This website has an unconventional format. List of currencies: 22 May over 250,000 CMKX packages had been delivered with an NDA, check and debit card. Other news events covered by Judy Byingtons Report will be analyzed by me in subsequent parts in future essays. Usually there is a time limit, 90 days +. See International Child Sex Trafficking. IRAQ inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children. If you do not understand, ask until you do. You will know if you are already a part of these. By Monday, 10th of April, the global currency reset had been fully funded. The Gabals Black Rock bought controlling interest in Pfizer in 2017. All hell is going to break loose. It could not only mean Trump won Georgia, but it could also mean David Perdue won the Senate. See Those Red Jewel Rings they wear & The Red Shoe Club. RMNews? Global Internet And Cyber Attacks Tracking Sites:, Globalists/Deep-State & Plandemic Secrets Everyone Must See ASAP. At the Capitol Building and White House Deep State-serving politicians and agency bureaucrats were told by the Military to leave/retire voluntarily, or face military tribunals for treason at GITMO. There was an estimated 80 to 140 Congress people thought named in over 223,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts since Trump took office. It is ISRAEL IS LAST. This is for your safety. The buy rate is higher than the sell rate and the bank always includes a fee. E. CV-19, CV-19 Testing and CV-19 Vaccine Hoaxes: The Mysterious Death of Dr. Faucis Most Notable Critic. The 10km earthquakes that are happening in the far North West of China near Kazakstan are the Silk Road Tunnels being blown. Russia The past 72 hours of power and internet outages across the world were linked to global arrests. One story published on January 14, 2021, "Inauguration Cancelled, Trump Remains in Office, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, MSNBC to Lose Licenses," quickly amassed 2,009,060 views. Be on the lookout for unexpected Amazon deliveries. Black emailed the AGO, asking about additional comments Byington was making on the Amazon page for her book. He penned the letter after my 4 hour consult with him on 8 satanic covens the Utah AG office are following. When you get to the actual exchange process: They will run your currency/bonds through the DE LaRue machine. The Submarine Operation Epstein/Maxwell group. Connect them. Do not share with anyone purpose of your appointment or what you are doing. info, (function() { var d = document, fr = d.createElement('script'); : Sarah Thompson lives with her family and pets on a small farm in Indiana. Saudi Arabia In other words, the Communist Mainstream Media and 90%+ of all politicians, judges, Wall Street, Academics, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Pharma, Big Medical, etc. This content is made available by use . United Arab Emirates Contract Rate: This is a rate that is agreed to between countries. Allow yourself plenty of time. Putin destroyed NATOs top Ukraine leaders with attack. Fox News, H anity, The Biden Fire happened all in one day. In many cases, you may be further ahead to just pay the fees. Over the course of two days, on January 6, 2021, and due to the interruption caused by rioters storming the Capitol, resuming and continuing into the early hours of January 7, 2021, the electoral votes were counted and certified. JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Do the funds from each currency/bond need to be in separate accounts? The very super corrupt Afghanistan bankers. Indonesia Rupiah God bless her! SLIDES.image = document.images.SLIDESIMG; B. { International rate: $470,000. But just like every other hoax, he will prevail. Anyone is welcome to post a story. r. Family Office / Software Solutions Afghanistan Not just about CRYPTO and the New Quantum Financial System. info, Rumor Mill News Reading Room, Current Archive, JUDY BYINGTON: (MUST READ) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SUN. Judy Byington > SGAnon ~ Situation Update April 19, 2023 ~ Q+ Trump U.S Military - Restored Republic. Log in or register now! The Obergon Chronicles ebook Biggest Navy Exercise in a Generation Will Include 25,000 Personnel Across 17 Time Zones | Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape, torture and murder of themselves and other children. You may ask if that time can be extended to allow you time to meet with professionals and to come back and renegotiate in your best interests. I remember many years ago reading an essay on Aesthetics which statedIn order to understand what is seen, you must look very carefully at what is not seen. Considering the cataclysmic events affecting America and the world especially whats going on regarding the Fall of Afghanistan, I hope that the readers of this essay will find comfort in the QAnon post #4481 (June 18, 2020) which reads as follows, Tags: afghanistan, Donald Trump, Fake News, featured, Joe Biden, Taliban, U.S. Army. This Human/Satan hybrid race of people that originated in the Garden of Eden when Satan beguiled had sex with Eve to produce the Satanic bloodline of Cain that is separate and distinct from the bloodline of Seth (remember Cain killed Able) which was the bloodline of Jesus Christ. I know with complete confidence that she does not have a relationship with out office either formally or informally, Barlow wrote. Have two forms of ID: Drivers License, Passport, Birth Certificate, etc. Read everything they give you including the NDA. 150 Canadian doctors have died suddenly, soon after the roll-out of COVID mRNA technology Israel Defense Force (IDF) Officer Injured During Raid Outside Bethlehem. To help detox heavy metals and toxins from chemtrails and other exposure, we recommend taking Touchstone Essentials liquid zeolite products. Improves economy and helps businesses impacted by Covid. The deep state, media, big tech, reenos, and Democrats knew he was actually telling the truth to Americans. The Tier 4B start was dependent upon on progress of (A) CMKX payouts (B) bond processing (vetting provenance, settlement, closing) and (C) global Deep State arrests status. Byington's upcoming book, "Saints, Sinners and Satan" encompases a first-person account of her own experiences with multiple personality survivors and satanic crime., (2) OUT OF SHADOWS (UK) UKs Hidden Shadows Official Inspired by Out of Shadows YouTube, (3) FALL of CABAL (PARTS ONE TEN) The Fall Of The Cabal: The End Of The World As We Know It [2020] ( 29 April 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities"., "Judy Byington: M.S.W, L.C.S.W, ret. The entire email is as follows: Of course, the quotes purportedly from the Utah AGO that Byington is complaining about are entirely accurate, as these documents reveal (and which few other than Byington herself doubted). 3 U.S NEWSNIKOLA TESLA EVERY NIGHT, AT PRECISELY THIS TIME, I DO THIS RITUAL.NIKOLA TESLA EVERY NIGHT, AT PRECISELY THIS TIME, I DO THIS RITUAL. WATCH VIDEO: SGT Report Satanic Systems Of Total Control Crrow777 Must Video. It has taken all this time for Trump and the Interim Military Govt. Watch this video where Gislain invites the UN to support TerraMar. After the fourteen days, Zim redemption and the special rates would end (unless you had made an appointment at a Redemption Center within that 30 day window) and then the general public would begin exchanging at the new international rates. ii. The U.S. Secret Service publishes press releases that include arrests of people who threaten the lives of presidents and permanent protectees. RMN is Reader Supported King was hired, but never worked for the Department of Homeland Security and there was no nation wide training about ritual abuse across the nation., The site also says Byington has acted as a consultant on satanic crime for the Utah AGs Office since 2006. Your signature/name/username at the top. margin-bottom: 30px; It is recommended that if you live in a small town, that you go far enough from home, so you are not recognized. But the emails still didnt stop. Dr. John Trump on Nikola Tesla Interview (Donald Trumps Uncle) Taken from The Eye of the Storm Documentary: Tesla understood Gods complex system of creation and the creation of mans energy and relationship with God. Mexico Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail: The US was under Martial Law, many in Congress have been arrested for treason, a war with the Chinese Communist Party has ended, the US was about to be restored to elements of the original Constitution and no one even knows about it. Shirlee, You must be logged in to post a comment Phil Spotted something? This is because you will receive more from the Zim than you will with a contracted currency rate. 14 shares 18,209 views. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Currently, if you hold Zim, contract rates will not be available. Fish is code for Andrenochrome. If you have a lot of currency, recommend you create a tally sheet of how much of each currency/bond you have. Domestic Operational Law. This is because not all locations will be able to redeem Zim. o. Multi-Dimensional Governance If you do not receive an email, the information will be posted on aggregating sites and/or with those who provide RV Intel. Attached to this email was a screenshot of a comment Byington left on the Amazon page for her book, in which she proclaimed that her relationship with the Utah AGO will be revealed in her next book, entitled Saints, Sinners & Satan. That was nearly eight years ago, and no such book has turned up. Two other stories featuring military raids on the CIA appear in the mix of search results: There was the fictional report in November 2017 by radio host Hal Turner, that the Marines had stormed the CIA's Langley Headquarters, and the uncorroborated elaborate tale from Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney that U.S. Special Forces had raided a CIA "server farm" in Frankfurt, Germany. Must Video, 3 News & PoliticsNew David Rodriguez & The Ghost: Wargaming Through Confusion and DeceptionNINO W/ THE GHOST WARGAMING THROUGH CONFUSION AND DECEPTION THX SGANON JOHN GALT, Situation Update Major War Escalation Expected! Expect something that will change the way you think about the situation around you. Judy Byington | Operation Disclosure Official ((d.location.protocol.indexOf('https') == 0)? If you receive an email directly, you may forward it to anyone you gifted currency and/or bonds. Author Judy Byington biography and book list - Fresh Fiction Beck, artificial intelligence is learning at an alarming rate. Dont forget about Mossad also being involved. Just prior to his pre-recorded-in-Hollywood-by-Castle Rock Entertainment Inauguration, Washington DC, Capitol Hill and the White House were secured within miles of barbed wire fences and 60,000 National Guard troops. Like someone made them up and stuffed them through the machines in the middle of the night. SHOCKING INDICTMENTS UPDATE JUST RELEASED | JUDY BYINGTON - One News Page Joe Biden was sworn in as president of a bankrupt and defunct US Inc. Have a 1-2 page summary - key points - of your Humanitarian and job creation projects. Box 95 inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. Whiplash347: Last night I mentioned Earthquakes in Qinghai (Northern Headwaters) & Yunnan(1st Bend) along the Yangtze River and how they were hitting HydroPower Dams, Bitcoin Mining & DUMBS then Disclose T.V & others mentioned it. This was about putting a final nail in the coffin for money laundering and wrongdoing. k. Consultancy We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. President Trump wasnt a liar. The CCP had been trying to take over Taiwan. This article by Judy Byington is formatted almost like a newsletter, a wrap-up of many of the conspiracy theories which were circulating before and after the January 20, 2021, inauguration of President Joe Biden. With Iraq, it is sometimes referred to as contract for oil. 5.21.2021). This machine counts and verifies the authenticity of your currency. For there, lying upon the rotting prison straw, I came to realize that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the maturity of the human soul. ~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,The Gulag Archipelago Background on Alexander Solzhenitsyn and his account []. No, those are the SPOILS of war. We were at the very top and just one step away from the goal. You will open a new bank account for each currency and/or bond you are redeeming/ exchanging. 23 May. Another email about Byington rolled in to the AGO about a week later, this one from Dee Thorell, whose signature indicates she was at the time an Investigator with the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing. Think about it. The post JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 21, 2023 appeared first on Real Raw News. Judy Byington & Restored Republic Via A GCR Big Update As Of Today's Feb 07/2023#judybyington #RestoredRepublic After suffering deaths of a high school sweetheart, plus her only girlfriend, she somehow completes Army medic training, receives a nursing degree, prepares for a church mission and becomes a mother.Simultaneously led by sex-addict Head Alter J.J., intrepid alters assume frequent control, engaging in larceny and prostitution. Martial Law involves temporary substitution of MILITARY authority for civil rule and is usually invoked in a time of WAR, rebellion, or Natural disasters. Technology and space Box 95 Foreign Exchange Mon. Posts about Judy Byington written by TerraZetzz. Start of a new era. The Afghanistan crisis was fabricated. Disructive and embarrassing data that accelerates the return of legitimate President Trump. Now go find the TerraMar Project. This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. Non-grantor Fact Check: US Is NOT Under Military Law, Congress NOT Arrested, Or The door is wide open here at Before It's News and there's no other place on the internet I know of where anyone can come in off the street, post a story and get it in front of a huge audience We don't screen ANYTHING on the site, except for Terms of Service violations and when people complain. Those three countries would accept it for about another three months as the world transitioned to gold asset backed currencies, including the new gold asset backed US Treasury note. Terence Yeeke was an Oklahoma City police officer that allegedly committed suicide but was believed to be killed by the disgraced FBI. You might consider hiring a professional security company for transportation if safety is a concern. 12 days ago. Lorry Lightfoot executed at Gitmo. An Open Letter to Patients of Conspiracy Therapists, Interviews with Retractors and Victims of Conspiracy Therapists, Report Summary: Repressed memory claims in the Crime Victims Compensation Program, Signs and Symptoms of Satanic Ritual Abuse, staunch proponent of the Qanon conspiracy theory. The above was a summary of information from the Internet. ff. US And, the CIA raid proved it all. This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. Hanity, This Biden dumpster fire happened all in one day. If you do not like the default package (rates, fees, services and perks) you may be able to request to talk to someone about what you plan to do and why you need something different than being offered. For 2 million to Oceans 5? 145,000 0.21 = 30,450 These are going to be scrutinized. This email was again forwarded to Barlow, the Assistant Attorney General, and his reply (to Mascaro) is redacted in its entirety: However, it appears that Barlow replied directly to Nay with a forceful denial that Byington had any relationship with the AGO whatsoever: If Byington had any relationship with our office, I would be the contact person and I would know of her involvement. (If you have a plan or outline prepared, attach this form to front of that plan). are part of an existential insurgency that President Trump and about 1,000 White Hat high level military heroes have been fighting against this Satanic New World Order in one form or another since the Garden of Eden, but in modern times, since 1900the deconstruction and destruction of the Satanic New World Order. Well there has been more in Yunnan tonight, waiting on R3 ChongQing before the BIG BOOOOM Climax Round. What about fund protection: Does FDIC still apply, or do I need a Lloyds or Cdars Insurance for amounts over $250,000? f. Education for self and family ask what time frame is for completion. Guest Post by Judy Byington, author of "22 Faces" Tracee Gleichner June 21, 2012 Judy Byington, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., ret, has dedicated her life to humanizing and raising public awareness about the little known effects of ritual abuse and mind-control programming that tragically cause formation of multiple personalities in children . 24 May: James OKeefe. *See supplemental information for definitions. Meet with Security and Risk management team 24 May. var qs = Object.keys(params).reduce(function(a, k){ a.push(k + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[k])); return a},[]).join(String.fromCharCode(38)); Shit, Elon Musk just exposed this. Petrol & Diesel vehicles will be banned by 2025. As you read the next section of Judy Byingtons Report on the Fall of Afghanistan, think about who the major players of this event really are The Taliban I know youve heard the Taliban being severely demonized by the U.S. media for years, but really, who are the Taliban? JUDY BYINGTON BIG UPDATE Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of F. Cheat Sheet for Appointment with Supplemental Information, Fleming (Rev. By twos. Judy note, today Wednesday, 19th of April is the day they were so afraid of because everything was changing. Compiled Thurs. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. Judy Byington: books, biography, latest update Voted best in USA by Worldwide Ratings Organization. Who Founded 27 April 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington. Its about the children the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. I cant tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. San Francisco is repealing its boycott of anti-LGBT states. Understand that you will be paying for them. 20 May the RV teams received the GO to send out 1.4 million email notifications to Tier 4B currency and/or Zim Bond holders and then just after 6pm EST security codes were entered for a lockdown of the new currency rates and declaration of Value Day, both to begin at any time Sun. TRUMP is playing a CARD. Bridges, Bridges everywhere. Judy note, draining the swamp means draining the cabal's fake money and their ability to cover up election fraud, stopping their money laundering operations in Ukraine and their pushing of wars, destroying their ability to create viruses such as in the COVID scam, and destroying their ability to be supported by three letter agency crime. This is an agreement between governments. Project Cover Sheet c. Administrative Assistant There is a Submarine entrance, and tubes leading into the Pacific. "When theStarships Fly!" Kamala Harris is visiting (on vacation?) Log In to see more information about Judy Byington In six hours, three very important verified channels are changing American history. + qs; T4 = Internet group those who follow what is going on with the RV Thus, I disagree with the enduring trope The greatest trick of the Devil is to make the world believe he doesnt exist. The greatest trick of the Devil is not that he doesnt exist, but mind controlling Humanity not to believe its own Historyfrom Genesis to Revelationproving that he does exist. ELITEs have been removed. If you receive one of these packages, immediately call emergency services and or Poison Control. [EYE] of The STORM is approaching. Some faced military tribunals at Gitmo, while others would go before international courts. Establish primary irrevocable trust and any additional trusts or structures. Login. Major News: US Sponsored Human Trafficking Under Biden Regime! All complete in other parts of the World. The inauguration was a real event that was televised live by many news networks, filmed simultaneously from many different angles and thousands of people witnessed it in Washington D.C. right before their eyes. Tell them you will be needing help in setting appointments and managing those tasks. He was one of the first on the scene at the Oklahoma City bombing and kept trying to tell anyone who would listen that there was more to the story. This is where your currency/Bonds are recorded, and you are given the SKR. Listen at YouTube Structured payouts take approximately 3 months to set up. }, ^ If you have a trust, bring the cover and indemnification pages (notarized pages). 22 May from our Military Intel Contact: The US Govt has held up the GCR/RV since the Obama years. All banks around the world were connected to and using the QFS quantum financial system exclusively. Big Pharma Vaccine/Virus Labs Adrenochrome Harvesting Organ Harvesting Silk Road BTC Child Trafficking Coin All goes back to the Khazarians Bill Gates & George Soros Labs.
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