Table 2. RQ1: Is modular distance learning a good alternative for traditional learning methods. Group assignments are meant for engaging only one or two students whose academic performance is better and other group members did not take individual accountability and/or contributions to complete group assignments. A variation of an interactive lecture is to ask students at the beginning of class to call out one concrete visual image that stands out from a text, scene, laboratory experiment, event, art object, or personal experience. It is evident that continuous assessment has the potential to support student learning through feedback and to increase students motivation for learning. This implies that the instructors were acting as source of knowledge considering the students as recipients of knowledge. The study found out that the instructional process in the modularized program is below the expectation. 6. It emphasizes more explicate outcomes in relation to each small part of the degree, rather than the more broadly defined course in general. Modular learning is the most popular type of distance learning. These days, there is a move toward modular approach to curriculum implementation. Group 1 Sample Research Titles: 1) The effects of new normal academic year to the social state of Grade 12 HUMSS Strand. Jump to Section. As Putin continues killing civilians, bombing kindergartens, and threatening WWIII, Ukraine fights for the world's peaceful future. endobj School Year 2020-2021 ushered the beginning of the so-called "Education in the New Normal". The aim of this study is to explore the, effect of modular distance learning on students' academic performance. %PDF-1.5 How special classes improve the self-esteem of disabled students. The modular approach helps to maximize the chances of students' participation to fulfill the given tasks at the spot, so the students feel free to learn in their own style (Sadiq and Zamir, 2014 . They order you to apply active learning approach, continuous assessment, supporting the student in need (tutorial for females and low achievers) regardless of the context you are working in (large class size, shortened and tight class schedules, limited teaching material etc). The self-reported data imply that the instructors allow students participate in the teachinglearning process and discharge their responsibility of constructing knowledge by themselves. Having this in mind, this study intends to assess the practice of this approach with a particular focus on the instructional process. . The key purpose of this research was to find out the effectiveness of modular approach in teaching in order to assess the student learning, performance and achievement and to determine whether the modular teaching is more effective than traditional methods. In these universities, a total of more than 55,000 students are enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Majority of themreported that they checking students prior knowledge while presenting new topic which is the manifestation of active learning approach. Each unit or module is a measured part of an extended learning experience leading to a specified qualification(s) for which a designated number, and normally sequence, of units or modules is required.. Methodologically, mixed research design comprising both quantitative and qualitative research methods was used. In addition to conflicting views from experts on the value - or uselessness - of modular technical education teaching methods, there are other conflicts surrounding decisions to either accept or reject modular methods. The word new normal also applies to education and modular learning is the new normal in the education system. We might not even recognize the new block course and instructor as we still worrying about due dates for assignment submissions and completions. An instructor from technology institute has said that. The emphasis must be on the oneone students with unique abilities, aspiration, and influencing experiences and, again to provide quality education, the teacher must personalize and individualize the instructional program. We are confident in what we do, so we remove your doubts from the equation. The quantitative data collected were analyzed using frequencies and percentages. On the other hand, 109 (75.7%) of them have reported that they dont give students timely feedback which means that they have no opportunity to identify the weakness of their students and take the necessary intervention strategies. if you assign group assignments, for instance, it is only a student whose academic performance is said to be higher in the group that will do the assignment. Over the last decade, research has begun in earnest to address these very issues [1]. Thus, the application of active learning approach largely depends on the perception that instructors and students adhere. Frankly speaking, the assessment policy in higher education institution coupled with the new block teaching approach is making instructors reluctant and negligent. A business can open multiple accounts in one bank. What are the best educational recruitment methods? Population was university students of Master in educational planning and management. To this end, the researchers raised the following leading questions: How is the implementation of active learning carried out in the universities? The academic difficulties experienced by online students. They have to provide the student with immediate and continuing feedback. Here are some elementary education title research ideas. within such shortage of time, you are expected to administer re-tests for those who fail to achieve the minimum pass mark in the test and/or quizzes which is another burden. 3. The remaining members of the group dont even know the title of their assignment. Further, the review focuses on the findings and conclusions of the articles reviewed as it reveals the results supporting students using a modular learning approach has significantly improved and increased the level of the academic achievement of the students. 500 words what is the importance of citing sources, Ano-ano ang mga tungkulin mo sa iyong sarili ?, Activity 1.2:Lets Check It Out Cognizant of this, Ministry of Education (MoE) of Ethiopia, in the effort of reengineering of the teachinglearning core process, has proposed modularization as a best way of curriculum implementation and production of competent global graduates (MoE [Ministry of Education], Citation2013). Does continuous assessment in higher education support student learning? Moreover, it is challenging instructors professional ethics. To your surprise, most instructors miss classes for the reason that there was no electric power. Regarding students evaluation of instructors classroom behavior, the collected data revealed that majority of the students reported that instructors rarely engage them in the teachinglearning process. Supporting this, one student has said that, instructors usually use lecture method predominantly and they rush to cover the contents than participating us in the process of knowledge construction. With the assistance of the former Soviet Union, Ethiopia established its first Polytechnic Institute at Bahir Dar in the 1960s. The information the instructor obtained from assessments can help him/her make these decisions with more accuracy and efficiency (Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall, & William, Citation2003; Bennett, Citation2011; Black & Dylan, Citation2009). They further underlined that the purpose of assessment in modularized program includes assessment of prerequisite skills, the diagnosis of difficulties, and a confirmation of mastery. He/she is no more a disseminator of information. These universities are found in the same cluster (eastern cluster) and located in the eastern part of the country, Ethiopia. Furthermore, 279 (90.6%) of them replied that they were not given the opportunity to discuss and debate. (D) An inference task implemented on the actual chip resulted in good agreement between . In the implementation of active learning approach, both instructors and students have reflected similar views. 10. The interview made with students also confirmed that test and quizzes are the most frequently used assessment techniques. As the research used mixed research design, the quantitative data were analyzed together with the qualitative data. For more about our cookie and privacy policy, see Terms of Use. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. The COVID-19 pandemic remains a compelling issue destabilizing the economy and education, in most parts of the world. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. These research topics about education require a direct quantitative analysis and study of major ideas and arguments. legitimate business as evidenced by a business permit or SEC registration. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online Dis-tance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction. In the Philippines, modular learning was used due to poor Internet connection. Another student from technology institute also expressed. Furthermore, 97 (67.4%) of the instructors reported that students were not communicated in advance about assessment criteria for individual and group assignments as students are not aware of assessment criteria for group and individual assignments. Moreover, French (Citation2015) and Kamakshi (Citation2011) stated that in contrast to the linear degree program which comprises a sequence of subjects, modularized degrees tend to be made up of stand-alone, independent units that can be undertaken in different orders and accumulated at different speeds. It is associated with the notion of delivering knowledge in bite-sized pieces and, therefore, lends itself to time-shortened and intensive modes of delivery (French, Citation2015). How can schools manage their increasing gender differences? Education in Times of Pandemic: Lived Experiences on Modular Distance Learning of Grade 11 STEM Students in Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National High School Thus, they dont exert much effort and time. Confirming this, students also admitted that group assignments are perceived as support for low achieving students to score passing mark with the effort of the few good performing students in the groups. Mixed research design was employed. In modular approach, all the capabilities required to perform are closely related. Students' time management can also affect stress level of students as they need to cope with their tasks and their personal achievements. They usually give lengthy lectures for consecutive three and four hours. Well-designed assessment procedures set clear expectations, establish a reasonable workload, and provide opportunities for students to self-monitor, rehearse, practice, and receive feedback. Mr. D has two bank accounts in DEC Bank. Average course load of instructors is 13.5 credit hours per week (considering full-timer academic staffs only). Some instructors administer mid-term exams that weight 40% of the total assessment and finally split it into four categories as if they assessed students for four different times using different assessment techniques. Modular teaching is concerned for each student as an individual with his/her own special aptitude and interest, goal of helping each student to think for himself, and allowing the individuality to each learner. The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed more, than 2 million COVID-19 cases and more than 100.000 deaths worldwide, including more than. You might observe instructors quarrelling for a classroom with electric power supply. An in-depth review of literature addressed topics including, Educational Theories supporting modular learning, the development of modular learning, 200 countries, from December 2019 to mid-April 2020. This research is important because it will determine how the new paradigm shift in education affects the academic performance of the students. (Quinones, 2020) Modular learning is the most type of Distance common Learning. The instructors stressed that the absence of compensation for overload that emanates from large class size, reassessment, and tutorials is eroding their commitments. There was a strong preference, among instructors, for the teacher-centered approach. They include the College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts at the municipal, College of Engineering at Addis Ababa, Institute of Building Technology at Addis Ababa, Gondor Public Health College, Theology of Holly Trinity at the municipal, and Kotebe College of Teacher Education. A review of the need for sexual education in elementary schools. The questionnaires were pilot tested with a sample of 30 students and instructors in non-sampled colleges. Here are some education research topics you can use for your thesis. First, I have to give coverage for all the contents in the course given that students have no access of supportive materials as textbook and/or reference. The sudden shift from face-to-face learning to distance learning threatened not only the parents and students but most especially the Department of Education, on what they can do to ensure that though the delivery of learning changes, the quality of the education remains the same. Exceptional education tutors: Is the need for higher pay justifiable? In addition, instructors may often be scared of trying new ways of teaching, hence resorting to the traditional teacher-centered teaching approach. The post-test values of the dimensions of algorithmic thinking, critical thinking, collaborative thinking, and problem-solving thinking are all higher than the pretest values, and there are . Applications of modular learning both in home-schooling? endobj study. recent years, both the supply and demand for distance learning opportunities have risen. incarnation of teaching machine and programmed learning theory of the 1930s-1960s (Petrina, 1993, p. 77). He made clear that there is reluctance among academic staffs to engage students in the teachinglearning process. The management bodies are pressuring academics staffs without considering the existing challenges. Purpose: To indicate the scope and content of the module. These institutions fostered an educational culture that was heavily influenced by its long informal association with Orthodox Church (Teshome, Citation1990). Alternative teaching strategies that fit to large class size and further staff development activities that address misconceptions on active learning and continuous assessment were suggested. Accordingly, college of natural and computational sciences, college of business and economics, and institute of technology were selected. Table 3 depicts that more than half (59%) of the instructors replied that they dont give group and individual assignments to students. When a teacher devoted to individual learning, he/she finds time for personal discussion with students and giving them individual help. Research Topic: Modular Learning Research Title: Modular Learning and Academic Performance of Grade 11 STEM Students at Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial National Highschool: Basis for Improvement of Modular Learning System Why is your research important? Here are some good research topics in education to consider. As opposed to most traditional curriculum designs, modular design gives greater student autonomy in constructing the programs and greater range of entry gates and exit points (Ali et al., Citation2010). 2 0 obj In this section, the results of the study were presented and analyzed based on the research questions. Sometime later, 2Pac spoke of the necessity of divergent thinking when "trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents.". Describing the role of instructors in a modularized curriculum, Goldschmid and Goldschmid (Citation1973) stated that he/she is a diagnostician, prescriber, motivator, and resource person. A module is considered to be a set of learning opportunities which are organized around a well-defined topic which contains elements of instruction, specific objectives, learning activities and . This helped to better understand how the modularized . Continuous assessment seems perceived as continuous testing. Equivalent group study design was used. This article contains 110 of the best education research topics that will come in handy when you need to choose one for your research. They submit assignments directly downloaded from websites without edition. All public schools in the, Philippines currently use this learning method. Here are some examples of research titles about modular learning. We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience. From the colleges/schools/institutes of the universities, three randomly selected colleges/institutes were taken as a sample of the study. And this will aggravate the challenges on the students side. The study was experimental type. !gDW[eFW Third, the department head expect me to complete 50% of the total evaluation through continuous assessment using at least 5 (five) assessment techniques. account holder or the depositor. Strikingly, tertiary enrolment totaled only 4,500 in 1970 out of the national population of 34 million. Isaksson (Citation2007) maintain that an integrated assessment system (that includes continuous assessment) allows students to test themselves and review their own progress. In agreement with this, majority (77.1%) of the instructors confessed that written exams (quizzes and tests) are the forms of assessment that the instructors use frequently. The below test includes 10 questions, randomly selected from a large inventory. Online, Face-to-Face, Learning Mode Comparison, Student Variables . How does it relate to local or global context? Instructors were confined to PowerPoint presentation and lengthy explanation leaving students as passive receiver. Three universities were focus of the study. Working professionals can learn new skills in shorter amounts of time, even while they work, and those seeking a degree can do so in a way that pays off, in skills . In. View Despite some apparent differences, which relate class size, in the provision of feedback from academics in the different institutions, the results of this study indicate that this practice of assessment often seems to fail in supporting assessment for learning, irrespective of the great effort that academics put into it. Rushton (Citation2005) stressed that continuous assessment enhances deep learning if there is plenty of feedback at regular intervals, and all assessments need to have clear assessment criteria which are known by the students before they undertake the assessment activity. This learning modality is used by all public schools at present in the Philipines. It is obvious that for effective implementation of any new perspective, positive attitude to the issue, and sound knowledge and skills in the area are very important. What are the characteristics of mental health deterioration among students? An excerpt from the interview reads as, I dont think there is a follow-up mechanism from departments that make sure instructors are assessing students performance regularly. write FALSE if the statement is fa Here are some research title examples for students taking online classes. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? Instructors should really be innovative and be willing to try out new teaching strategies in an attempt to improve their professional practice in general and enhance students learning. In a modular system, it is important to guard against overassessing students based on the unit of study. Here are some education topics for research that you can consider for your degree. The modular learning approach focuses primarily on learning outcomes. 8. In sum, there has been a general perception that the Ethiopian higher education system has delivered less than expected in its existence over six decades (Teshome, Citation2007), raising serious doubts as to its ability to ensure access, quality, relevance, efficiency, and responsiveness to societal demands in the face of the globalized knowledge era, (MOE, 1994; Tesfaye, Citation2006). The first classes of higher education had begun on 11 December 1950 and this marked the first landscape for the start of the Ethiopian higher education in Ethiopia. 2. Evaluating mental health setbacks during education, The impact of modern technology on special education, The cognitive improvements via specialized learning in dyslexic children, The psychological link between dyslexia and bullying in high school, Impact of social isolation in special education classes, The difficulties in providing specialized learning environments, A study of orphan students with disabilities and their aptitudes for learning. Instructors and second year and above regular undergraduate students of three universities were the population of the study. Distance learning is a type of education in which students and instructors have little or no face-, to-face interaction (Chin, 2020). Students usually come to my office and report that their instructor has let them free for electric power-cut. Furthermore some other instructors also attributed the dominance of traditional teaching approach for the nature of classroom, shortage of time for covering courses, and large class size. 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By continuing to access this website, you give your consent to our use of cookies. endobj os2~Hi*a45V. The individual learning may help in developing many notable and self-reliant characters, and in much more modern ways, students enjoy periods in which they pursue their interests and satisfy their curiosities (Manlove & David, Citation1985). It is therefore vital that all learners in a group understand what they are trying to achieve in a given task and why they are doing it. Particularly, instructors and students should clearly understand the underlying ideas, concepts, merits, and demerits of the new approach. Introduction. Re-named versions of existing modules must always have a new module code. Students do not exert much effort on the assignment and usually a student whom they consider good performer in their group shoulders the burden. which he intends to use for the purchase of supplies of his business, at XYZ Bank.
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