In conclusion, Odysseus throughout his actions proves to be not only veil but a villain. Homers Iliad and Odyssey are defining and seminal works that have an enduring legacy on literature, art, and society in both the modern and ancient world. Odysseus also used these qualities to aid and strived to prevent oodles of his men from dying throughout the Odyssey, which establishes Odysseus to be viewed as a modern day hero., Lizeth Marin Honors Introduction to Literature Period 3 18 April 2008 Odysseus: Hero or Villain? Due to the many unfaithful and self-centered decisions he makes in the story, Odysseus is not a hero. The episode of the Sirens,(Book 12), is one example. Is Odysseus A Hero Or A Villain Analysis | Of course he did, he just didnt care. Also in The Odyssey, Odysseus makes careless decisions which lead them into trouble. However, Odysseus displays certain characteristics that seem to only hold weight in an ancient definition of a hero. The Odyssey. The Norton Anthology of World Literature: Shorter Second Edition. The themes of warfare, human emotion, loss, and struggle are enduring and can resonate with anyone across the world. A hero is someone who is revered for his or her exceptional achievements and bravery. This also shows that he is not a hero because he was mean because when the crew members were yelling his name he never saved them all he did was watch them die. In Homers Many would argue that Odysseus is more of a villain nowadays, for every instance of his wiliness or feats of strength there are several of venality, vice, cruelty, or selfishness. Kirke tells Odysseus not to fight Scylla, yet he chooses to anyway. For example,We lit a fire, burnt an offering, and we took some cheese to eat; then sat in silence around the embers, waiting(Homer 219-222). Academus CIC is a company registered England and Wales (Company No. An epic hero is on a quest of self discovery, war or some sort of goal. Odysseus is a different type of hero to Achilles: his heroic qualities stem from his quick wit and clever tactics rather than brute strength in battle. He didnt consider failing at all because he never stopped to think about his decision, he rashly makes a choice and is forced to suffer the. Odysseus is not a hero because, he is foolish, lacks faithfulness and is consumed by his Hubris and selfishness. I chose these three archetypes because I recognized them the most while we were reading the Odyssey. Odysseus might think he was performing a heroic action but in actuality he was performing an act of selfishness. Largely, the problems with understanding the moral position of Odysseus stem from his immense experience and cleverness, which make him at once mortal and fantastic. If a hero is viewed as a villain, A similar path is followed, Accompanied by a deception. The crew tries to get Odysseus to be quiet, but his ego gets in the way, and he tells Polyphemus his name; leading to Polyphemus cursing him and his men to make the journey home slow and painful. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is quite the legend known to people, whether you are high up in the sky with Zeus, or deep in the ocean with Poseidon, everyone knows Odysseus. Through The Meadowlands and The Penelopiad, Circe and Penelope showed their strong opinions of this hero through their, Archetypes are evident in all kinds of classic literature, but Homers The Odyssey reveals archetypes in heroes, villains, and a journey. Diverging from previous studies, One trait that Odysseus has is that he is very clever. Even though they disobey him constantly, Odysseus is still loyal to them. (19.542-43). When on the beach in Phaeacia he confidently stalked as a mountain lion exultant in his power strides through wind and rain and his eyes blaze and he charges sheep or oxen or chases wild deer , and when he sees Nausicaa He launched in at once, endearing, sly and suave . Odysseus is described as a god-like man. The main character is a man named Odysseus who displays hero characteristics throughout the book. Achilles is arrogant and selfish: he refuses to fight at the beginning of the Iliad as his honour has been slighted by Agamemnon stealing his war spoils, a captive girl named Briseis. Though you still serve the public, Their strike of disgust enhances the self-fulfilling prophecy. Dexter Morgan. In the latter, however, some of his more ignoble traits are revealed: he is a braggart, he almost dishonorably uses poisoned arrows, and he shows conceit in his victory over the Cyclops. With this presentation, I will explore Odysseus' heroic role in the ancient world and whether or not he could be considered a hero for our modern culture. King of Megcenae on Twitter He would have killed her thinking she would spoil his plan. In the epic poetry, The Odyssey, by Homer, Odysseus exhibits his arrogance, foolishness, and his lack of leadership in which it leads to him going home by himself. A good example of a modern hero would be the First Lady, Michelle Obama. WebOdysseus is a villain because he is stubborn in Polyphemuss cave, disrespectful to the gods, and is unfaithful to his wife. The Odyssey: Odysseus Quotes | SparkNotes The opening line of The Odyssey introduces Odysseus by his epithet, the man of twists and turns.. On a website posted by teachers at Harker Heights High, an epic hero is someone who embodies the values of a particular society. Odysseus, Hero or Villain? It states in the book, Athena touched him with her wand and covered him with wrinkles. Athena made the plan to defeat the suitors and helped disguise Odysseus. He never gave up trying to get back home to Ithaca.Cyclops, if ever mortal man inquire/ how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him/Odysseus, raider of lost cities, took your eye: Laertes son, whose homes on Ithaca. (1062)This shows that Odysseus is brave because he fights the. He is consistently referred to with the epithet a man of many ways (compared to the swift-footed Achilles), demonstrating that Odysseus heroism is due to mental rather than physical strength. Homer remains one of the most well-read texts even today. Although they shouldn't commit them often only when it is absolutely necessary. Odysseus makes some substantial mistakes, thus leading to the failure to his men. The goddess of war, Athena, told Odysseus what he should do to save them and helped him get home. These details show that Odysseus is not a hero because of his selfishness because in every one of these evidences he only thinks about himself. This is Walter White. Aeneas is closer to a modern hero, but he is still notably Roman in his motivations, which are removed from our own society. The most heroic attribute of Odysseus was that he was smart. When trapped on Calypsos island he shows no attempt to escape and instead finds pleasure in being their. A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway and this shows the quality of a hero that the well-known hero, Odysseus, does not have. Odysseus is very vengeful in this situation. Homers Odyssey is about an epic hero named Odysseus and his quest home. But although Odysseus makes the. Odysseus thinks he is being heroic and manly, but he is actually placing his life and that of the crews in danger all because he wants to hear the song of the sirens. Reflection, Pages 9 (2149 words) Views. Odysseus is thought of as a hero in the physical and spiritual sense because of his bravery while facing the many dangers of creatures, goddesses, and many other things for almost 20 years trying to get home to his wife and son. Odysseus is not a hero because he was not humble or good at accepting the help that he received, and he also acted before synthesizing the consequences that he would face in the future. While he and his men were on the land of the lotus eaters Odysseus could have left, After defeating the Cyclops and heading back out into the sea he stood on his ship mocking the Cyclops. During his long and perilous journey home Odysseus shows many heroic qualities that help save his men from many dangerous situations. The Odyssey, by Homer, has a large range of stories in it. They can be villains, scapegoats, damsels in distress, and the hero themself . Being loyal, clever, and dedicated are examples of being a heroic person. The superheroes we idealise today are heroes because of their selflessness and commitment to helping others rather than personal motivations. In The Odyssey, Odysseus along with his men try to go back home to Ithaca but due to Odysseus nature, only he actually returns alive. Odysseus has some good traits, some bad flaws, and has been in some ugly situations, but overall he is a true hero. There is many thing that can support this claim. Another example of him showing care towards his comrades was when Odysseus warns his crewmen of the potential dangers that awaits them if they happen to harm the cattle of Helios the Sun God. Odysseus tends to use strategy over strength to be a hero when it comes to challenges. Odysseus consists of positive and negative characteristics that is shown in the text by Homer. I armed myself long ago against the frauds of men. The book The Odyssey written by Homer reveals a story of a true hero. Odysseus is not a hero because he was not a good leader. He realizes and readily admits that opinions other than his own make complete sense yet he refuses to acknowledge them and ends up dragging others into danger Odysseus himself says My men came pressing round me pleading: Why not take these cheeses, and make a run for it? While traveling from Troy back to his home in Ithaka, King Odysseus overcomes daunting obstacles, and in doing so discovers his place in the world. Odysseus was a authentic persuasive speaker and genuinely intelligent. What makes someone a hero? Odysseus could be considered a hero, but many of his actions say otherwise. Many times in the epic he manipulates others, commits foolish acts and is full of hubris. Odysseus is able to see who is loyal and who is not and take his revenge with the suitors never knowing who, Odysseus is also disloyal to his wife who stayed faithful to him despite the circumstances. Odysseus is clever by doing this because he can predict that the liquor will make him fall asleep. Athena found him to be so winning, so worldly wise, so self possessed! . Odysseus is the spitting image of what an ancient Greek hero would be like but in todays society or just in general, Odysseus is not heroic. Odysseus tells the Phaeacians in his story, So they spoke, but they could not persuade my great-hearted spirit; and I answered him again with angry heart: Cyclops, if any one of mortal men shall ask thee about the shameful blinding of thine eye, say that Odysseus, the sacker of cities, blinded it, even the son of Laertes, whose home is in Ithaca(Homer.9.500-506). These are the hero archetype, the monster or villain archetype, and the hero's journey archetype. Also this shows that he cheated on his wife Penelope, he also never told her about it. Odysseus has no reason to save his mens lives but for his own convenience. Odysseus didnt tell his crew members that he knew people would be killed by the beast. Six of his crew members do perish but through his hard work and dedication he survives. Due to the fact that hes very noble and brave (and in an epic poem), that makes him an epic hero. This is not how I would describe Odysseus from the book The Odyssey by Homer, everyone always thought of Odysseus as the hero of the story, but he was quite the opposite. Academus Education is an online learning platform providing free Classics Education to students through summer schools, articles and digital think tanks. In Homers The Odyssey, Odysseus is considered the hero of the story. Heading home, to Ithaca, Odysseus is faced upon many obstacles that he and his men try to overcome, but in the end substantiate that Odysseus is a villain. In consequence he possibly endangers the rest of his crew from safely reaching home by endangering himself. Although he earns the trust of his men while in Troy, he loses it on his perilous journey home. Odysseus was not the hero, though. On this journey, he encounters many monsters, many ladies, and we see his good side and his bad side. If Odysseus took the cheese and left, his men would not have had to dealt with Polyphemus. Odysseus is no different from the common heroes we hear today. He is cunning, sly, suave, strong, confident and self-possessed. On many occasions, however, Odysseus makes decisions beneficial to himself alone. He fearlessly leads his remaining men home to Ithaca, doing everything in his power to get them back alive and well. Some men were killed by the Cyclops, a huge monster with one eye. For example, when Odysseus and his men find themselves on Polyphemus's island, Odysseus's actions are self-centered and at the expense of his men. In myths and stories especially, heroes tend to have supernatural capabilities in one form or another, such as superhuman strength, intellect, or even magical abilities. In The Odyssey, the hero is Odysseus, king of Ithaca. Heroism can mean different things to different people and some people are heroes, but dont get recognized. He comes home to Ithaca and immediately seeks revenge against the suitors who have been courting his wife Penelope and abusing xenia (the Greeks sacred concept of hospitality). Explain the situations in which Odysseus shows these qualities. Throughout the book of the Odyssey, Odysseus does some things that may have been wrong, but in his mind was he doing the right thing? On many occasions, however, Odysseus makes decisions beneficial to himself alone. WebOdysseus is Not a Hero for the Modern Age Essay. He makes another smart decision in choosing to go through Skylla instead of Kharybdis because only six of his crew members die instead of the whole crew. In the age of postmodernism, there are instances where a person can be both a hero and a villain. Circe had warned Odysseus about Scylla to not try and fight her even when she already has six of his men, but he did not listen to her advice and tried to fight her and lost three more of his men. Well, the definition of a hero is : a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities., What is an epic hero? Now, is Odysseus a villain? In The Odyssey, Odysseus along with his men try to go back home to Ithaca but due to Odysseus nature, only he actually returns alive. In my eyes he is a hero struggling to do the best he can but often finds things don't always go as planned. WebFrom Villain to Hero explores the reception of Odysseus in philosophy, a subject that so far has been treated only in tangential or limited ways. I could not welcome you with love on sight! Odysseus is also a master tactician whose complex plans save his crew and help him regain his crown. These characteristics impact the characters day to day, or in the books case, the quests. Odysseus: Hero or Villain Essay - 650 Words | Bartleby For example, when Odysseus and his men approach the giant he offers him liquor to wash down your scraps of men (Homer 991). Odysseus has no reason to save his mens lives but for his own convenience. This is a sign of a true, Odysseus portrays himself as anything but a hero throughout Homers The Odyssey. The only life Odysseus saved was his own. Heroes cannot be cross cultural, and Odysseus heroics do not transcend time and apply to the modern world. Odysseus is finally home, on Ithaca, and is then helped by Athena and disguises himself as an old beggar. This is what underpins a modern-day hero, and it drastically differs from the ancient perceptions of heroism. Like most epic heroes, Odysseus has been mostly harmed by the gods. First example is that he mounted Circes, a woman that helped Odysseus, bed. Odysseus left Calypsos Island and began his journey back home. Odysseus rashness comes into play again when the ship rolls past the Sirens and Odysseus demands that he listens to their song. WebOdysseus is not a hero because he was not a good leader. He plays with the lives of his men and he is punished for it. However, it is true that Odysseus was kept as Calypsos captive for Another way Odysseus' quick-decision skills helps him is when he chooses to leave the island of the Lotous-eaters, because he realized his whole crew would have fell under the curse if he had stayed there. Odysseus, the protagonist of Homers The Odyssey, is not a good example of a modern hero. Do you consider Odysseus as a hero Why or why not? One of the many situations Odysseus survives is his encounter with Skylla. In The Odyssey, Odysseus allows all of his men Everytime he enters a new island, he does not start telling everyone that he is Odysseus, king of Ithaca. Odysseus is hard to classify because of his contradicting traits. No person is perfect, and challenging the ideas of who a hero is reveals the illusion of perfection. In my mind it is right in the middle he does some things that were ok, but he also did things he shouldn't have done. Odysseus Throughout his journey, he loses almost all of his men, but Odysseus finally arrives home, concluding his prolonged twenty-year voyage. In Homers, The Odyssey, I believe that Odysseus is a true modern hero. Even when Odysseus was thought to be dead, she still puts up with the suitors behavior and refuses to remarry. In a more popular example even modern man was made too look grand yet realistic in the sculpture of David done by Michelangelo. When Odysseus receives advice, even if it is helpful he tends to ignore it. In Homers The Odyssey, Odysseus can be seen as a hero or villain based on his actions. Odysseus, during his quest, is forced to venture through a merciless Cyclops, angered Gods, deeply obstinate Goddesses, the underworld, and determined suitors that are after his wife Penelope. He was a role model for his son Telemachus who wanted to be like him. Odysseus again chooses to ignore the intelligent advice given by the gods, and finds out that hard way that Eurylochus was correct. Odysseus may be leaderful, but he can be too curious. The Greeks valued strength in battle, brutality, and vengeance as ideals that a hero should uphold. However, he has many traits that explain his clouded judgement. Kalypso, Odysseus only cares about himself and his personal benefits, like a villain. Odysseus cheats on his wife more than once; it was not a simple lapse in judgment. In the book it states, She at once called to her husband Antiphates, who immediately began killing my men. Odysseus then cuts the cable from his own ship to save himself. This story is about his travels home and how he got caught up in other business. Odysseus vs Batman - Ancient and Modern Concepts of For generations, heroes have always fascinated people and people have strived to achieve certain qualities of their heroes. One strong archetype in the Odyssey is the hero archetype. They expect Odysseus to make decisions for the well being of the crew. What are some reasons why Odysseus is or is not a hero? Despite multiple pleas to return to fighting, he continually refuses until his companion Patroclus is killed by Hector. He thinks he is the most intelligent human being, even more so than the gods. Odysseus goes through his life believing he is the best. The first archetype i 'll be explaining is the hero, characteristics of a hero, sage, and villain. A hero like this is not just found in modern society today, but in mythology as well. WebOdysseus inherits many character traits that make a good hero, but the ones that truly outshine the rest are how Odysseus is very rational and has a very sharp intellect. The rest of his crew that wasnt under Circes spell would have been lost if Odysseus died because they rely so heavily on him. When people think of a hero, they think of a tall, handsome, loyal, brave, and a type of man that could do no wrong. What a hero is a person that will give everything that they have to save another person from any harm. From Villain to Hero On many occasions, however, Odysseus makes decisions beneficial to himself alone. When Odysseus slaughters the Trojans, he starts to act like he was greater than any god. Odysseus' Selfishness Essay The Odyssey is an amazing piece of literature. Hes also a very famous archetype for The Hero. Ed. One form of selfishness Odysseys shows is adultery. During his quest to return home, he encounters many supernatural forces that show both his heroic, and not so heroic actions. He plays with the lives of his men with no regard for the well-being or their families. Odysseus makes a plan to stab the cyclops in the eye, which leads the crew members to run for their lives to get to their ships. She was one of the only goddesses on his side. So is Odysseus really a hero? She clearly states that she loves Odysseus and her heart could be given to no other: Forgive me, dont be angry. During his journey back home to Ithaca, Odysseus commited adultery twice. During his journey Odysseus used what he has learned from is mistakes to return home and kill the suitors of his wife. The Odyssey: Antagonist | SparkNotes So if his gifts and talents are god's power then is he really a hero at all?, Certainly, people can argue both ways and support their arguments from evidence in the reading. Finally, Odysseus is home and after a long journey in which he shows no heroic actions and yet proves to be nothing but a villain, he once again proves throughout his actions that he is a villain. He was a villain and there is no doubt about it. WebEvidence proves that Odysseus is a villain, because he tries to convince that he was kept unwillingly by Calypso. His odyssey might be described as ones own life struggles. He is different from Achilles and Odysseus in that he is a distinctly Roman hero and therefore upholds specifically Roman values, which have already changed from the values that were important in Homers society. He is selfish, disloyal, hypocritical and harsh; everything a hero is not. 48. The first heroic thing he has done is go fight in a war with the trojans. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus makes mistakes that causes his men to be killed. is Odysseus He is not a selfish hero: instead, his drive is to his people and to found a new city that will eventually become Rome. In a way, Odysseus is a hero with strength, wits, and cunning who dominates the largest beasts the planet has to offer. In Homers The Odyssey, Odysseus proves he is not a hero because he is arrogant, secretive, and unfaithful; resulting for readers to believe that every action has an consequence. (XIX, lines 163-190) Penelope is experiencing so much pressure from the suitors and her family, but she still refuses to succumb and does not cheat on. Is this not what a villain does? Why is Odysseus an epic hero? Odysseus, in Homer's Odyssey, is considered an ancient hero. Third example is that when the nurce, Eurcilia bathed Odysseus when he was wearing a disguise, she found a scar on him that he got years ago. WebEvidence proves that Odysseus is a villain, because he tries to convince that he was kept unwillingly by Calypso. Crying is often seen as a weakness in a man, but this makes Odysseus more endearing as it reveals the labour of his love. Odysseus was also very arrogant to think that he could get past the Sirens. Aeneass epithet is pius, which does not have a precise translation but encompasses duty and patriotism to gods, country, and family. Hero or Villain Odysseus is difficult to identify as a hero because of his many vices. Heading home, to Ithaca, Odysseus is faced upon many obstacles that he and his men try to overcome, but in the end substantiate that Odysseus is a villain. Written about two thousand and seven hundred years earlier, the Odyssey is still influencing modern storytelling today. This hero may be tall and handsome, but he is often arrogant, disrespectful, conceited, and rude. The mighty Odysseus is many, many things but he is no hero in my eyes. Anyone who puts themselves before others not for recognition or an award, but because it is the right thing to do, is a true hero. While Odysseus does demonstrate some qualities that are not heroic, he is still defined as a hero because of his better, more heroic qualities in which he is far superior in than any other man. Odysseus was considered a hero among the people in Ancient Greek times. Odysseus is a hero because he returns home with a changed perspective which reflects his heroic abilities, such as his bravery and dedication to return home. He leads his followers into lousy situations where many people were hurt. In addition, when the cyclops asks Odysseus for his name he responds. Lets just say he stabbed Poseidons son, had his crew turned into pigs, faced a six-headed monster and whirlpool, and that is to say the least. Odysseus was a war hero, fighting against the Trojans as depicted in The Iliad. He led the raid once inside the walls of Troy and is also credited with the idea of the Trojan Horse. On his way home from war, Odysseus is taken on a long journey encountering mythical creatures and gods. Odysseus as a Hero Another example of Odysseuss ignorance toward people is when Eurylochus tells him not to go onto Kirkes island because he knows the crew would be turned into swine. In conclusion, Odysseus throughout his actions proves to be not only veil but a villain. Odysseus is not a hero because he was not a good leader. The main reason why I am written is so that you can know Odysseus is a hero because how he helps other people before he would help himself., Odysseus is not a hero because he let down a lot of people. Odysseus could be considered a hero, but many of his actions say otherwise. These heros helped anyone they saw in need, even if it put themselves in danger. There is no denying that Odysseus has done more than most men, but has he done it with decency, integrity, or honor? At first his wife did not recognize him which filled him with rage even though he should be happy that his loyal wife wants to make. Odysseus was well known for being a hero. These events lead to him losing crew members and putting them into dangerous situations, elongating his voyage home, and putting his integrity at risk. If a hero is reinforced as a hero, The innate nature of humanistic narcissism strengthens. He has been cheating on his wife by sleeping with another woman. The, Odysseus is perhaps more closely paralleled to a modern-day hero like Batman or Iron Man. Neither does he lack in ingenuity, King Nestor said that No onecould hope to rival Odysseus, not for sheer cunningat every twist of strategy he excelled us all . In another place in the book, six of Odysseuss best men are killed by the six headed beast Scylla. In Homer's Odyssey Odysseus is a character who, sometimes behaves like a proper hero and also as a very self-centered character at other points.
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