I continually tell them, You can do it, she wrote in her Teacher of the Year application. Grant High principal Vivian Orlen leaving Portland Public Schools to )f)1DDQT]qyNxtXagSzJ>`iheR#1"*2j/_Dx&$szj%b@-m]T~f7k8.X.9-P]qcq:lky|,/vvY'nB.4O g The transition, effective immediately, was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Wenk also allegedly did not follow instructions or directives from district Executive Superintendent Marisol C. Rosales, though no further description of this alleged insubordination is provided. Thats not true. But her departure as principal came after years of protests by LaGuardia students, parents, and teachers, including an hours-long sit-in hundreds of students staged on May 31st. She shares in her classroom how she became fluent in Spanish by tutoring her students in their homes over the summer break, asking their families to only speak with her in Spanish. These experiences, she said, have made her an empathetic teacher, focused on the socio-emotional needs of her students. (Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG), Teacher Laura Blackie takes a photo with her students at San Joaquin Elementary School in Laguna Hills, CA on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 4/4/2023), Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (updated 1/26/2023). Weeks later, DOE lawyer Sari Goldmeer Rellawrote a letter to both witnessesciting the complaint, and saying she needed assistance to prepare a defense. She asked them to call her. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. DeVito says kids like Cruz are not being given the same chances to succeed now. 325 0 obj <>stream (Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG), Orange Coast College teacher Kelli Elliott reacts as she is presented with a $25,000 check from Dr. Ramon Miramontes, Deputy Superintendent at the Orange County Department of Education. . Dr. Ramon Miramontes, Deputy Superintendent with the Orange County Department of Education, surprises teacher Vivian Chang at Red Hill Elementary School in Santa Ana, CA on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Orlen said she sought to bring her family closer to one of her sons, a 14-year-old who has been attending school on the East Coast for the past year to focus on ballet. PDF Community Board No 2, M John Colin, a special-ed teacher at the Lower Manhattan Arts Academy, filed a sex-discrimination complaint with the state Division of Human Rights against his boss, Principal Derek Premo. Shakeup at Manhattan high school appeases affluent families whose - MSN After a Lower East Side high school principal was accused of sexually pressing his groin against a teachers leg at a staff holiday party, a Department of Education lawyerasked witnesses for help to prepare a defense, records show. This reimagined role of superintendent will involve improved collaboration and partnerships with families, community-based organizations, colleges and universities, and local businesses. Although mostly in East Harlem, it also includes Ward's Island and Randall's Island. After informing Superintendent Carole Smith of her decision on Wednesday, she sent out a lengthy e-mail to the school community Friday morning, calling the move an "extremely difficult decision." When I came in and saw things that I thought weren't as good as . Orlen generally described the steps the district follows to find a new principal, which she said will involve getting feedback from parents and school stakeholders.. The area is experiencing a boom in housing and is welcoming middle class newcomers. Paulette Chaffee is behind him with 32% of the vote. In 2017, the music teachers had revolted against cutbacks imposed by Mars, issuing a blistering joint statement that read, in part, If your intention is to further erode morale, accelerate faculty turnover, and sabotage our dual mission by phasing out music, then your actions make sense., Neither Mars nor LaGuardia assistant principal Justin Mackey responded to requests for comment. Obviously the metrics we are using to assess worthiness for this school are broken., Under Mars, recent students say, the admissions changes were technological as well as ideological. %PDF-1.7 % The Citizen reports that O'Brien took steps to help the district prepare. King v. Bd. of Educ. of City Sch. Dist. of N.Y.C. - casetext.com He has since worked as a dental hygienist and in a medical supply company and is now in college studying business administration and finance, she said. Were not attacking her personal character or saying shes unfit for any position in general, Janovsky said. nR$}%+& E? PDF F.A.C.E. F.A.C.E. Executive Director 260 0 obj <> endobj I want to make this New York City public schools, a more parent-friendly experience. Across the county, teachers were surprised on Thursday morning, April 27, with an entourage consisting of Miramontes, district officials, representatives from SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union (the sponsor of the annual gala), family and friends. Since the students are a diverse population in different stages of their lives some have families, some are returning students, others are veterans and many balance jobs with school trying to teach them all is really difficult, especially in some of my larger classes, she said. Parents in his district were elated and relieved and surprised in the best way possible, said Deborah Alexander, a member of the parent-led Community Education Council 30. Orlen alluded to such changes in her message to the community, writing that she "had the opportunity to help shift the community dynamic from one where we fight for our own children to one where we advocate for all of our children." DOE spokeswoman Katie OHanlon would not say whether Rella is defending the DOEor Premo,or both. Growing up, Chang experienced some real emotional rollercoasters, she said. A parent who identified herself to the room as the schools PTA president said Wenk came to their meeting last Thursday and informed parents who were there that it was his last day. It was very uncomfortable because I could feel his penis on my leg, and he was leaning his face very close to mine. Orlen arrived to the Northeast Portland school in the fall of 2010 and quickly got to work pushing through controversial changes, such as limiting the number of Advanced Placement courses to help balance out offerings to help struggling students. Grant High principal Vivian Orlen pushes controversial changes -- and (@F(8h`OY#C Catch up on the most important headlines with a roundup of essential NYC stories, delivered to your inbox daily. Principal Support High School reform. It wasnt clear if petition-signers were aware of the official reason Wenk was reassigned, but Camacho said his own attempts at asking school officials for answers were unsuccessful. Washington is blunt about what LaGuardia needs next: a new principal with a passion for the arts. According to a letter sent to LaGuardia parents by Superintendent Orlens office, Orlen and Rosales are currently interviewing candidates for an interim acting principal, but there wont be an official posting for the principal job until the fall, at which point all qualified candidates, including the interim acting principal, will be able to apply. Send us asecure tip. She was really good at keeping the peace.. 0 Chang was one of six named Orange County Teacher or the Year by the Orange County Department of Education. She said Wenk is passionate about the job and has earned admiration from teachers and parents alike. Voters cast their ballot at the Orange County Registrar of Voters in Santa Ana on June 7, 2022. I would like to think that at 13 and 14 years old, you still have a chance to go to LaGuardia, regardless of what zip code you live in., In fact, complaints about the admissions process becoming less arts-focused surfaced years before Mars's arrival. Mario A. Carlos, Ed.D. - Superintendent - LinkedIn Pretending it doesnt exist is not doing any favors for our city.. Essential education reporting in New York. Cruz says that he was a C student in middle school, but when he went to LaGuardia, his grades improved. f'wN!~rq!csXhk'\?&d`5>^014$kp.IXV9iu`Z[3|]YAR+Wt8V\_Z=. Gavin Newsom that were tossed out in court. Its the real deal, Phan said. As of 2:09 p.m. on Monday, there were 612 signatures. Area 4, which covers cities including La Habra, Fullerton, Buena Park, and parts of Garden Grove and Westminster, had Tim Shaw leading with 48.4% of the 31,181 votes counted so far. About 130 internal and external candidates applied for superintendent roles, according to the Department of Education. He is beloved by all constituents in the program for his knowledge, vision and humanity, said Friedman, whos also been in the district for almost 30 years. A Department of Education lawyer told witnesses not to discuss the case. In her application, Blackie wrote about her student, Alejandro, who didnt know any English when he joined her class. I am very worried about the future of this district.. Skilled in K-12 Education, Lesson Design, Building Positive School Cultures, Professional . Alumni and Friends of LaGuardia High School - Facebook After meeting with a parent group yesterday, she said she was told they appreciated having a principal with vision who was transparent with the reasoning behind tough changes. Positive assessments of petitioner's work or performance are, in and of themselves, insufficient to establish bad faith (Muller v.New York City Dep't of Educ., 142 AD3d 618, 621 [2d Dept 2016] ["The fact that the petitioner received some favorable evaluations from her supervisors and positive recommendations from her colleagues during her probationary period was not sufficient to raise a . Once he had the students interested in racing, Sandoval said, he began incorporating tech lessons. HKo@hfo{(I(h)P$%kUa%[o}ZEU_w0KL?WZ?lU-gg8oq$P The Council of School Supervisors and Administrators, the union for principals, did not respond to a request for comment Monday afternoon, before Chalkbeat knew of the specific allegations. Her motivation is her students and the aha moments when they grasp a concept. In 1989, the student body was about 37 percent white, 34 percent black, 19 percent Hispanic, and 9 percent Asian; by 1999, it was roughly 37 percent white, 25 percent black, 21 percent Hispanic, and 16 percent Asian. Over the weekend, rumors began floating over social media that Wenk, the schools founding principal, had been fired for pushing back against potential cuts to the programs, which included dance, acting, visual arts, drawing, music classes and art history as of last school year. Dr. Paula Washington, an alumna, LaGuardia parent, LaGuardia teacher, and union chapter leader who will retire in January 2020, describes Mars as charming, beautiful, and sociopathic. She says the former principal had threatened parents and teachers who challenged her, including by convincing one teacher that she had the power to withhold her pension. Chang, Mrs. Chang, Mrs Chang, was the chorus that greeted fifth-grade teacher Vivian Chang as she walked outside her classroom, her mouth open in shock, to take in the sight of about 440 students lined up around the school quad to cheer for her. Last month, students staged an hours-long sit-in at the school to protest Mars and LaGuardia High School Change, a student group that organized the protests, was vocal online about wanting the embattled principal out. Knowing every one of my students stories is critical in order for me to be the best teacher I can be.. Elliott, he said, helps her students understand the material and how to apply those concepts to real life. Dr. Ramon Miramontes, Deputy Superintendent with the Orange County Department of Education, surprises teacher Vivian Chang at Red Hill Elementary School in Santa Ana, CA on Thursday, April 27, 2023. (Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG). Plaintiffs proposed amended complaint does not state the date of this denial but, in reply, defendants submit a letter from Vivian Orlen, Superintendent of Manhattan High Schools dated March 6, 2019, denying plaintiffs appeal (NYSCEF Doc. Embattled principal at LaGuardia High for arts resigns after backlash [emailprotected]. It has been widely reported that the protests were sparked by Mars's decision to prioritize academics over the arts. Mars did not attend LaGuardias graduation ceremony on Monday, citing personal reasons in an email to students. When she introduces something new to her students, Chang asks them to place their fingers on their chests, showing on a scale of 1 to 5 if they understood the lesson. I try to make myself available if they need me or if I am noticing that someone is slipping behind, Elliott said. The job has its fair share of challenges too, she said. In an emailed statement, DOE spokesperson Will Mantell said, "We thank Dr. Mars for her leadership, and were collaborating closely with LaGuardias community to find the next principal for the school and continue its proud history of excellence.". 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. I do my best to reach out to them.. On June 24th, shortly after she sent an email to students saying shed be skipping this years graduation, it was reported that Dr. Lisa Mars, the embattled principal of the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, was finally stepping down after six years. The board of education and superintendent races have been put under a microscope this year in a way theyve never had to face before. CONTINUE READING Manhattan HS District 333 7th Avenue, Seventh Floor NY, NY 10001 (212) 356-8569 @manhattanhs @manhattanhsdistrict 0. %%EOF Here are the top educators in Orange County this year. A petition in support of Zweig reached more than 1,200 signatures this spring yet, the DOE instead went with an acting superintendent who did not go through the town hall process and its students and teachers do not yet know. LaGuardias decreasing diversity is particularly distressing to those who graduated in the 1990s, when the school was more racially mixed. By the end of 2021, the superintendent who has led the Port Byron Central School District since 2004 will retire. CFcBK1209:nlncJ}|;),c`;t HNb{2 & But Sandovals passion for racing translates into lessons: Math problems on distance, speed and time are explained through the sport, and students turn into journalists to report on different races for their language class. We need new leadership, the group wrote in an Instagram post, which called on students and parents to press the mayor and chancellor to remove Mars. He is a regular at his students sporting events, dance recitals, family members funerals, musicals and graduations. Orlen praised. I shouldnt find out the principal is gone from my child, said one mother, to applause from the room. That raised the eyebrows of Brooklyn College and CUNY Grad Center education professor David Bloomfield. Once state testing concludes this year, Sandovals students plan to race mousetrap cars they built. "They didnt even move on this school without media attention.. Premo pressed his groin against Colins leg, under the bar-height table and kept it there during the entire 20-minute conversation, the complaint states. Her father later suffered a stroke, resulting in Chang and her brother becoming his caretakers. Lisa Mars, who oversaw LaGuardia for six years, will be taking a new position under Chief Academic Officer Linda Chen. Influenced by the story of educator Jaime Escalante in the movie Stand and Deliver, Blackie strives to instill in her students the desire, or ganas, to learn. For Cruz, LaGuardia was also a place to escape from the Bronx, and the first time in his life when he regularly interacted with people who werent black or Hispanic. Then he started telling me about how he and his husband liked to have parties, Colin wrote, adding that Premo emphasized the word parties and was looking directly into my eyes when he said it.. I should find out from the district.. "If we're going to tie the hands of. The petition was created Friday, the same day Wenk was officially removed as principal, and also called to save the schools arts classes. To enroll your child, go to the school or the nearest Family Welcome Center, not the district office. PDF Principals across our district continue to share the great work taking By showing up, he is indicating to his students that their relationships, interests and passions outside of the classroom are important to me, he said in his award application. His role as a teacher goes beyond school hours. TQ(ipGSBpzXFs 6|'eX=e8L>/V,y^fH,K 8{w T26n*9NTdep{r6K`arGGf-a+Y@\c%E>_|_\-v[.-)M.t4L62e]r]d@4t/*+zx8FQ5t=0?# kA+!mGH]\ 4+C2J`,pQe7P`"*i^M$Qc'tb|>,_t 9cW?{^N>,2G[1i`;Zf7@?e)5*Y_Uc[s]{Kt;Zoi]La}rbn4]|,{-[c[hDQ:pv~r?f7/C]&y2& 1D`q"&26qn E`= ^ydX=l%/(|UMcL,x| 1jb8gz'7a 9|}gVly ^5 Zo'2 HMNn}WrS=_8c} R.Tlc`[1S[cc;c+jdlg}h1evf5a7vLh.O:ndO0XJXswc)kBa!c?bxA,~KX`iaU5%oTG 9O!; +fj 3,WaAlN>'A9OLe#S7m3Lgvd:BVI"TVHFAa7@|u=)*+>$q=u7=6gCn+-C[mwjS_[ PtQ.U~cS8k@ Ginw5nrR8!pfjwPyU3qmd>.@dQnxN{=zBIJNDlLe$!y0h|L;TdnN{bMtL5=krkoc-U`-Zn`&AEsV~)./]R]s]5U/TLV. t1f"!UvQ|~neiLbm$*&_W'\?NwOxw JF!UHw~%6? I am really tired of this, she added. 2019 Leadership Changes at LaGuardia | Alumni & Friends of LaGuardia Colin, 56, retired this summer, saying in his complaint that he fearedretaliation by Premo and Superintendent Vivian Orlen. 23). I would also like to acknowledge the leadership of Vivian Orlen and her commitment to our Manhattan High Schools. We have lost that now.. LaGuardias student-led protest stands out for its effectiveness in ousting a principal not accused of committing a crime, misrepresenting credentials, or failing to prevent violence. Parent leaders and parents are always the last ones to find out anything that is going on in within the DOE in regards to our students, said Andrea Daniels, the president of the District 75 Presidents Council, serving kids with disabilities. Strongly agree 60% 337 Agree 34% 193 Disagree 1% 8 Strongly disagree 4% 23 Favorable:90% Q.2: My child's school clearly communicates to me about any changes to my child's schedule. This morning Superintendent Vivian Orlen introduced us to Yeou-Jey Vasconcelos, LaGuardia's new interim acting principal, and we are all extremely excited to welcome her to our amazing community of artists! On Wednesday, Manhattan High School superintendent Vivien Orlen sent an email to families notifying them that Premo, who earned $183,854, had resigned. Harassment of any kind is not tolerated at the DOE, and we are thoroughly investigating this disturbing allegation, while fully cooperating with the states investigation, she said. Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. MARISOL C. ROSALES Superintendent, VIVIAN ORLEN, Principal Leadership Facilitator . Being able to talk about something that I am really passionate about, that I hadnt done in the past, made it really fun.. Manhattan high schools Superintendent Vivian Orlen sent a letter to the LaGuardia community Monday, writing: "As we move into the summer and towards the next school year, I will continue to. PDF MARISOL C. ROSALES Superintendent, VIVIAN ORLEN, Principal Leadership (Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG), Teacher Leslie Whitaker takes a photo with family after being named one of six teachers of the year by the Orange County Department of Education on Thursday, April 27, 2023. LaGuardia High School principal is out amid backlash over academic push Nearly all of the challengers in this years campaign promised to end those lawsuits and restore a focus on the classroom, calling out the current board for politicizing the position. The elected members of the Community Education Council (CEC) approve school zoning lines and advise on education policy: CEC:Community Education Council 4, (212) 802-3050, 2351 First Avenue, Room B15, New York, NY 10035, If these offices can not answer your questions, see, www.sites.google.com/a/strongschools.nyc/manhattan-district-4/home. Nobodys happy about it. Chalkbeat obtained documents with a heading from the state education departments teacher tenure hearing unit, which list the charges against Wenk. It is a sham.. "She was strung up and vilified," said Vivian Orlen, the former superintendent of Manhattan High Schools who recruited Vasconcelos to LaGuardia. As she pursued her education and teaching credentials, she had to work three jobs to care for her family. One of the ways Elliott reaches her students is through field trips, including to the Mojave Desert, one of her favorite spots. New York City Department of Education is part of the Government industry, and located in New York, United States. The embattled principal of LaGuardia High School, a famed specialized school that focuses on the performing arts, is leaving amid a renewed wave of student pushback against her leadership. Grant High School principal Vivian Orlen, who has led Portland Public Schools' largest high school for three years, is leaving the district to return to the New York City Department of Education. Weve made the decision to reassign Dr. Wenk in the interest of students and families, Cohen said, and the superintendent is providing ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition.. (Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG), Tteacher Francisco Sandoval takes a photo with his students at Orangethorpe Elementary School in Fullerton, CA on Thursday, April 27, 2023. We've received your submission. New York City public schools announced more than a dozen new superintendents in the systems 45 districts Monday a major shake-up of the upper ranks that was met with mixed reactions from parents, teachers and advocates. NYC principal resigns following sexual harassment allegations The news triggered a deluge of complaints to Mayor Adams and Chancellor David Banks forcing Vasconcelos to call in DOE Superintendent Vivian Orlen, who oversees Manhattan high schools, for. I want a one-stop shop, Banks said of the reimagined job. Greenbaum says Mars clearly didnt understand the schools mission to help kids who are talented in the arts thrive academically as well," Greenbaum is headed to the University of Colorado at Boulder to study aerospace engineering, a field she says she never would have pursued if not for her experience in tech theater at LaGuardia, where she acquired a host of technical skills, from set building to lighting to stage management, and decided she could be an engineer. District 4 extends from East 96th Street and Second Avenue to East 125th Street and the Harlem River. New York, NY, 10011 Shakeup at Manhattan high school appeases affluent families whose kids Chang and her students also agree to a classroom constitution at the beginning of each school year, a document proudly displayed above the whiteboard. MHS is led by Superintendent Vivian Orlen and overseen by Executive Superintendent Marisol Rosales, who have been aware of our concerns and have engaged us in continuous conversation. The board and superintendent are both elected in the primary, meaning there wont be a runoff election in November. As a child, she moved with her mother to South Korea but had to move back to the U.S. two years later. H]O0#?-$BQ`LCT"+AqiC2Zj*yf2HIP2`$\A)=[;e ( Henry Mei started this petition to DOE Superintendent of Manhattan High Schools Vivian Orlen Enough. Thats what we want to see; we want to see them take things to another level and to start thinking critically., Dr. Ramon Miramontes, Deputy Superintendent with the Orange County Department of Education, surprises teacher Matthew Smith at Red Hill Lutheran School in Tustin, CA on Thursday, April 27, 2023. You can clearly tell that shes in love with what she does., Elliott decided to teach biology and environmental science at community college after teaching lab classes as a graduate student at Cal State Fullerton, particularly enjoying how she could break down concepts for students and show how biology can be something that is really enjoyable, enlightening..
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vivian orlen superintendent 2023