cannot find the name in this list, I recommend to attach a prefix and look for Category:Sephardic surnames - Wikipedia I was born in Aguadilla and my husband is from Utuado. There you can also learn how Jewish is defined. Apparently Catholics using the same surname didnt count! And of course, the 1800s is 400 years far removed from the times of the expulsion so proving a certain Sephardic Jewish pedigree can be hard but not necessarily impossible. listed here represent the famous names of Jewish/Sephardic Argentina. Hi I have a very big problem. Only names An open Jewish community did not flourish in the colony because Judaism was prohibited by the Spanish Inquisition. I have an account through ancestry as well and it seems that my paternal relatives may have come from the Canary islands. SOY SEFARD: Sephardic Surnames ( The image of the original document from which information was obtained is inserted into the certificate. Sephardic brides from the publication, List of 7300 Names of Jewish Brides and Abeccassis meaning "storyteller". This program became known as Operation Bootstrap. that appeared Sephardic are included here. of the Sephardic Jews) from the site Comunidad Israelita Pincipado de For example, my family's surname Coll. NAMES FOUND ON Do you know what your Jimenez name was prior to the change? So many times in my life, people have asked me if I was Jewish. I also have Jimenez in my mother's line. In the military, I went to Spain and thought that it would be great to research my family tree. All of her siblings have very indeginious features. Hello there!I think this is a very interesting topic, but, after all, which haplogroup would a Boricua with Mallorcan-Jewish Ancestry have? Language origins Everywhere, in medieval Spain included, Jews used Hebrew names. This book contains a list of names, some times providing the names of My son married a Rodriguez as well and my other daughter married a Ramos. Images of the documents where we found evidence of your surname in the area. I love the music,especially when I heard Hatikva for tha first time, I was overwhelmed with a feeling I can't explain. My husband (RIP) mentioned that his great great great grand parents came to Puerto Rico they were 5 brothers by the name of Zayas who had been negleted the entry into Spain , therefore somehow came to the island and settled in San Lorenzo, Cerro Gordo. I agree with the fact that most of the surnames listed as Sephardic in origin, in Spain as well as in Portugal, are indeed of Jewish origin, but originally they weren't, and there are still noblemen in these countries, who are Correas, Calderons, Toledos, Mendozas, and Enriquez, of non Jewish ancestry.However, many of the . Ive been also told that I look Jewish. Serrano Ranking In the United States, the name Serrano is the 646 th most popular surname with an estimated 44,766 people with that name. Likewise, aLevy is probably descendedfrom the tribe of Levi. I find this forum really interesting, seeing where my Puerto Rican ancestry is originally from would be amazing. The ONLY comprehensive book for Sephardic Genealogy. NAMES ANALYSIS REPORT - She has a Hebrew surname and lived somewhere where most people with Spanish or Portuguese surnames were Jewish. This led him to become a believer in the cause of the Puerto Rican independence movement. So I want to talk about the prospects of having Jewish ancestors and somethings to take into consideration while doing your research. The Jews of Jamaica, by Richard D. Barnett and Philip Wright. Abravanel meaning "priest". or they have not yet been located by our investigators. No wonder I get up at 2am or 3 am to pray to Yahweh, Jeshua. For example (31/3/8) = Esti volume 3, issue8. [3] Operation Bootstrap also attracted clothing manufacturers from New York and many of the people in the industry who came to the island were Jews. Having read hundreds of articles, following biblical prophesies and documented trade routes one must conclude: Puerto Rico surely had Messianic history (Soujourners)and articles like the passages for trade document this. As a result of the program, many Jews migrated to the city of Ponce located in the southern region of the island and worked in the agricultural industry. Abergel meaning "one-footed". I've heard some discussions that claim the cargo of passengers of the original Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria could have included Sephardi Jews looking for a way out of the Spanish inquisition. The Sephardic Jews are said to have lived in Spain since the second temples destruction in Israel. Those . Spanish and Portuguese Jews Congregation of Bevis Marks (London. For most hispanic genealogist, at one point during our research, the question: As you research your genealogy, there have been a few tips and tricks that other Sephardic Jewish genealogists have said you should keep an eye out for. Sephardic grooms from the publication listed above. Theres also Rivera And Perez second last names in my family. I have since pulled records from Curacao and from The Hague in an attempt to complete the circlealong with DNAI'm still working on it in 2012! Our last names are: From Aguas Buenas:Santiago Neriz and from Comerio: Vazquez Colon. Since it originates and concretes in the Near East, it can be from either one of these groups. (~), From the book, Angel. Hyamson. Now, I attend a Synagogue in Wilmington, NC and I'm very active. (22c) indicates those names that are identified as converso names in the and 18th-Century Jewish Community of Nevis, British West Indies, Boston Many of the victims were We are conducting a massive research with our team of historians using primary source documents, archives and scripts, which means well track your surname centuries back to any document, transactions or any legal act from that era. I found this interesting though lofty as no website documenting Sephardic surnames (and there are quite a few) list Sepharad as a surname. And would love to find out more about the Jews of Mayaguez,Puerto Rico. Any information about the Medina's would be much appreciated, email Be what you are. This particular blog is specifically on Jewish DNA, not African, nor any other specification. Unfortunately, the Spanish were too good at protecting their New World and blood line from the Jews. And I say this because many people dedicate their lives to studying the Sephardic Jews, their customs, language, travel routes, and ways of life. My father always told us his ancestors were from Barcelona. Please do not speak for me as I find that offensive. del Estero. of many Sephardic families in Spain, England and The Netherlands. When visiting Barcelona I was told that the name came from those who lived close to the Piranese Mountains between Spain and France, because of the Pine trees there. Mr. Segura was featured as one who took the opportunity to do aliyah. My mother last name was Lafontaine from Utuado P.R. Puerto Rican Surnames - Puerto Rican Genealogy I wonder why nobody here does the same dna exercise to test for african blood. My husband last name is Sanchez, and we saw a program with a man from Spain, last name Sanchez also, who said that he didn't know he was Jewish until his own father told him to find his Jewish's roots. (~), From ETSI, And my grand f. lived in San Lorenzo and Las Piedras in P.R.And my dad parents came from Cataluna and Canary via Venezuela. What I found interesting when I found out that historical fact, is that in Puerto Rico contrary to other Christian nations, in Nochebuena and Christmass "lechn asado" (roasted pig) is a traditional plate in that celebration. My mother as well would wear a head covering when praying. There is no such thing as a Sephardic surname. Contact me. Another clarification I want to make is that the list of surnames for the project was developed by the author Pere Bonnin. If not, Im learning along the way as well! Blessings! In 2006, the Billboard Latin Music Awards nominated her for a "Best Salsa Single" award for "Tu Eres". The scarcity of documentation on Jews in Puerto Rico forces one to be creative and analyze the topic sideways. The genius of Bennett Greenspans genetic genealogy has provided one the possibility to find connections when little or no records exist. century. There are also the Mizrahi Jews which can be found in Middle Eastern countries. Can someone bring me more information on this interesting matter? Yes, Jews did take on surnames with -ez endings but not all did. Another thing to keep in mind are traditions and customs dealing with things such as food, burial, marriage, etc. Alsoshema. descendant from Sephardic Jews or in some cases, new Christians that married I had my mtdna done and come out that I have 25.8 % Ashkenaci. I had an Aunt who lived in the mountainous area of Puerto Rico (Jibarro) while the rest of us lived in the city. please send me a message, Shalom, My Name is Raquel Torres Ortiz can anybody help me find more info as of my lastname. appear to be original Sephardic names not changed by conversion. [11], Brugman admired independence advocates Ramn Emeterio Betances and Segundo Ruiz Belvis. Nowhere in the bible today does it say that you're going to heaven when you die, we just conclude it Found your statement concerning Dr. Allegria's claim that a people arrived in Puerto Rico's mountains prior to Christoper Columbus discovery of the new world and the Caribbean islands very interesting. (~), From the book, All of the names on this thread show in my DNA Relative List and I was told that my closest DNA match is in Puerto Rico. She had dark skin and hair and my fathers family didn't welcome her nor her children because of her skin. I started to fill out the paper from NefeshB Nefesh and the Jewish Agency for Israel to make Aliyah, but they ask for proof of Judaism. Click here. I do however question the omission of other surnames in the past as Xuete, for example in the late 1300s to mid 1400s in Mallorca. History of the Jews in Aragon, by Regne. I would love to finally put this chapter to rest. They are but they do not tell all of the members of the family. Only those names that were identified as Sephardic Jews or [35], On October 31, 2005, the Senate of Puerto Rico approved Senate Resolution 1480, recognizing the contributions which the Jewish community has made to the way of life of Puerto Rico and the friendship which exists between the peoples of Puerto Rico and Israel. HI, IS LAST NAMES WITH MELERO AND ZAMOTT HAVE A JEWISH ANCESTRY LINE/. Hello. I have no idea if i may have part Jew in myself. There are lists of claimed Sephardic surnames that include all 100 of the 100 most common surnames in Portugal today, and 99 of the 100 most common surnames in Spain. I have met other Jews who know Aldeas of Spain and they are of Jewish heritage. Historians believe that Luis de Torres, who spoke Hebrew among other languages and who accompanied Columbus as his interpreter, was the first "converso" Jew to set foot in Puerto Rico. Jehovah shammah,I am original from Utuado PR and since I was a kid I was fascinated by my gran father origin, I use to love to listen his stories about my greatgranfather, original from Palmas de Mallorca, but every time i ask him about my greatgranfather life in Mallorca he said "I don't know because Papa always refused to talk about it" This make me wonder why? We have been celebrating the Jewish Holidays for over 12 years since we came from Puerto Rico to Florida. decrees by the House of Aragon. Valles-Garcia was my Grandfather and Aldea was my Grandmother surname. [12] Even so, the first synagogue was not established until after Puerto Rico was ceded by Spain to the United States at the end of the SpanishAmerican War in 1898. History of the Jews in Venice, by Cecil Roth. We have over 30 years of experience successfully helping our clients obtain status or citizenship in numerous countries, including the US, Israel, and Portugal. Their contributions can be found, but are not limited to, the fields of education, commerce and entertainment. I need more information for my family. Two years ago I began a search for my Batista surname (from my fathersgrandfather). Well my dad was livid when he found out that I may have a Palestinian as a future stepdad. Notes to the transcript of the document: These notes are used for a proper interpretation of the document. Do you have any information that may help in my investigation? I'll get that fixed Monday. Many Sephardic Jews from Bulgaria and Greece carry this surname. Shalom from puerto rico.My name isOrlando Jimenez I am from Puerto Rico. His last name was Rosado and mother's was Ortiz. contains tombstone inscriptions and dates of death from 1663-1880. New DNA Project: Puerto Rico - Mallorca - Jewish descendants Jewish. Every time it seems this nonsense is about to die, someone new picks it up. We had a Rabbi come from Peru (Rolando Paz) who also lived in an area where people stood within themselves and practiced Shabbat (Sabbath) and found out he was Jewish. In Spain and Portugal there seems to be a myth that Jews adopted surnames from trees and fruit. records for Puerto Rico. My grandmother last names are Maldonado Medina. Soy Roser Pars Fuster, xueta y estoy interesada en el proyecto. We are at your disposal to provide certificates of those surnames or any additional information. My mother's maternal grand father was from Mayorca & she was born & raised in Utuado (born in 1942) her father's name was Perez. There are many studies you can read about on which delve into other aspects of Puerto Rican culture. The Spanish government, believing that the independence movements would lose their popularity, granted land and initially gave settlers "Letters of Domicile". [21] According to Abe Fortas's biographer Laura Kalman, "Puerto Rico engaged Fortas. I also feel Jewish! Those surnames ending in ez. So much so, that now a days Christians dont even know they have Jewish traditions within their family due to these dark times. Snyder became the first Jew and the last non-Puerto Rican appointed to that court. Hi my name is Orfa Roman. 2. I do not know who my father is so I don't know what to do. Benarouch: A patronymic name meaning 'son of the head (leader)' in Hebrew. Thank you, Please email me at "". Doing further research. 3. My mother side has Sephardic surnames on both of her sides. Many names in this publication are not recognizable as By Michael Waas. Coamo, Correa, DNA, FTDNA, Genealogy, J-Z18271, Puerto Rican, Puerto Rico, Salinas, San Juan, Sefard, Sephardic Jews, Y-DNA, Y-DNA111, Z18271 / By Luis Rivera Like my Avils/Magraner line, I tested my Correa Y-DNA line while I was in Puerto Rico, this time with my maternal grandfather. records of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. purchased on this site through, From the book, Which is which for the Mallorcan-Jewish? names listed on this site are taken form the references listed below. The main two are Ashkenazi (which are most of the Jewish people you might know with origins in Eastern European countries such as Germany, Poland, Ukraine all the way to Russia) and then there are the Sephardic Jews (which Ill explain in just a moment). How can I find out if my maternal side is connected to Jewish ancestors?Please let me know! otras fuentes que indican claramente que la persona portadora del apellido es and my father was from Bayamon P.R.. Sephardic surnames - Sephardic Genealogy Let me start by saying that when I was 16 years old, I was walking down a street in New York and I heard a voice say to me, "You belong here". This book contains names from Puerto Rico Virtual Jewish History Tour We all looked at each other because my daughter and I have known we were of Jewish descent for a long time. You wrote "We should be careful not to offend people by claiming a heritage that's not ours." names not well identified are not listed. This convinces me that your brother must ascend from a man whose father's father's father was Anousim. Hi, I have a very strange problem. (~), From the Ph.D. Included in this Surname location area (the area or locality that refer to documents or archive found related that surname). England). My family last names are Rodriguez, Ayala, Rivera, Alvarado, Ramos, Soto,Ramos, Medina, and Jiminez. German names are due to inter marriage(~), From the book, Historia de la Comunidad Among the notable people with Puerto Rican and Jewish roots are: Geraldo Rivera, David Blaine, Bruno Mars, Benjamin Agosto, Hila Levy, Ian Gomez, Leslie Kritzer, Julio Kaplan, Joaquin Phoenix, and Jenna Wolfe. "[21], Puerto Rico is home to the largest and wealthiest Jewish community in the Caribbean with almost 3,000 Jewish inhabitants. I studied in Orthodox Jewish seminary and took on the lifestyle. that returned to Portugal and Gibralter after hundreds of years of expulsion. Jose Maria Abecassis. This list is compiled from a catalogue the author found on a visit to Puerto Rico in the Museum of San Juan. Why is Rivera such a common last name in Puerto Rico, and is it - Quora attempted to provide the ports of departure of these immigrants. Nonetheless, I did it because I wanted to know as much as I could about my ancestry. If your family comes from the area served Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our DNA kits for ancestry and the world's most comprehensive DNA database. Someone called Maria Mendoza in Mexico at the same time looks to be Catholic and would require strong evidence to prove otherwise. This publication contains a Most Puerto Ricans have native american blood and/or spaniard blood. Sort of felt bonded. Ruth Reyes, "Sephardic Family Names from Puerto Rico", The Casa Shalom Journal, Volume 10, Published by The Institute for Marrano-Anusim Studies, Gan Yavneh, Israel 2008 | This list is compiled from a catalogue the author found on a visit to Puerto Rico in the Museum of San Juan. (~), From the book, 60+ Top Sephardic Surnames With Meanings | Kidadl Medieval Spanish Jewish Surnames - Sephardic gen The book may I am working on making Portuguese Inquisition records more accessible here. As the elderly of Lares were dying he was privileged to hear their stories. [28] Brenda K. Starr is a salsa singer who in 2002 won two Latin Grammy Awards, one for "Best Salsa Album", for "Temptation" and the other in the category "Best Salsa Single" for "Por Ese Hombre". A well written story of the converso community of I have learned that my grandmother (Aurelia) was Jewish, but kept this hidden from everyone. from the book, A Origem Judaica dos Brasileiros, by Jose Geraldo Rodrigues de Someone called Sarah Mendoza in 18th Century London will probably have been Jewish. 1. List of Sephardic surnames with certificate of origin - Tolentino Abogados It is only my opinion, of course, but Sephardic research should really be done by someone with an intimate knowledge of the resources already to save time, wild goose chases and a very steep learning curve. Sephardic Surnames from a number of Jewish Sephardic sources (Links for other world regions at bottom of page) *** See also the Databases Section. Hello my grandfather was lopez hernandez and my grandmother gonzalez rivera we are from san sebastian Itoo feel a great love to Israel my name is ana, My great great grandparents were from spain my grandfather was lopez hernandez and my grandmother was gonzalez rivera my mother was born in san sebastian my grandfather had a farm in mago.
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