks (raising them in the garage until 6 weeks). This causes your birds to stop producing eggs and to lose feathers around its breast, neck, head, back, and wings. Chickens molt feathers yearly. We have tried dysudusdirt, a lice mite spray and 7 dust. She gets on really well with the other two and loves to eat. Its high in protein so helps stimulate feather grow Claire. Some good herbal remedies include herbs like peppermint, cinnamon, and lemongrass, as well as the regular application of diatomaceous earth. Do this and if you still have problems then let me know I separated her from the rest and when I tried to put her back they attacked her again. Don't turn the light off and on at various times, which can cause further molting. This can be very dangerous because chickens are attracted to blood to peck the injured chicken even more. No sign of feather growth. If you have a rooster, overzealous breeding behaviors might be to blame for some feather loss. help! They have lived together for a year now so Im not sure what has changed. Claire. I am new to raising chickens and tell people when they ask advice that I can tell them what not to do more than I can tell them what to do! What breed? The entire flock is young and had just started laying. Ill Health. They are in a brand new coop, but are not able to completely free-range as previously, due to predators. Trim vent feathers carefully, making sure you don't trim too close to the skin, injuring the bird. If you are certain is isnt a molt, I would check them for mites! In fact, compared to the other reasons, this is hardly noticeable or not even noticeable. I am guessing the weight loss is a result of her previous situation, but wonder why it just started a few days ago. If they do drop us an email with some photos and we will do our best to help We used blue-kote (sp?) Claire. Hi Fantasy, Sometimes, the feather breaks as it emerges. This may result in the bird letting go of the chicken and flying away with a talon full of feathers instead. Now her feathers arent coming back, the cold season is coming, and shes having some bare spots. If you notice maggots in and around the vent area, then it can be at the advanced stage. Claire. I am used to my hens having bald backs by the end of summer but the feathers have always grown back by late winter. thanks, Diana, hello diana i think they do but it never specifys the gender. Claire. Feeding occasional high-protein treats like mealworms can also help speed up the molting process. You can look at the label and specific formulation of your brand to determine whether your chickens are getting the protein they need. Chickens losing feathers on the neck and head. We separated the smaller hens with missing feathers and let them recover. They have access to a large dust bath that 7 birds can get in at one time. Our blogs and articles are updated regularly with many different important topics on care, purchasing tips, fun facts, and more. We had isolated the last sick one, and it recovered. I just brought her home from a very reputable farm. Help! You can buy red mite dust from your local farm store I currently have 3-4 hens that started missing feathers around their vent (their bottoms are super red since then, and then now are starting to lose feathers around their crop and legs and now their crop is red as well). production has stopped. Is there something I can do to get them to stop pulling out the new growth? Chickens need at least 3 square feet each inside the coop and 15 square feet each inside the run. Happy Chicken Coop, There are several reasons why a chicken might lose feathers, but most of them are not anything to be worried about. We did notice a couple of weeks ago she has a small patch of new feathers growing. The most common reason for feather loss in chickens is molting or molting, which is natural and involves replacing older feathers with new ones. Step 4. When this happens, the rooster can easily pull the feathers out of the hens neck and back. Do all of your hens have missing feathers? They all start with a swolen vent with a loss of feathers. My chicken was attacked an her feathers never came back on her neck. Have you noticed this at all? What should I do? She has feathers everywhere else except for her belly. They have plenty of nesting boxes, get free range of food and layer pellets. My girls have very few feathers on their breast now they look a bit rough everywhere else too not sure if its moulting as they are about 18 months old, but Ive disinfected the hut a few times and pressure washed it. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. At Tractor Supply they cost $12.99, but last quite a while. Molting is more likely if its fall and the days are getting shorter. Would this be lice still? Hello, I have 3 hens about 1 year old. The lice should float to the surface, after which you can dust your bird with diatomaceous earth. Like any other animal, your chickens might get bored if you dont give them enough space or activities. Interestingly, when the bully returns to the pen, they get knocked down a peg or two by the other girls because the bully is considered new.. We have 10 hens and 1 rooster. We rescued a debeaked hen from a bad situation where she was malnourished, bullied and pecked. Strangely, she hasnt starting laying eggs yet, even at her age, so I cant tell if shes molting from decrease in egg production or not. I had them last year when they was on 6th months old and not seen this before am a little worried any advice. thank you so much. Claire. About 6 months ago I rescued a Lavender Orpington hen. Help. Feathers are 85% protein and molting changes the temporary dietary needs of chickens. I have been buying poultry blocks. They have moved house as have i, twice in the last 6 months though.But egg laying has been fine always and they are seemingly fine. Nice to hear their feathers are coming back Dana Hey, I have a fluffy cheeked Black Austrolorp (I believe thats most of her breed) named Courtney. When you have finished, dry the feet and generously apply VetRx remedy solution onto the feet, legs and comb if affected. Not sure what is going on, Hi Lori, We have barred plint rocks, they were hatched march 1, 2016. I have 10 chickens and 2 of them are the same kind and have the same colored feathers. chicken is losing its plumage, you should be especially if its for this This can be a hard one to rule out as well as to treat, because sometimes, you wont have a lot of control over the environment. I have a chicken that the others in the flock bullied. It has a mixture of play sand, log ash and diatomaceous earth. Not sure how old she is. If you recently walked out to your chicken coop to see a pile of feathers lying on the floor, dont panic. Find full disclosure here. How long has your Welsummer been molting for now? In this case, yes Id expect it to be the start of their first major molt! They started laying end of November and were laying 8-10 eggs a day on average. I have 3 chickens, and she is the only one losing her feathers. Hi, we have recently moved to a property that came with 6 laying hens and a rooster. This will prevent opportunistic rodents from making their way into your coop. Not only can this cause some serious The first and most common reason why chickens lose their feathers is the ' annual molt .' A molt is when a chicken sheds its old feathers and replaces them with new feathers. They are about 14 months old. This is normally closely linked to daylight hours. I have about 10 chickens (out of 20+) that are about 70% naked due to feather loss. This is like when people lose skin cells or hair. You will notice when you add new chickens to your existing flock, there will also be some jostling for position in the pecking order, and as a result, some of your chickens will lose their feathers. The other day I went to pick her up and a massive clump of feathers came off of her! Only one chicken is experiencing a lose of feathers around the head. How do I check for mites? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It can rapidly lead to cannibalism. I am a bit concerned because its starting to get pretty cold and she would need those feathers to help keep warm. If it is just one or two hens I would in fact isolate the hens that are doing the bullying. I dont know what is happening to her she is very weak and doesnt come out of her coop, She is losing her feathers on her wing, her neck, under her neck, her legs and under her tail it is windy outside so she doesnt come out because even though the wind is not strong at all.Some how the wind makes her feet go up almost like she is lighter than a feather and she cant go outside because the wind makes her feathers fly away. https://www.thehappychickencoop.com/7-reasons-why-your-chickens-stopped-laying-eggs/ As these birds are still losing feathers I contacted my vet and they suggested possible deplumbing mite so I have treated with ivermectin. Any suggestions? Its early Aug, very hot and one of our new to us chickens (2 orpingtons) has lost a LOT of feathers in the last 2 days. Step 2. But no change in a long time with regrowth and now there are quite a few feathers on the floor..? Any suggestions?? Ive been watching her closely and she seems very scared of 2 of them she runs fast past them and away when they get close. Provide your chickens with a proper diet, and they will likely grow their feathers back in less than a month no need to worry! I would not treat for lice or mites unless you actually see them. Otherwise, spend some time observing your flock. I have put DE in their coop for 2 weeks now. Hi Sam, Any suggestions, Hi Ryan, Thank goodness, because they looked ugly!!! There are no feathers and the skin looks red. If your chicken is infested with mites it is common for them to lose their feathers but usually only around the vent area. If youve just introduced a group of chickens to the flock or if you have chickens of varying ages, breeds, or dispositions dont be surprised if you find some missing feathers. One is very friendly (seems to be the dominant one) and the other has always been frightened. There are several possible reasons chickens develop a red bottom and lose their feathers around their bums. The most important thing to mention is that chickens are very drawn to blood and will become cannibalistic if any is exposed. out in the nest box for quite some time, broodiness might be to blame for her Could this be molting? Hi Claire I have noticed this on one of my birds this morning they are all loosing feathers but one of them as it quails in the back and no feathers in two big patches. Youll only see this in the hens, because roosters will be the culprits behind this behavior. It could well do- I know sometimes when my girls get stressed they pull their own feathers out Claire. I was just looking for some help. I live in the uk, have 3 hens (this is their second summer on earth) and one of them has lost a line of feathers from right underneath her belly, between her legs. My chickens have not moulted yet but now I have some more information on moulting. If you want her to stop being broody get her some fertilized eggs to hatch or get the eggs away from her, and make sure she doesnt lay on any eggs. feather loss, and while you may not be concerned about the fact that your They are about 9 weeks old. She hasnt layed in about four weeks, either. She is towards the bottom of the pecking order. They can spread infections and cause your chickens to lose scales on their legs. A chicken wouldnt normally do this to themselves, unless they were broody and then it would just be on their chest area I did just get 3 new chickens added to the flock that seem to be doing fine. One particular poor little hen (she is a bantam I think) was the favourite for a much bigger cockerel and his mounting caused an awful lot of feathers to be ripped out, which dont look to be growing back. She lays every day and isnt itchy so we think she doesnt have lice. None of the other chickens have been losing their feathers. Paying attention to where feathers are missing can sometimes indicate what is wrong. While most rodents make their way inside a coop in search of the free grain, some will stay and go after the chickens if theyre bored or large. We received 11 Barred Rock hens, fully grown and laying eggs. She is a prolific layer, pretty much daily. Because preening happens around the year and is a natural behavior, you won't usually notice the results or think that you rhen is losing an abnormal amount of feathers at all. I have 3 chickens laying well,but the white star and sussex have lost the feathers just around the neck,the marin I have has no feather loss. This morning there were a LOT of feathers from one all over the ground. Finally, around a year old, chickens start to moult, and this includes chickens losing vent feathers. At this time of year it could be a variety of things. Has not been overly hot here in Oregon, actually its been firmly cool In the mornings, su my and 80 in afternoon. Luckily, you can do a few things to help encourage your chickens feathers to return more quickly. Sounds to me like it could be their first major molt as they are around 18 months old now. I think the first hen is starting to molt as well, but Im not sure. You solved the problem, and your chicken isnt losing feathers anymore, but new feathers arent growing. they are not eating as much either. They are around 16 months old. Its certainly possible that the rooster is doing it- when they mate he will mount their back and this can cause the bald backs. Well be getting a friend for her from a neighbor soon, so she wont be as lonely. In a moult you will see new feathers beginning to appear. To do this, I place them in a separate smaller pan for a couple of days. Chickens can also lose feathers when they are experiencing high stress levels in general. They will prescribe an anti-fungal strong enough to cure it within days. He is loosing feathers everywhere, which I assume is a moult. Two days after, she was perking up. The most common reason for a chicken losing their feathers is the annual molt; however, this isnt the only reason. Consider putting some chicken toys, like lettuce balls, in the coop, and make sure you are providing plenty of space for your birds. One last thing we bought two others at the same time. My first thought is usually the worst. Claire. Could this be stress? You can also put a chicken saddle on your hens, which will cover the bald area and prevent other chickens from pecking at the sore spot. The best way to increase her protein is by changing her feed to game feed This is a fungal infection in your chickens vent, which is where they expel eggs and waste. She doesnt have mites. She is free range roams the entire 1/6 acre back yard. Chickens have a delicate respiratory system and they shouldnt inhale it or it can cause serious problems. During this time, you should make sure to treat the hen with parasites as well I know she can reach the chest, but all around the vent as well? I have three chickens and one of them seems to be bullied are the other two . Is there any explanation for this? Now, for the last couple weeks they havent even laid an egg, that we can find. Broody hens will peck at their chest feathers. Claire. (I have four Polish Crested and one Silkie.) It is usually safest . They are friendly and egg laying, but they have lost their feathers around their vents---no other places. - The Happy Chicken Coop - All Rights Reserved. Feather pecking can result from poor They were laying well , then all of the sudden it reduced to half the amount of eggs. The pecking order is the chickens hierarchy of status, and chickens at the top control the rest of the flock. Claire. Marianne. How long have they been with you for. one Hen appears to be self mutilating by plucking her chest feathers and the eggs laying has pretty much stopped. They look soft and fuzzy. Maggots infest the dead skin cells of the chicken. Chickens commonly drop feathers, and there are many possible reasons as to why they may have started. Disclosure: We may earn affiliate commissions at no cost to you from the links on this page. Molting? Feather loss and extensive rooster crowing (especially at night) indicate an unwelcome visitor nearby. Help! You might have hens who are high on the pecking order and feel the need to establish their dominance frequently through pulling the feathers of other chickens. Hi June, I dont have a rooster. Please help! Thank you. None of them moulted last year. Vent Gleet -Vent gleet is also known as a fungal infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Their skin is sorta scabby. What can I do to take care of it before I find a permanent owner? We just had a flood hurricane ( Imelda) and my chickens are loosing feathers all the way to the skin. Five of these have developed bald spots. Why is my 5 month old chicken losing fluffy feathers? Check for any other physical damage to the chicken, including damage to the feather shaft. She is a hyline but our other hyline is fine. Molting is seasonal and not something you will have any control over. This means that they are literally feathering their nest in preparation for sitting on eggs and hatching chicks. Your hen could be plucking out her own feathers (maybe out of stress) so you could try putting a diaper or cloth over her vent area, to stop her or other chickens from plucking the feathers out. Hi Amy, When I take her out of box she hangs with the other 8 which I noticed a couple of them maybe molting, so starting to worry about mites. I have noticed slowly the egg production declining. The first year I thought there was something wrong with her and kept treating for mites, but she keeps doing it same time every year. She has not laid for the last 2 days but seems happy enough. Usually feather loss is caused by molting or the feathers being pulled out by other flock members. I hope she is fine, shes my fav. Any thoughts? Fortunately, this is now illegal in many places. So far I have given it strawberries and cut up worms from outside. It sounds like she either has parasites or was attacked. They will hide in corners of the coop and come out at night to snack on your chickens. 4. Let's stay updated! Could this be the cause? hi hope you can help I have 4 chickens 3 years old the speckled one lost feathers 3 weeks ago I thought it had been attacked, feathers all over the coop now the other 3 have started losing them but in all different places 1 head. Seems my chickens are looking better and their feathers coming back in!!! Will those feathers eventually grow back? Sounds to me like they are beginning to molt! Sept will be our 2nd year of raising our girls and what a pleasant surprise it has been. So, I purchased 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 1 Welsummer. She is the lowest in the pecking order, but the highest protects her. If you suspect that vent gleet is to blame for the loss of feathers, make sure you bring your chicken to a veterinarian and have a full work-up done immediately.
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