I closed my eyes. The tag part was on the same side of his body that my disguised iPod device had been on the first day. Maybe Id remember something this time and wouldnt need hypnotherapy. He said, What event would that be? The reason for this conflict is due to the different polarizations of factions of both ET and humans on Earth. I knew that elderly Me was a lot more consciously aware and awake than the scared children, and she wasnt scared at all. I wanted to prove to Nicolas that I had, in fact, read the exact message about Trump on Muffins tag. Could I go closer to the edge and look at the city? I lost consciousness. This seemed to be a gender and race attempt to see what might appeal to me. Sometimes people dream about events that have not yet happen but will take place in the future. They tasted as I expected them to. I didnt read the new message because I was disappointed that the old message I had clearly read was no longer there. Then he let the device go back into the air. In summary, on October 18, 2016 I was taken from my bed in Seattle Washington, between 3:30am and 6:30am, to a parallel universe/timeline where I experienced a three day hospital stay in Anaheim California. I woke up feeling well rested, as if it was morning, but it was still quite dark out. She said it just like the people did in my timeline. Quantum theory is based on a radically different picture one of multiplicity. These kids, the baby and the child looked at me when they noticed I was in the room. Nicolas also said his society had the technology to detect and neutralize the AI virus, so there seemed to be no chance it could take over. You know how you address what youre saying to a group of people, but youre so scared that you mainly look only at one person in the group who is closest to you. Behind her it looked like there were windows in the room even though it was more dim over where we were in the operating room. Some of them, most of them actually, were taller than me at teenager or adult size so I wondered if something had happened to me in my timeline to stunt my growth by just a few inches. We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside. Maybe it was common for people to stumble out of this hospital not knowing what city they were in or what day it was. You are welcome to think what you will about me or my experience. For the first time, I got a good look at this nurse while she was fixing the Me on the table. I wrote as fast as I could as I remembered, but it had been so vivid and sensory, just like I was awake that I felt I wouldnt be able to forget. The concept of a parallel universe has been around since the early 1960s, mostly in the minds of fans of sci-fi TV shows and comics, but now a cosmic ray detection experiment has found. Imagine that our world in the parallel universe is beaming with advanced AI and robots helping humans. This is also why we dont have ETs openly in our society to the point that it has become very easy for the corporate/military/governmental elite of our planet to deceive the people into believing that ET doesnt even exist and anything having to do with the subject is false conspiracy theory. It also seems that this global corporate elite has dealings with a less than benevolent bunch of ET (called the Orion group in the RA and the Law of One literature) that seek to exploit our world, resources, and the consciousness of our peoples in some way, feeding off the energy produced by negative emotions, which is why our world and timeline is in the state it is in. Anyone who consciously recalls such experiences knows it can be quite a disruption into regular life on Earth. They said, Well, we had to try it.. The information I came home with may be important for humanity and the consciousness of our timeline. When I was 8 years old, a revelation forever changed my life. I figured this dude knew something that actually correlated with non-fiction events in our history and society having to do with the issue of extra terrestrials. Being a biological organism is so cool. She meant so cool like the slang term for the best thing around. The monkey was the size of a large cat or small dog. This culture had all the technology we would in my native timeline if the Military Industrial Complex didnt exist. I figured Id give it a chance and if I still didnt like it, I didnt have to watch it anymore and could dismiss it as just another piece of conspiracy mumbo jumbo. When I saw the old lady Me she was looking at the girl on the operating table. By Brian Greene. A few were pyramid shaped. I figured it was like conscious teleportation, and when I tried to think, think, think about me and my body in my bed in my own timeline, it seemed like consciousness teleportation was a natural skill I could actually do but wasnt consciously proficient at. He had used it as a metaphor so I could see how positive things in his timeline seem to be negative ones in my timeline. Nicolass consciousness said the conflict was very similar to what I knew of that Corey Goode describes in Cosmic Disclosre of there being a covert World War III going on in our timeline now. Even 5-100 years after 2012 would be close to 2012 in the scope of human history. Could I go up to the street corner front entrance of the hospital where all the people were? This message of working together towards disclosure inspired me to contribute to Dr. Steven Greers upcoming film, Unacknowledged, because I felt this would be a good step towards public disclosure of our governments clandestine special access projects. It was almost like he was trying to prove a point. 2016 Allison Gee I wasnt exactly sure what he was asking me, but somehow I had the inkling that I knew the answer. Imagine sitting in your living room, he told me, listening to the radio. I know about the law of one through David Wilcock and its all very interesting. I assured myself that I would know it was not a dream even after I woke up in my own timeline. I permanently moved from another parallel universe to this one. I wanted to know what she had said and what was happening. He had his head down like I had really embarrassed him in front of the public or he was just looking at the floor. I still didnt know if he was actually one of these machine peoples or if he just had to use the technology to look like one for wherever he was going off to next in his job. I had no idea how this was all possible. These claims were incorrect. As I was walking back to him to get answers about the situation, I noticed a large sign. I sat up in bed and the lights came on. I tried to recall the last thing I remembered since I didnt remember getting taken to a hospital. This seemed to effect my own stereotypes and attitudes I had about skater boys and I was surprised at the strange juxtaposition. Sometimes I had to stop and recall the exact order of things because it was like trying to write down every single little detail of a three day vacation in a foreign country. This was when Admiral Byrd went to Antarctica with a fleet of military ships because he heard that the Natzi had a secret base there and he wanted to go defeat them. ! I immediately got the sense that he meant I had made some kind of public videos about different timelines, it could have been positive or negative ones. I know it is weird that you go to sleep and keep waking up here, but you are obviously perfectly safe so will you please eat something, gosh dang it, because you have barely eaten anything the whole time youve been here, and go back to sleep like a good patient.. Maybe they had cloaking devices so the city looked more pretty and less congested. What kind of current event would you want to watch the news for! A Physicist Explains Why Parallel Universes May Exist - NPR This time I checked to see if there was a lose chord or if the mouse was turned on or if there was any way it could have gotten jostled, but nothing was out of the ordinary. In 2014 I got a strong message through map dowsing that I should move to Sedona Arizona someday, but I discounted it because I didnt want to live in the desert. I was unable to attend BridgETs high vibratory food retreat in Sedona, but I signed up for a different retreat in 2017. My sense from Nicolas was that he believed the machine peoples were also going to ascend and go through the transition with everyone else during this very important time and event. I was always a very bright child, usually the smartest kid in class and my teachers didnt know what to do with me sometimes. The harmonies of the string correspond to the laws of physics. Nicolas also seemed to think that ascension had to happen eventually anyway so it was inconsequential whether or not it was in 2012. Nicolas said that, The American government felt it was in the best interest and safety for the American peoples to know the truth about this knowledge, and because they had done the right thing they received benevolent assistance from off world races during this conflict/upheaval/social unrest. Eventually there was some sort of peaceful settling down, resolution, liberation of peoples/their consciousness, and release of advanced technology. I knew I needed to go over to the train and look into the first train car since that was the open car with the cloth draped over the lid. I asked Nicolas, When are you going to send me back? He replied with, Oh, no. Maybe he wasnt going to tell me. I just didnt know what to do anymore. They had the color and texture of jeans, but it looked like fabric that had a bit of a shimmer, like a fabric digital screen. Maybe these were digital jeans, like muffins tag, and they could be whatever color and texture a person wanted. They also wanted to warn us not to use nuclear weapons to explode ourselves. I woke up on Thanksgiving Day 2016 feeling like Dr. Greers perspective about there being no bad aliens is like the Native Americans saying there are no bad white men when, really, we had stolen their continent leaving pain, death, and a Trail of Tears in our wake. Again, it was as if they had mixed up these drinks because they thought thats what people from my timeline liked, but I thought they were a bit repulsive. I held the screen up to Peter for him to see and talk to her. What are you trying to do, drug me? I was trying to make a joke because I knew Peter and Nicolas had the technology to make me lose consciousness when they most properly saw fit and then wake up again in the same hospital later. We were in his foreign strange land after all. The fox can reach the grapes, he argues, with the many-worlds theory. These things looked like skateboards, but high tech. I figured the closer we were to Washington DC, the sooner his government or supervisors would find out that something was going amiss with my visit here. I knew that, for some reason, they had brought all these Mes from different stages of life, from different timelines, into this room in order to try and help save the dying girl on the table, that was also Me/Us from another timeline. She was telling Peter that he got the wrong Allison {or the wrong person}, she was saying something to Peter in her defense of his scolding, and it seemed like everything was all right. That is something characteristic that a robot android would do in such a society. Peter always seemed very fond of me, not in a sexual attraction sort of way, but in a caretaker sort of way. In our society, we do not widely understand how the physics of such a phenomena works so it is difficult for us to grasp, but Im sure it all makes sense within the laws of quantum physics. Everyone and the situations in Nicolas timeline seemed to be in their more actualized form, in their form of a higher vibratory state of being. I went home and watched the rest of the free content for the episodes of Cosmic Disclosure. I figured machine peoples would be led into believing they were going to ascend too, even in a society where the AI virus had secretly coaxed the people into believing they were liberated. And because the multiverse is unreachable, physically and philosophically, astronomers may not be able. I remembered that Corey Goode had said this type of technology exists even though we dont use it in our wider culture. I looked at my watch, but it was only 1:30am! I knew full well that I was about to wake up normally from this experience like it was a dream, but I wanted to make sure inside myself that I knew without a doubt that this one, this time, was Not a dream. It looked like these kind of people were made of parts! He was very perplexed at what exactly it was that I was asking him about. Thank you again for sharing this, as it definitely helps understanding more on my path.I hope to read more (nice) experiences in the future from you . It was as if the undertone of his mental sentence was, these entities you know of as David Wilcock and Corey Goode{have these very important roles to play for humanity}.. I am a preschool teacher so one thing I noticed about the buildings in this city is that it looked like someone had sprawled out a bunch of kiddie blocks. It would be the crowning achievement of thousands of years of scientific investigation, since ancient civilizations also wondered how the universe was created and what it is made of. I noticed that a lot of the buildings at my vantage point were smaller than the building I was on. I was going to eat it anyway. The ball had always been there but I had never noticed the brand logo on it before. A three day stay seemed unusual for me, well it was a time between afternoon/evening to a full day and now this morning. I wanted to know when he was coming back, but when I went to ask him, he had already left. I watched a Twilight Zone years ago based on this theory and thought it weird but interesting. This bedroom had wood floors, a fireplace, cushions on the floor and seemed very similar to the living room of the Soulshine community house where I used to visit almost every Sunday before I started working 2 jobs. I came over and sat on a cushion on the wood floor. I thought it was so convenient of these people to have this technology and make people wake up from it like it is a dream so as not to interfere with their free will.
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