ask you to try Heavy Duty--Mike Mentzer's routine that you've heard about a lot, give I placed an order for his book and video. Finally, there is the research (National Strength & Conditioning Association) which shows that multiple sets are better for producing muscle gains than are single sets, which were found to be good for maintaining but not as hot for gaining. And finally, Id finish up with biceps, where Id do one set of standing barbell curls to failure followed by one or two sets of either seated concentration curls or preacher curls., Legs 1. A: When Mike Mentzer first started bodybuilding he trained no more than three days a week. Derek: How about your friends, what has been their reaction? If youre skeptical [of Heavy Dutys low volume], your subconscious child is telling you that more is better, Mike Mentzer wrote. Mentzer began lifting when he was only 12 years old, and by the age of 15, he could bench over 350 pounds. Derek: Well that pretty much covers it. It was just too much all at once. Getting back to your question yeah, I heard about it I spent several years doing just big, basic compound lifts with no direct isolation work for the arms and calves, etc. Barbell forearm curl (5 sets, 10 reps). Using 6 to 9 reps achieve full-rep failure. Please to anyone reading this, Read up on Mike Mentzer on his training methods and learn what true productive weight training is really about. It flies against all quote un-quote During the next two decades, Mike Mentzer created a lot of fuss with the unconventional training philosophy he wrote about in his Heavy Duty articles and which emphasized brief, intensive and infrequent workouts. The Barbell examines Mike Mentzers high-intensity training system: Heavy Duty. the results. a try. It wasn't acquired by Wealthy Gorilla Limited until 2019, and since then both our range of content and our audience have grown significantly. We knew that recovery was important in terms of overall, or systemic, recovery. I think it is also important to keep in mind that any program can produce mass gains if nutrition intake and recovery are suitable for mass gains. Hes not asking if anyone thinks, hypothetically, if its possible to gain mass on the program. were in before you switched over to Heavy Duty. In other words, in the group of older adults, nobody maintained their muscle size after cutting down to one session per week, even though they managed to maintain their strength. A proper training protocol should have been about 3 different exercise of one set each in a high intensity method of taking each set to failure once every 7 days. He also prescribed only three weekly workouts, though Heavy Duty did call for training body parts twice every 8-9 days (most modern bodybuilders work body parts only once weekly). Counting macros limits the number of carbs, Stretching is often overlooked by many bodybuilders and athletes. Are you tired of dealing with sore muscles and tight knots after a workout? Incline barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps). Mike, however, broke with Jones program as a result of personal experience. and really understanding what he was saying. Of course, I realize hes inquiring about muscle mass, not simply weight gain. I'm currently performing one set of dips and one set of dead lifts and then 1 set of chins and one set of squats 14 days later. Single leg extension (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 3. Follow Jacked Gorilla on Instagram: @jackedgorillanews, Your email address will not be published. Derek: What kind of advice would you give to others that are in the position you Dam, it took 16 weeks for you to figure that one out. Nautilus pullovers 2 x 6-8 INRAE center Clermont-Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes sets and days. Just by using a very simple, concise and Other than that, I will drink them when Im pressed for time. Also note that he does squats after the leg extension and leg press superset. Parallel Bar Dip 6-10 reps. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. His father would regularly test and encourage his academic knowledge using many rewards, such as cash to ensure he excelled. Try to grow increasingly stronger in this range. Derek: Tell us about your results. Training to failure, otherwise low volume doesnt work as well. He later created a Consolidated Routine which. Weight: 200.8 pounds In 1979, Mentzer prescribed only 3-6 working sets per body part (supersets count as two sets), with typically one or two lighter warmup sets per exercise. The minimalist workouts also provide benefits in that more focus, concentration and energy can be put into the exercises since the body won't deeply use them up in just a couple of sets. I know Mentzer said the whole protein supplement thing is a racket and that its unnecessary to consume so much protein, but I will be consuming a 20 gram whey protein drink pre-workout and a meal replacement drink post-workout, anyway. The pros of this type of training are obvious more time off to allow the body to rest and recover. After speaking with Jones directly, Mike decided to switch back to a three-days-per-week whole-body routine, performing approximately five sets per bodypart in high-intensity fashion. Read the rest of my comments below! All the bodybuilders who trained under Jones watchful tutelage were made to train their whole body at each and every workout, the reasoning being that the body is an interconnected unit and should be treated as such when you exercise it. Beyond that, you should be resting at least 3 minutes between sets. Workout frequency fell, workout intensity rose. Many people who comment on questions like this simply speculate without ever doing the program themselves. The mining was initially operated through several tunnels before the "Sainte-Marie" shafts were sunk. Derek: I get your point. . A New Study Confirms Mike Mentzer's Once-a-Week Training Method for Its fine to speculate and have an opinion on whether you THINK something would be true or not, but keep in mind this particular poster specifically asked if anyone had made mass gains while using a Mike Mentzer consolidation routine. with strength increases so will muscle size. Force yourself to go beyond failure using forced reps and negatives. Try doing that with to a count of five going up and down with the added aforementioned added isometric contraction. for 7 years which was very minimal or miniscule to say the very least and I thought I was going to In that kind of a case the best thing that can happen would be that you merely wouldnt make any progress; youd just spin your wheels. It is also hard for some trainees to summon the intensity necessary to make the workout successful in only a single set. Mike Mentzers workout philosophy was adopted by Dorian Yates, who won six Mr. Olympia titles in the 1990s. The other key component of HIT is the low workout volume. Yes, I used this type of routine throughout my professional bodybuilding career, but the greatest gains I got from it was when, rather than following it on the usual four-out-of-seven-day schedule, I began spacing it so I trained every other day on a split routine. squats, deadlifts and dips anywhere between 35 to 50 percent increases. Muscles will not shrink unless their is a loss of strength so your statement that the trainees in the 65 to 70 age group lost strength but not mass again makes no sense. Really, the buildup of lactic acid was so quick, so dramatic and so severe that until my body metabolized itusually about two hours laterI was almost incapacitated. were just like me--miniscule results. Met-rx meal replacement drink Keep in mind, the goal was mass gains, so I ate at about a 500 calorie surplus daily. More money is better than less. At that point, where the weight is stuck and wont budge, I will fight to complete the rep for a period of 15 seconds then rack the weight. His popularity waned after the infamous Mr. Olympia contest in 1980, when he lost the title to Arnold Schwarzenegger and had the crowds shout Fix! at him. Mentzer starting pumping iron at the age of 12 at a bodyweight of 95 pounds. We had to recover first. He won the 76 Mr. America contest at a bodyweight of 205 pounds while training on such a program, but he didnt stay with it, switching eventually to a split routine performed four days per week. In that case were just not following Mentzers program. Pre-Exhaust Supersets Do a set of an isolation exercise before a set of a compound exercise for that same body part without resting. We are not medical professionals and nothing on this website should be misconstrued to mean otherwise. Therefore, when answering a question like this, you should have some experience actually doing the program in question. The volume in the consolidated workout is extremely low. I found him to be honest, intelligent and articulate. Then I might finish off with two sets of lying triceps extensions. Close-Grip Underhand Pulldown 2 sets x 68 reps. We have another pre-exhaust superset: shrugs (which work only traps) before upright rows (which work traps with medial delts and biceps). The gym opens in 45 minutes. Pushdowns 1 x 6-8 Forced Reps A spotter helps just enough to keep the weight moving for additional reps. Negative Reps A spotter helps a lot on the positive halves of reps, and you then slowly lower the weight over approximately six seconds. I found Ali's story similar to mine and I hope some readers will not have to waste years ANALYSIS: Of course, Mentzer starts with another pre-exhaust superset, this time doing machine pullovers (which target the lats without the biceps) before underhand pulldowns (which work the lats and biceps). Heavy Duty: Mike Mentzer's Most Productive Routine - Iron Man Magazine Mike Mentzer Consolidation Routine Over Training I've went from 126lbs @ under 10 % bf to 189lbs @ 30% bf in the last 3 years following mike mentzers consolidation routine. because my metabolism has increased. Flat barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps), 5. Toe presses 1 x 6-8, Chest Mentzer had adopted the HIT philosophy of Arthur Jones and expanded it into his own radical system, which Mentzer named Heavy Duty. When Mentzer won the 1976 Mr. America, he was celebrated as much for his training philosophy as his physique. I plan to carry this out for a minimum of six months or until lack of progress or something unforeseen, such as an injury or illness, takes place. Upright rows 2 x 6-8, Shoulders For instance, some muscles only obtain secondary stimulation, if that. much better I can study and I'm no longer tired from marathon training. Consolidated Training - Coach Rob Regish If trainees in this group with less volume and loss muscle mass than how in the hell is increasing the volume of training going to increase muscle mass. Failure wasnt enough for Mentzers Heavy Duty system. At the age of 18 he started competing in physique competitions, and two years later in . It didnt, and it likely aided in my acquisition of multiple overuse injuries which led to fairly serious joint damage, pain, and stressful recovery. It seemed every bodybuilder tried his lower-rep HIT, though most eventually returned to a more moderate system. The materials are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. for school. The workouts consisted of just two exercises each, with the first containing deadlifts and dips, and the second containing just squats and lat pulldowns. He seldom even trained again. Leg curls 2 x 6-8 Mentzer began training 3 times a week when he was 15 years old and he could bench press 170 kg back then. As a 27-year-old professional bodybuilding rookie in 1979, noted especially for his shoulder, arm, and leg density, Mike Mentzer was a phenomenon. None of the suggestions (including exercise, diet, products or services) mentioned should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. And perhaps if ones schedule permitted one to experience that kind of two-hour, incapacitating, exhaustive effect, one might want to do it. believe it or not overtraining. Mike thought for a moment and raised his ham of an arm to scratch an itch on his opposite shoulder. Derek: And what does your girlfriend think of now having more time available for her. Superset Id follow that up with one or two sets of dips. Q&A: Is A Consolidation Workout Enough To Maximize Muscular Potential? But carried on for too long, that kind of effort actually causes you to lose muscular mass and strengthyoull always be making inroads into your recovery ability and never allowing yourself to recover, let alone grow, which is secondary. He mentioned to me after Mike Mentzer Consolidation Routine: Workout A - YouTube I was planning a deload the following week anyway, but ended up having to take 2 weeks off from all training. He saw right away it led to overtraining for the majority. Heavy Duty books and courses continued to sell. However my strength hasn't increased in my . I wouldn't believe it or I didn't want to believe it. Utilize pre-exhaust supersets. That brought his bodyweight up again, but only slightly. You can train long or hard but you cant do both. Copyright © 2001-2020 in the gym. Mike Mentzer Workout Routine - Jacked Gorilla Mike Mentzer said of his workout routine, "The routine I followed was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per body part and broken into two workouts - The first workout would be legs, chest, and triceps; the second workout was back, shoulders and biceps. Machine Shoulder Press 2 sets x 68 reps, Dumbbell or Machine Rear Lateral 2 sets x 6-8 reps. Nautilus machine pullovers were also a favorite of fellow HIT-man Dorian Yates. Walking dumbbell lunge (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 6. Mike Mentzer had one of the sharpest minds in the muscle game. You have to recover before you can grow, Mike continued, So, we figured, why work out again? Whey protein The body needs time to recover as a whole, not just the specific bodypart that was trained. And countless weight-trainers around the world continue to go heavy for brief, brutal Mentzer-inspired workouts. But if youre looking to maximize your physique potential, you need to use exercises that directly target each muscle groupat least some of the time throughout a training year. Wed train on a Monday, then skip Tuesday, skip Wednesday and train Thursday. He later created a "Consolidated Routine" which had even less exercises. I help people achieve their health and wellness goals through simple, time efficient programming that emphasizes a balanced approach to improving general fitness, while bringing out the inner athlete in us all. He purportedly was able to put 50 pounds on one of his trainees in just a few months using a workout that lasted only 2-4 minutes, with a long recovery time between workouts (4 to 7 days recovery. I asked him if he thought that the problem might have been more effectively remedied by simply taking protracted recovery periods in between workouts. This will help increase the mental and physical stimulus for many people which may stimulate further progress. As per usual, though, goals dictate the effectiveness of a program. Mike Mentzers workouts are perfect for any age. years with nothing to show for results, before he was willing to trust his mind On the other hand, the younger bodybuilders who reduced both the number of sessions per week (from 3 to 1) and the exercise volume (from 3 sets to 1) maintained their muscle size, while those who cut down to exercising once a week but maintained the exercise volume (3 sets) managed to increase their muscle size. Young bodybuilders reading this should be cautioned against doing too many sets on too many days for all bodyparts. Here are the workouts, each to be performed every other week: Workout 1 But again, yes, I think mass gains can be acquired if you use this, or a similar routine. Considering the lack of science-based knowledge, supplements and the variety of elaborate training techniques we have today, that win was a huge accomplishment that launched Mikes future career. The Mike Mentzer Evolution? - Ellington Darden HIT Coaching - COMMUNITY Good point. On this chest routine, Mike Mentzer performed 5 different exercises with an average of 5 sets. Then, they were divided into three groups for the second, de-training phase: one group completely stopped training, the second group reduced the training days from three to one but kept the same number of sets, and the third group also reduced the training days from three to one but reduced the training sets from three to one as well. Superset On this arm routine, Mentzers would hit a total of 7 different exercises. Glucosamine/Condroitin Mike Mentzer Consolidation Routine Over Training Heavy Duty, indeed. Heres a list of the supplements Im currently taking: Multi-vitamin/mineral It is possible to not make gains using a once a week workout with only 3 sets if the intensity is not there you will not make gains. The study did not mention what exercises were being done. So carve out a little time to isolate and properly stimulate these smaller muscle groups. Dips 1 x 6-8 Having recently done the program, I decided I would share my 2 cents.
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